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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Think about where it valleyed. The train is specifically designed to go through that part of the ride very slowly in case the MCBR stops the train. A normal valleying just doesn't seem logical in that spot

Like I said, it has been done there before, Ive seen it. Even with a full train of guests on a cold morning it just barely makes it through that corkscrew, were talking creeping speeds. It is no surprise to me at all that it stalled out there because of its slow speed after the MCB, especially since it had no guests and it was chilly.

I guess the only way we will know is when it reopens. If it is open today, it was just a normal valley. If it opens later in the week, it was most likely something else.

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I also got a kick out of the person who said earlier in this thread that "CP hasn't got a coaster since 2007" as if thats a long time ago! lol


Raptor: 1994

Mantis: 1996

Woodstock Express: 1999

Millenium Force: 2000

Wicked Twister: 2002

Top Thrill Dragster: 2003

Maverick: 2007


I haven't said that four years is a long time. But look at that timeline: Usually, there hasn't been more than 3 years between the coasters (4 years between Dragster and Maverick).


I'm just pointing out that there's still a chance they may get a coaster next year. Next season, it'll be 4 years - even though I wouldn't mind them getting a flatride

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Ohio GP get very angry when CP goes more than two years without a new coaster. Yesterday I heard many people complaining that CP only got a "lame/stupid" new water ride this year that doesn't even work.


Exactly. I read that all the time, too.

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^Thats cool you were just pointing it out. It made me think of the people that expect one every other year or so. The park sure has boomed installing ones quite frequently thats for sure! I am hoping when they do add one, 2011 or not that its wood. That would help round off the collection a bit since they don't have a real good one there.

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Ohio GP get very angry when CP goes more than two years without a new coaster. Yesterday I heard many people complaining that CP only got a "lame/stupid" new water ride this year that doesn't even work.

Does anybody else see what's wrong with Cedar Point's reputation? They're known for their coasters and are known to add a brand new one every couple of years. Even though they have a bunch of flatrides and a kiddy section, Cedar Point is known as a thrill seeker's paradise. They added a new family log flume this year and parts of the general public are complaining. I think that Shoot the Rapids was a good investment, but until the general public understands and appreciates these non-coaster additions, I think that Cedar Point will be in trouble in the long run.

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^ I don't know if it will ever be fully appreciated because of that reputation, but it's still a very nice ride. It seems more like a "conveniently there when it's hot" type of ride, and not so much a ride that the GP is going to eat right up...at least not right away. While it doesn't seem like it now, I'm sure the GP will be dying to ride it, and in turn, thankful it's there when it's 100 degrees.

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This is one of the reasons I'm against adding thrill rides every year or to. While they are a lot of fun, people begin to expect them, and they get upset if one isn't added every other season. Parks that seem to stick to schedules like that don't seem to be that great, but if thrill rides are added only every once in a while with a lot of family rides added between those times, the parks seem to be a lot better in terms of quality. I'd also be skeptical about who in the GP is complaining. I'm sure families aren't complaining about the fact that a large coaster isn't being added, but rather it's the teenagers and thrill seekers who only care about the next coaster Cedar Point builds.

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In the new press release from Kinzel,on pg. 30 of the Cedar Fair discussion, he mentions how he is committed to keeping CP's title as coaster capitol of the world in tact. With MM poised to take the crown, I would say that this is a strong suggestion that CP will be getting a new coaster probably in 2011. But it is still early, heck the 2010 ride hasn't even opened yet! I'm not going to speculate anymore than this until I see track showing up in the field next to Breakers Express.

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I find it funny that speculation has begun for the next new ride before the current new ride has even opened.

Welcome to a coaster enthusiast forum!

While we're at it, lets start discussing 2015. I'm going with the 500 foot inverted wooden looping launching coaster


^I guess it was just a valley. One more reason to hate opening weekend . Kudos to CP getting it running so fast.

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I was beaten to it, but Mantis was open all day, with one train operation. It began testing rather early, around 8:25, opened with the park at ten.


LOTS of rain today, almost non-stop from 10AM to now, got heavy around 5PM today. Lots of people in the park for Physics day (30 min wait for corkscrew AND Meanstreak!), they left in droves.


Raptor and Gemini never tested, Top Thrill tested one (rollback) train. Maverick and Wildcat were drowned post-10:30. MForce (opened at noonish), Magnum, Mantis, CCMR, Meanstreak and Corkscrew all ran with one train all day. Still managed 9 Magnum rides and 3 Millennium rides post 6:15(45 min shutdown for heavy rain), by that point it was non-stop rain. Exceptionally crappy day in most aspects, I still had some good fun.

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I too was at the park on Monday and hated the amount of rain that fell. The only coasters that I managed to get on was Wicked Twister and Blue Streak. We made the most of it and spent just over an hour in the Red Garter to stay out of the rain. At around 6:30 I went to get a ride on Millenium and as soon as I set foot in the station it went down for weather. So I decided to go and join my boyfriend and our daughter and have an ERT on the Dodgems. I would have to say that was the most fun I have ever had on those things. The ride ops just let us stay on it and they restarted it after each cycle was done. Normally you would not be able to do that at Cedar Point but with the rain and all, I think the ride ops just wanted us to have fun at the end of the day. By the time we left the park, I was drenched from head to toe and I am still feeling the dampness. I hope to make it there again in the near future and hopefully go on a day where there is NO RAIN in the forecast.

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Found out the exact reason why Shoot The Rapids opening day was delayed till May 29th:


"Shoot the Rapids also has been delayed because of an engineering problem.


"Basically, we had trouble with the boats," Kinzel said Monday. "It's more of an engineering problem than a safety problem."


"The manufacturer made the flume, and he contracted out the boats," Kinzel said. "When the boats came together, the boats didn't fit the flumes."


Kinzel said workers have been busy all week trying to modify the boats, which were too long and didn't go over the top of the hill properly. That can destroy the flume, he said" Link attached.


Can't wait to ride STR! On opening day I checked out the viewing area and it has 8 water canons, 4 for at the beginning of the first lift hill and the other 4 at the second lift hill. For a quarter you can fire one shot and get the some of the riders wet before they start the lift hill. The water canons were operating on Saturday and you will get wet on this ride!





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"The manufacturer made the flume, and he contracted out the boats," Kinzel said. "When the boats came together, the boats didn't fit the flumes."




Kinzel said workers have been busy all week trying to modify the boats.


How do you "modify" a boat that's too long? How much could they possibly take off without affecting boat integrity? But that's why they run the place and I'm just a guest.


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