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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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I've really been looking forward to see how it looks like.



It looks awesome at the final drop !


ADMIN EDIT: I went ahead and embedded the video using the "youtube" button in the reply tool. Remember that this is an option to use in the future when posting Youtube videos.

Edited by jedimaster1227
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^ Don't worry, I think MilleniumFan's sources aren't the best. Here's what he posted about Shoot The Rapids last year


The extra money is being spend on alot of theming from what I hear. The POV shows none of the theming but I hear it will be heavily themed


Excuse me?


Also if you look at STR it is ALOT more themed then what the POV shows. STR is the heaviest themed ride at CP right now...

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Excuse me?


Also if you look at STR it is ALOT more themed then what the POV shows. STR is the heaviest themed ride at CP right now...


Huh? It looks ridiculously close to the concept image. Some rockwork and a tunnel. Where's the other theming?

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Just got back from CP and something crazy happened to Mantis. At first it looked like it valleyed but after looking closer the front of the train is not even close to the bottom of the drop.2115310918_MantisStuck.jpg.746263d73e8a6170998a7fc13938b60a.jpg

The train is stopped close to the bottom of the MCBR drop.

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^^Are you sure they weren't in the process of hoisting it back up to the MCB? They could have even stopped for a break and just had the train strapped in that position. On the webcam this morning, it looked as if the train was indeed at the bottom of the drop and not where it is at in that picture.

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^^Well if they had it strapped to the track it could have been hard to see that. If they did it like I have seen done before, they just strap it to the spine just behind the train so there is a chance it wasn't visible. I do know though that the train was further down the track at the bottom earlier today.

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I don't want to sound like a pathetic fanboy, but, a TopSpin would be a bit of a letdown considering they haven't gotten a new coaster since 2007. CP seems to be richly equipped when it comes to flatrides.


To late lol


I feel compelled to point out most of Cedar Points flats are very family orientated, while nothing wrong with that, there's only one that fully inverts (Chaos) one that basically does (Witches Wheel) and two that get your heels above your head, but not by much (Screamin Swing and MaxAir both at 120°) so something like a Top Spin would work very well for the park, and in my eyes is really needed.

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I think we should wait for the ride to at least open before anybody starts judging STR on how great the themeing or lack of themeing is. It does seem to be promising that there will be some surprises. From the crystal rock bottle company signs (and not just the ones on the station but the rustic steel signs all over the buildings around the ride) and the facades the pump houses received these are some promising signs the ride will have some good themeing elements to it. We don't know what (if anything) will all happen in the tunnel or on the island, but with the strong suggestions throughout construction that the storyline of the Camfield's vs. MaGee's will be continued, I think we can expect some sort of interactive element of the ride wether it be animatronics or themed water/spraying/exploding elements.

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Already the Paddlewheel Excursions spiel has been updated to describe a bit of the backstory, and there's even a new piece of themeing related to Shoot the Rapids added. I won't post the spoilers here, go and see it/hear it for yourself. I watched the ride test for a couple minutes and I'm actually impressed. I'm sure all of the water features weren't on yet, but the drops themselves don't look like they'll get you all that soaked as far as the splash goes. I also got to talk with a couple of the crew members, and they seem really excited about the season. I think Shoot the Rapids is going to be a really great thing for the park this year, despite so many people complaining about it.

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Huh? It looks ridiculously close to the concept image. Some rockwork and a tunnel. Where's the other theming?


I was there on opening day as well, the entire area of STR is very nice and in my opinion, very well themed.


It really does not matter, fault can always be found for something, which frequently happens for some reason when people discuss CP.

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Upon looking at the pix of STR and the surrounding area, I have two questions:


1) Why didn't they bridge over, or tunnel under the train tracks? I mean Mantis opened with a crossing and they took it out because it was a pain.


2) Why did they ever get ride of the captain uniforms from Paddle-Wheel?

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^^Well if they had it strapped to the track it could have been hard to see that. If they did it like I have seen done before, they just strap it to the spine just behind the train so there is a chance it wasn't visible. I do know though that the train was further down the track at the bottom earlier today.

Think about where it valleyed. The train is specifically designed to go through that part of the ride very slowly in case the MCBR stops the train. A normal valleying just doesn't seem logical in that spot.


^^1) Would you really want to be standing on a bridge when a coal powered train goes under you? Most people wouldn't want to be breathing in black smoke.

2) I have no idea why they got rid of those uniforms but they haven't used those in a long time (I think since 2004).

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Think about where it valleyed. The train is specifically designed to go through that part of the ride very slowly in case the MCBR stops the train. A normal valleying just doesn't seem logical in that spot

Like I said, it has been done there before, Ive seen it. Even with a full train of guests on a cold morning it just barely makes it through that corkscrew, were talking creeping speeds. It is no surprise to me at all that it stalled out there because of its slow speed after the MCB, especially since it had no guests and it was chilly.

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^I saw no difference. They replaced some seatbelts and lap bars on both MF and TTD and they looked the same to me. Doesn't this rumor get started anytime they replace worn out belts?


As for the 2011 rumors that will start going now, I love how everyone says it won't be a coaster because of what was said. Does anyone think this was said purposely? Their new for 2010 ride hasn't even opened yet so I highly doubt he would want to point out that its a coaster (if it is) and take some attention from what they are opening now.


I also got a kick out of the person who said earlier in this thread that "CP hasn't got a coaster since 2007" as if thats a long time ago! lol

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