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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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I don't understand the negativity from a lot of people on STR that haven't even rode it. I've been on it and I had a blast. Now with that said I came to the park in a bathing suit and had dry clothes in a bin with a lock on it ( ) so I was prepared to get wet and be wet. And yes you do get soaked! The only thing that is disappinting about it is the downtime imo....... LOCKERS!

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I rode str, and was disappointed.


There is a void in the park, ever since the got rid of white water landing. The new ride gets you soaked, you can't pick where you want to sit, it's a boring ride,the whole mess with the height restriction left a bad taste in my mouth as well. If you want to get soaked, go on snake river falls, or thunder canyon. Where is the option of going on a water ride and not having to ring your clothes out?


I (and many other people), would like to go on a water ride and just get splashed, and not soaked. Just enough to cool you off. Just because it's a water ride, does not mean that you have to get soaked. Log flumes are very popular rides at almost every park you go to. I went on a east coast trip last year, and the weather was in the upper 80's. The rapids rides had maybe a 10 min wait, while the log rides had up to an hour wait. That was what I had seen from 9 different parks on the same trip. The only reason I know this, is because we went on most of the log flume rides.

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If you want to get soaked, go on snake river falls, or thunder canyon. Where is the option of going on a water ride and not having to ring your clothes out?


You have no idea how much I agree with this statement. On a hot day, I want to cool off without being wet for the entire day. On CP's three water rides, you get soaked, soaked, and soaked. Now where can I just cool off?


Answer: the mister in line for the Magnum.

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I've never gotten soaked on STR, with Thunder Canyon and Snake River Falls you get soaked and your soaked for liked 2hrs, STR can soak you but I'm usually dry within 30min if I'm riding in the front seat or 15 if I'm towards the back, a Waveswinger or Skyhawk ride always helps but I think it was a solid addition to the park, the wait has gone up dramatically since it opened to around 45min-1hr everytime i check besides night rides. Its a fun ride to ride at night, and everyone who I've gone on with enjoys it, and the down time might not be fixed by the end of they year but nowadays how many rides open flawlessly their opening season. I still think its a great addition and I don't understand the hatred for the ride? Its a water ride you get wet, deal.

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Instead of STR CP should have gotten a Mack Watercoaster about the same size because:


- it would have probably been a little cheaper

- they could have added a new water ride and rollercoaster at the same time

- a watercoaster is more fun to ride than STR


Agreed on all 3. But they can't afford it now, and it's their own fault.

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^Nope. PointBuzz wrote the book on psychotic fanboyism (and then KDFansite rewrote it and added a few chapters). There are TONS more rational and lucid posters on TPR than PointBuzz. Sure, there are fanboys on here, but to even suggest that this site is like PointBuzz is laughable. Believe me, I used to post on there.


Man, you got that right. Steer clear of PB.

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I don't understand why alot of you guys dislike STR. I had a blast on my one and only ride on it a few weeks ago. I enjoyed the waterfalls and water guns. I was sitting in the front and got completely soaked on it. My only problem with it is that unless I am wearing a bathing suit its not very re-rideable, because I got unbelievebly soaked on it. Of course I was sitting in the front row.

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It looks like there was some pretty severe weather at the park today. Apparently they issued a tornado warning in the area.


There is some good news. Based on the webcam, it doesn't look like any trashcans were harmed during the storm...



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It looks like there was some pretty severe weather at the park today. Apparently they issued a tornado warning in the area.


There is some good news. Based on the webcam, it doesn't look like any trashcans were harmed during the storm...


Yup... really severe weather Left the park around 8 and was racing the storm home, apparently the extra ride night still happened for Maverick and Shoot The Rapids, I don't know how they could do that seeing how it's still raining in the area.

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It looks like there was some pretty severe weather at the park today. Apparently they issued a tornado warning in the area.


There is some good news. Based on the webcam, it doesn't look like any trashcans were harmed during the storm...


Yup... really severe weather Left the park around 8 and was racing the storm home, apparently the extra ride night still happened for Maverick and Shoot The Rapids, I don't know how they could do that seeing how it's still raining in the area.


STR's ERT was apparently cancelled, but Maverick's was still scheduled to continue.

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Just got back from ERT. Maverick was a go, Shoot the Rapids was not. It rained very hard with consistant lightning until about 9:30.


As for Pointbuzz, they have pages and pages of the most pointless arguments (it's quite entertaining sometimes). Some of them rank right up there with KDfansite nonsense.

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Wow, we got lucky with CP today. Left the park around 3pm for Waldameer but still managed to ride MF, Mav twice, TTD, Magnum, STR, Skyhawk and more. That's just strange because it was absolutely beautiful when we left. We have been super lucky with the weather this week!


Yes the weather here can change very suddenly. Apparently a tornado did touch down south of Port Clinton and moved towards Bellevue. Whats funny is almost as sudden as it all started, after about an hour it had all stopped and was dead silent outside.

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The weather channel is almost useless anymore. It seems like everytime I turn it on, storm stories is on.I think the purpose of the weather channel is....wait for it............WEATHER!!!.


Not storm stories or other shows. I expect to be able to see the actual weather when I turn it on.

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