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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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I think that if Cedar Point is going with B&M, they should buy a WingRider. It would bring something unique and reliable to their park. I think the flyer is out because, at one point, didn't Big Dick say that we would never see a flyer at Cedar Point? I will be very dissapointed if they go with a floorless (for obvious reasons), and I think I'm in the minority when I say that I don't think a dive machine would be a very good addition, since they already have an awesome 300 ft. drop in the park already.

Luckily, B&M hasn't made a Floorless Coaster in years so I think we're good. Maybe we'll get a B&M Hyper since Cedar Point is known for its BIG coasters


Just because they haven't made one in years means nothing, they might be working on one or two right now....who knows. And really, are floorless coasters so terrible that if that is what they put in it would offend you that much? Wow, that's a shame.



My guess is that it will be B&M's first Wing Rider with rotating seats, rumored to be in the works already. A B&M 4D coaster would certainly fit with CP's past installations imo.


That is the next logical step in that design and I bet it would crap all over X2. What will be interesting to see is how they design the seat rotation. Will it be free rotation like a Zacspin or will it be controlled rotation like X2?

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I think the flyer is out because, at one point, didn't Big Dick say that we would never see a flyer at Cedar Point?


And isn't he on his way out? Don't rule out a flyer just yet. I actually would also love a Wing Coaster, but I love Flying Coasters too, so either one will be cool.


I think that if Cedar Point is going with B&M, they should buy a WingRider. It would bring something unique and reliable to their park. I think the flyer is out because, at one point, didn't Big Dick say that we would never see a flyer at Cedar Point? I will be very dissapointed if they go with a floorless (for obvious reasons), and I think I'm in the minority when I say that I don't think a dive machine would be a very good addition, since they already have an awesome 300 ft. drop in the park already.

Luckily, B&M hasn't made a Floorless Coaster in years so I think we're good. Maybe we'll get a B&M Hyper since Cedar Point is known for its BIG coasters


Are you really that negative about floorless coasters? I actually wouldn't mind one like Dominator. Besides, like someone pointed out, there is one going up in China now.


As for a B&M Hyper, they already have an Arrow Hyper, Magnum, so I think we can rule out a B&M Hyper.

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Looking for a little help. Teach me to appreciate Maverick please. I've only managed a couple of laps, so I haven't learned when and where to lean to avoid that painful neck slap. On i305 the twisties are easy to see coming. Riding defensively is tougher (for me) on this one. I'll only get one more chance to show my 6-4 son this thing's potential. As of now, he'd prefer to skip it and he's not shy of intensity. Just neck and ear chops.

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^If you're unfamiliar with the layout, watch the pov and study it a little. The next time you ride, anticipate the turns and lean in. Simple as that.

I remember my first ride. I got neck chopped on the turn out of the launch because I wasn't expecting it right away. The key difference is simply knowing that the transitions are coming. You're body should (in theory) naturally lean in to each one.

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I love floorless coasters because they are just so fun. What Cedar Point needs is a high capacity coaster. As much as I love flying coasters, there are two reasons why I don't think Cedar Point needs one. First, they aren't very high capacity and two, KIngs Island already has X-Fli...Firehawk; Cedar Point needs something that you can't get at a nearby park.

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^ Yet both parks got Windseekers and CP is said to be getting a dinosaurs alive. Just because the two parks are close, does not mean that everyone who goes to one will go to the other. CP will most likely not add a flyer for capacity reasons, not because of Firehawk. That's like saying Diamondback shouldnt have been built because theres a hyper at Cedar Point..

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^ However, Diamondback is nothing like Magnum.


But both are considered Hypers. Which is valid for the argument because I can easily say, having been on both a B&M and a Vekoma flyer, they are nothing alike either. Same "types" from different manufacturers - thats what he was talking about.

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^While that would be cool, Flying coasters take longer to load and unload than Floorless coasters, so if it was something like Dueling Dragons, it would take the capacity down on the floorless coaster. However, if they had one side (the floorless) be longer, higher, etc, so they could dispatch at different times but still have dueling elements, that could be quite cool and unique.

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How about B&M duelling Floorless vs Flying coaster? It would be something unique with high capacity and since it could be marketed as two different coasters CP could get back at SFMM at the same time!

What is so good about getting back at (the west coast park).CP is a family friendly park.....(TWCP)is meant to be a thrill park.I dont know why people want more coaster just to win a crown?!? I think CP should just focus being a famly park and let SFMM focus on what they want.

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^While that would be cool, Flying coasters take longer to load and unload than Floorless coasters, so if it was something like Dueling Dragons, it would take the capacity down on the floorless coaster. However, if they had one side (the floorless) be longer, higher, etc, so they could dispatch at different times but still have dueling elements, that could be quite cool and unique.


Knowing Cedar Point, I doubt they would do anything like that.

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What is so good about getting back at (the west coast park).CP is a family friendly park.....(TWCP)is meant to be a thrill park.I dont know why people want more coaster just to win a crown?!? I think CP should just focus being a famly park and let SFMM focus on what they want.

Family park or not, they still haven't gotten a new coaster since 2007. They're due for one.

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Family friendly and extreme thrill park can absolutely go hand in hand. Ask them, theyve been doing it since the dawn of time. Being a family park just means you create a family atmosphere of fun, security, safety and enjoyment for the whole family and having rides that cater to all categories. CP has that.


To be a thrill ride park or a family park doesnt have to be mutually exclusive from one another.

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Family friendly and extreme thrill park can absolutely go hand in hand. Ask them, theyve been doing it since the dawn of time. Being a family park just means you create a family atmosphere of fun, security, safety and enjoyment for the whole family and having rides that cater to all categories. CP has that.


To be a thrill ride park or a family park doesnt have to be mutually exclusive from one another.


I agree completely. The past few times my whole family has gone there has been no issues. We will all ride the coasters the kids are able to and then once they're sick of those they stay with my mom in the kids areas and we go off to do our own thing.

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Just got thinking of this...why hasn't CP gotten themselves a floorless already? Yes, Corkscrew is their iconic coaster, and Mavvie's a laucnh coaster. But it always seemed odd that they never had a large multi looper coaster, like SFMM has with Viper, and the same goes for GrAdv and GrAm's respective coasters. I like that they don't have alot of inversion based coasters, but it wouldn't be a bad idea.

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Just got thinking of this...why hasn't CP gotten themselves a floorless already? Yes, Corkscrew is their iconic coaster, and Mavvie's a laucnh coaster. But it always seemed odd that they never had a large multi looper coaster, like SFMM has with Viper, and the same goes for GrAdv and GrAm's respective coasters. I like that they don't have alot of inversion based coasters, but it wouldn't be a bad idea.


I agree; I think they need a nice large inversion-based coaster.

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^When was the last time a floorless coaster made everyone say "WOW!" like MF, TTD, or Maverick did their opening years?


Even to this day, Maverick still makes me go: "wow...this is crap!"


Anyways, I think a floorless would be a nice addition to the park. I could easily picture people being stunned by it...as long as they can do it right.

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I still have never heard a decent argument as to why Maverick is crap other than the whole restraint thing. Airtime, quick turns, a great launch, two Stengel dives, crazy first drop. Pretty much has everything you need, just suck it up and have fun. The whole "pain" argument for Maverick and Magnum are pretty overdone, but that's just my opinion. I could ride Maverick and 1:3 on Magnum till Rapture.

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I don't find Magnum rough at all. However, Maverick is so over-rated. There's too much whiplash and it's just not a fun coaster. The only good part is the lauch in the tunnel but they have to use trim brakes right after it so that makes it pointless just like Formula Rossa. Some people like the sharp twists and turns, but I'm not a fan...at least how Maverick uses them. They are just too quick; if they were a little less forceful they'd be more enjoyable. It seems like Cedar Point tried too hard.

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