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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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^I think Cedar Fair will continue to use Intamin rides. Yes there have been quite a few problems with their rides over the last few years, but all of the rides have completely exceded expectations. Also there are not that many companies that are willing to build the mammoth coasters that Intamin builds. S&S already drastically failed (Ring Racer) and B&M will never attempt anything like that.

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My brother got a ride on it last night, during an employee preview. He got there at 10:15pm, and didn't board till around 1 am. He said they kept having a lot of problems with it. The boats would stop on the hills, and all that. Once he did get on he said it was pretty neat. He was located in the middle of the boat, and said he got fairly wet. He also stated that the Front gets soaked, and the left side gets hit by the water fall and it would all have felt better if it was 90 degrees as opposed to 70.

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^ Skyhawk is definitely more reliable than MaxAir, but I still like MaxAir better. HUSS FTW!


So are the rumors about STR opening this weekend true, or am I just getting messed with? I really want it to be open by July so I can ride it with my brother (he'll most likely never ride it if it's not open; he's a Marine).


BTW, who's going to ERT tonight?

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So are the rumors about STR opening this weekend true, or am I just getting messed with? I really want it to be open by July so I can ride it with my brother (he'll most likely never ride it if it's not open; he's a Marine).


I've been told by someone who works there that there's a very good chance it won't be open Saturday.

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So are the rumors about STR opening this weekend true, or am I just getting messed with? I really want it to be open by July so I can ride it with my brother (he'll most likely never ride it if it's not open; he's a Marine).


I've been told by someone who works there that there's a very good chance it won't be open Saturday.


I have also heard it is having issues again, even with the new boats.

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So are the rumors about STR opening this weekend true, or am I just getting messed with? I really want it to be open by July so I can ride it with my brother (he'll most likely never ride it if it's not open; he's a Marine).


I've been told by someone who works there that there's a very good chance it won't be open Saturday.


I have also heard it is having issues again, even with the new boats.


I wonder with all of the problems if Intamin has discounted the ride.

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^ I'd assume so. It's been down for two months! There are limits between acceptable downtime for a new ride and the ride not being rideable for a while. I don't want to overeact like the people from Point Buzz, but this is getting out of hand.

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^Nope. Definitely means they're getting a B&M. Because they have water dummies pre-ordered for a coaster that's going to be built next year and are using those pre-ordered water dummies to test on their new flume made by a different manufacturer. And Bolliger spoke at Coastermania. And Bacon and Mayo are the best ingredients of a BLT sandwich. Not to mention BMWs are great cars. All of this points to a B&M next year at Cedar Point! Book it!

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I wonder with all of the problems if Intamin has discounted the ride.

Is this common practice? And has CF actually lost an appreciable amount of money due to the delays and changes, or will the financial losses get paved over and forgotten quickly? (Yes, I know saving money is always important, but I would think their budget would be designed to accomodate potential setbacks.)

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^I obviously don't know the specifics behind the contract between CP and Intamin for this ride, but I do know for a fact that there are almost always clauses protecting the buyer from delays like this. I've got to imagine that CP hasn't had to foot the bill for the replacement boats and/or the modifications they had to make on the first set of boats, and that Intamin could also be paying them back out of pocket each day this thing doesn't open. Like I said, I don't know the actual language of the deal, but that's a pretty educated speculation.

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So are the rumors about STR opening this weekend true, or am I just getting messed with? I really want it to be open by July so I can ride it with my brother (he'll most likely never ride it if it's not open; he's a Marine).


I've been told by someone who works there that there's a very good chance it won't be open Saturday.

As of the ride night at about 11 pm, Shoot the Rapids is still ready to go today . Also I was watching it test at full capacity (STR was testing most of the day) with no problems I could see.

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^^Thanks, that info makes the idea seem much more plausible. I'm sure you're on the right track in your speculation.

I guess a plain old "discount" sounded kinda tacky to me, but paying to make up for specific problems definitely sounds like a good business practice.

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So are the rumors about STR opening this weekend true, or am I just getting messed with? I really want it to be open by July so I can ride it with my brother (he'll most likely never ride it if it's not open; he's a Marine).


I've been told by someone who works there that there's a very good chance it won't be open Saturday.

As of the ride night at about 11 pm, Shoot the Rapids is still ready to go today . Also I was watching it test at full capacity (STR was testing most of the day) with no problems I could see.


Well that's good news then! Hopefully the monkey is off their back on this one.

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