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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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World famous Pink's gourmet hot dogs are coming to Cedar Point in 2011.


"Yesterday you told us which celebrity you’d like to ride with, today we show you where your celebrity might want to eat this summer at Cedar Point! Here’s your first look at Pink’s, serving world renown gourmet hot dogs and a Hollywood hot spot for more than 71 years." - From Cedar Points Facebook. pinks.jpg.095fbe7f153116edf504a168b5c82104.jpg

Rendering of the Pink's stand.


It will be located right behind Toft's Blue barn, and right next to Lotsapalooza at the front of the park.

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I wonder if this will be "franchise" location similar to how you can get Nathan's Hot Dogs at some service plazas on the Ohio Turnpike but they are just their branded dogs on a hot dog cart. The difference between one of those dogs or a pack of Nathan's you buy at the store vs getting an actual dog at Coney Island, is night and day.


I hope that they cook these dogs to the same style that they do in LA. I think it would be cool if they had like statues of celebs in line or something, or put up the framed pictures of celebs on the wall.


I'd still prefer Nathan's though.

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^Yeah it's an L.A. thing. It just makes me wonder how well it will work in Northern Ohio. I'm not sure what Knott's charges for a dog but that will be a major thing here. A simple combo meal at the Chic-Fil-A in the park will run you close to $10, which is way too much. Plus the Pink's location is not really in the best of locations. In fact I think that it will be covering up the major employee entrance to the park.


What I'd really like to see happen here, is not in the park but in town instead. Sandusky has such a capability to be a tourist hotspot. I mean, hell, they gets crazy amounts of people everyday in town. Why can't Cleveland Ave have some mini golf courses, go karts, motion simulators, anything. Instead it has an abandoned old McDonalds that got a sheet metal facade, a closed strip of restaurants, a dollar general, a parking lot that's never used, and a closed hotel or two. Sandusky could become a Wisconsin Dells or Pigeon Forge. The city doesn't need any more indoor water parks, Kalihari has a hold on that in the area, but there is such a need for other things.


Another MAJOR problem is that EVERYTHING (besides Diana's and Steak and Shake) close at 9-10pm. When the park closes at 10, you have tons of guests that may want to get some food before heading out of town but mainly, you have all the employees who want some food and can't get any because every place in town is closed. Places need to stay open later or there need to be more 24 hour joints.


Ok, I'm done ranting. I've never had a pink dog but if it's tasty, then there goes a bunch of money out of my wallet.

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^I do know that there is the one go kart track/ mini golf place near the Sandusky Mall and Great Wolf Lodge on Milan Road, but again, those are a bit out of the way of the main thoroughfare. Even just to clean up the drive from Rye Beach Road out to the park would be nice.


But at the same time, a part of me seems to enjoy the lack of tourist traps along that strip. I enjoy having the park feel like it's in the middle of nowhere as it pops up out of the bay, which is so much different than even Kings Island to the south.

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^ Is that place that was called Sport's City down on 250 still there? When I worked up there we used to frequent that place a lot, as well as Goofy Golf up closer to the park. It had and awesome kart track. If you know where to go, there were quite a few places that were open all night and that is where most of the employees went to eat after a long day. But then again, this was way back in 93.......


Did a little searching....nevermind





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Another MAJOR problem is that EVERYTHING (besides Diana's and Steak and Shake) close at 9-10pm. When the park closes at 10, you have tons of guests that may want to get some food before heading out of town but mainly, you have all the employees who want some food and can't get any because every place in town is closed. Places need to stay open later or there need to be more 24 hour joints.

Taco Bell and Buffalo Wild Wings were always open late the two years I worked at CP. I'm not sure how much of my pay from CP went to those two places, Steak and Shake, and the Subway in the rec center, but it had to be at least 50%.

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^I forgot about TB, but the dining room always closed early. When I worked on Dragster we would all go and order in the drive thru and eat on the curb there. Buffalo Wild Wings is just over rated and kinda far down 250.


And yeah the Sports City closed and Goofy Golf is there, behind a bunch of buildings. There is so much land that could be used on Cleveland Ave that could be utilized for making money. And no matter how touristy the area gets, nothing will take away from that sight when you turn onto the causeway and see the park out over the bay. So the park will always have that middle of no where feel. This town just needs more money flowing, which could happen. Don't get me started on how much downtown needs a face lift and what it could become with some tlc.

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^Taco Fish is right next to Bdubs (Taco Bell/Long John Silvers), but we always went to the one down Perkins. It's closer.


PS-BDubs wings are always over priced and they got rid of the Smokey Southwest, they don't exist for me anymore.


I kind of agree. Even with the CP discount it was kind of overrated...it even got old after a few times.

Sometimes the Dragster crew would get some Taco Fish and then go eat at Coldstone in the grass

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So it looks like Boyfriend's graduation doesn't start until 230 that Friday, and so we won't be up until 11pm or so. Does the park close the parking lot to incoming cars once the park closes at ten, or would we still be able to take advantage of that last hour of ERT?


I think we've decided to spend a few hours there on Sunday to make up for it. Then on to Kings Island and Kennywood!

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Buffalo Wild Wings is just over rated and kinda far down 250.


Gotta agree with you there...they have one in Erie and I was quite disappointed. Wings were small, undercooked (not quite sure how you can undercook small wings, but they did), overpriced and the sauce wasn't all that great.


Perhaps it was just the store we ate at and other locales are better, but I have yet to visit another one on my travels. I would try another one, but am reluctant only because I'm spoiled by the wings in Western NY. Sounds like they got rid of some good flavors. Which sauce (that is currently on the menu) is the best should we decide to visit again? FYI...I prefer hot and spicy wings over sweet.


I actually prefer Quaker Steak and Lube's wings over BDubs, but even they aren't anything close to real Buffalo wings. Although I have to admit that I do like their Louisiana Licker sauce mixed with some XXtra hot sauce...extra crispy!


Most people from the Buffalo area make fun of BDubs when comparing it to all the local places around here that serve them. The best place to get them besides Duffs or the Anchor Bar in Buffalo are some of the small dive bars all over Western NY.


I have had wings in a lot of places around the country and I am still baffled by the fact that there are so many places that have no clue how to properly cook them. How hard is throwing them in the deep fryer (thawed) till they float and then toss them in your favorite sauce? I think there are too many places that cook them frozen which is never a good thing.


Also had to laugh at the wings at the Thirsty Pony on the corner of the CP Causeway entrance...those are chicken wings? YIKES!

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I'm a cook at a BWW in Pittsburgh (just got promoted) and I cook 'em with the deep fryer.


Back on Topic- Are Coastermania ERT sessions busy?


In 2008, Friday night was absolutely packed (45 minutes for Maverick!), Saturday morning was absolutely empty until around 7-730am, and Saturday night was also pretty empty, with maybe a two-train wait for some rows of Raptor and a one-swing wait max for MaxAir.

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When BDubs got rid of the Thai sauce part of my soul died.


But it's still totally delicious.


They have thai curry sauce that is killer. As a matter of fact, I am eating some right now.


It is good, but it tastes more like Indian food than Thai, at least to me. Plus there's no peanut butter in it!

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