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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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What if Intamin wasn't a company who push the limits with their rides? Think about all the great coasters we wouldn't have like Bizzaro, Millennium Force, Maverick, and El Toro. If Intamin wanted to play it safe, who knows where the amusement industry would be today. Most likely there would be no coaster anywhere close to 300 feet, let alone 400 feet. For a company who can achieve success like this, I would gladly accept any amount of downtime for the amazing rides they can create. If anybody can find a way to make amazing and incredible rides like they do without the problems, I'm sure Intamin would listen. Until then, no one has the right to bash Intamin or even Cedar Point.

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Reading over these quotes are hilarious, but this one is just sad: "Yes, choosing Intamin was not the best idea ever, given their history." Intamin's history kicks the @$$ of any other company. And this is coming from a B&M fanboy!


Anyways, still pumped for opening day. Hitting up Mantis first, then Millie. I still think there should be a Blue Streak meet-up though.

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What if Intamin wasn't a company who push the limits with their rides? Think about all the great coasters we wouldn't have like Bizzaro, Millennium Force, Maverick, and El Toro. If Intamin wanted to play it safe, who knows where the amusement industry would be today. Most likely there would be no coaster anywhere close to 300 feet, let alone 400 feet. For a company who can achieve success like this, I would gladly accept any amount of downtime for the amazing rides they can create. If anybody can find a way to make amazing and incredible rides like they do without the problems, I'm sure Intamin would listen. Until then, no one has the right to bash Intamin or even Cedar Point.


Couldn't agree with you more!! I love Intamain and I'm willing to wait however long I have to for alot of their new rides to open. The only way I would really complain is if the ride opened like the last day ofthe season or a year after a ride was suppose to open. But i doubt that would happen. But living in PA and waiting for Sky Rocket to open I can understand some people being disappointed. You just have to realize some people have very busy schedules and can maybe only attend the park during the very beginning of the season and with the ride being closed forces them to have to make another trip or wait another season. Can you imagine people living far distances like California and having to book airfare and hotels spending lots of money to come all the way to the park. Some people plan months in advance and with just a couple days to a weeks notice you cant expect them to be able to cancel their trip, get refunds and just replan it. And that doesnt just go for STR thats pretty much any delayed ride. So I have to agree with both sides of the arguement.

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I do see your point about people planning trips for a certain new ride and all that fun stuff, and yeah it sucks for those people that plan these trips and the ride is delayed in opening. However...I'm struggling to think of anyone who would plan a trip to Cedar Point ONLY because of STR. Yeah its pretty cool...but its nothing ground breaking.

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I just don't understand why Kinzel stated in the article that, of STR's 4 boats, only 2 have been modified...considering the ride was supposed to open with 10 boats.

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^I agree. To me, that's the most confusing part. I thought it was supposed to have 10 boats, yet they are opening with 4. Are they gradually working up to that many boats? Are they trying to see what number of boats provides the most efficient operation (similar to TTD only using 5 trains instead of 6)? I imagine once they get it operating fully they can determine the best course of action with the boats, so if they don't need 10, they won't receive all 10. That also makes me wonder if they have paid for 10 boats up front or if they pay for them once they actually get them. If they figure out they can run it efficiently with less than 10 and save some money in the process, then it's a win-win situation for the park.

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^ Idk if he rides for this, but the first public train of each day is always trim less on Mantis


Offtopic but, why is it JUST the very first ride? Aren't these trims always on? Harder or softer, they'll always grab the train.


And the 4-boat thing. Maybe CP only has 4 right now and they will try to run the ride with more boats as soon as the rides proves to be reliable enough. I mean, 4 boats would mean only 40 people per cycle (that if all go out full). If a cycle takes up to 3 minutes, that's "only" 80 boats an hour... 800 pph. If I remember, the ride stats said STR would have a capacity of 1200 pph.

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And the 4-boat thing. Maybe CP only has 4 right now



Well, they have at least FIVE boats:


Well, I was at the park today getting my season pass processed, and avoiding severe thunderstorms in the area, while I was driving along and saw these little beauties.






Sorry about the poor quality, I only had my DSi to take pictures with but seeing these made me even move excited for opening day. Only 20 days left

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The mentioning of 4 boats had to be a typo on the Registers part, that newspaper (if you can call it that) can't get anything right. The park does indeed have 10 boats and they are on property, or at least they were last month when I saw them.

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I'll join you pingu.


I'll probably get me some Millennium, then some Blue Streak. Then laugh at my friends waiting in line for season passes, then ride Wicked Twister, then ride Dem...Then ride Magnum, then ride Maverick, then ride Mantis, then ride Blue Streak again, then laugh at my friends aga-


Screw it. I am riding Mean Streak first.


In all seriousness, I don't know what to ride first.

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I'm struggling to think of anyone who would plan a trip to Cedar Point ONLY because of STR. .

I'm planning my trip depending on when STR opens. But then again I'm only 2 hours away from Cedar Point. So it easily is like a day trip for me.

Anyways can't wait to go cause I finally got a Platinum Pass. WOOT WOOT

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