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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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I'll be there on opening day, I'm taking a bunch of people from work down for the day, since we get in for free as Cedar Fair employees. Honestly, I think I'm looking forward to Shoot the Rapids more than riding any coaster at this point.

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^ with the mishaps Cedar Point has had the last couple seasons with Intamin rides, I'm worried about ride performance more then the height requirement. If testing is going to TAKE longer then expected, what's going to happen to it also later on the 10' season?


Maverick had this problem too with late opening, but that was more legit with the inline-twist having to be removed.


Oh well, I'll be there for two days on Memorial Day Weekend. I'll ride it Saturday on our planned "re-ride our favorites" day.




(I'm honestly sorry if I sound like an ass, but seriously for the last few seasons these tech glitches have disappointed me to no end. NO FREAKING END. Damn Intamins'! )

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Here's an easier access.


CP's Facebook: Shoot the Rapids will open on May 29. We apologize for the delay. Visit our news page for more information. We'll keep you updated on the progress and if it opens sooner.






Here's an update on the progress of Shoot the Rapids. Unfortunately, the ride will not open this Saturday, May 15 as we continue final testing on the ride.


Of course, we're bummed, but know that we're committed to making Shoot the Rapids one of the best ride experiences at Cedar Point.


Right now, the ride is scheduled to open Saturday, May 29.


Stay tuned for official details and updates here, and on our Twitter page.


Thanks for your patience.

-Tony and Tyler

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Problems with an Intamin?! Never!!!


I'm not bitter that the ride isn't going to open, I'm more entertained by the fact that yet another Intamin ride has yet another problem. Don't get me wrong, I love their rides, I just think people put a little too much faith that Intamin rides will run *perfectly*.


Yes, for all we know it could be an issue with the pumps, or a building didn't get finished on time, I'm just laughing at all the folks that are freaking out over this.

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I don't think people are freaking out, I just think that you are seeing the backlash of yet another intimin problem. Sure I am a little bummed about the ride not being open on time, but it would probaly be too cold this weekend to ride it anyways.



Freaking out....no

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Go visit the pointbuzz forums and read the end of the Shoot the Rapids thread:


"I Knew in the back of my head Shoot The Rapids woudnt open opening day,Its just another bad thing with Intamin,I agree get another ride company,I think also they should pull all the Shoot The Rapid Promo Commercials on Television,What a Dissapointment."


"5 Days before the park opens, and still no height requirement yet. Sounds like they are on the ball this year...Smacks forhead...


Has intiman ever built an attraction that has not had problems or delays in opening in time? This is a simple water flume ride, and they can't even get this right. If I were a park owner, I think I would use another company next time.


Maybe they should have used arrow/S&S."


And more!

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