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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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I have a couple of questions about the new Intamin flumes. Does anyone know if the car is attached to the track or does it just run on top of the those poles? and what does the thing in the middle of the drop do? Is that what hooks it on?


The thing in the middle of the drop, if I'm not mistaken, keeps the boat straight (I would have said keeps the boat from falling off, but I remembered the old Arrow log flumes...), so the boat doesnt decide to turn a little and crash at the bottom.


The boat isn't attached to any track except for the lift hills. Its guided by the walls and pushed along by the water.


Thanks. I was confused because looking at Pilgrim's Plunge photos it was hard to see if it was resting on anything besides the shallow trough, which I thought would be to flimsy to support the weight of the boat or keep the boat on track.

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That means I fail at failing. Well. That's bad.


By the way, I'm pretty anxious to see what sort of theming it's going to have... If any.


Also, another question:

I've wondered this for a while, why doesn't CP have a flash pass sort-of system? With 2 hr waits for the big rides on crowded days, it would make (rich) guests happier. And it would make good profit for the park!

I remember seeing some people getting "stamped", though. But that is a long time ago. Can anyone explain?

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^^Cause I'm almost completely convinced that Cedar Point and Cedar Fair REALLY don't care that much about their customers, its more about making a profit then anything else. Besides, their hand-stamp system in the past really wasn't a good system...at all. If you WANTED to get that you ended up having to wait an hour or more before they started giving them out just to GET one, then you would have to wait another 2 hours for your time, then another 20 minutes in the "fast" line. It just didn't work. You ended up waiting just as long, if not longer, then you would've normally.

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^They had a flash pass system about 10 years ago, but did away with it for what I believe were logistical reasons. I guess it wasn't working as well as they thought it would.

I remember that... Ticket To Ride or something along that lines?


Yeah, it really didn't work out that well...


In 2002 they handed us a ticket for MF and in 2003 was even more crazy where they stamped one of your hands with a Raptor stamp and the other with MF with the time frame to return back to the ride at. It looked like this:

That ink never washed off either...I'm sure I still have remnants of it on my hand somewhere!


I would *love* to see Cedar Fair parks get something like Lo-Q for their parks.



Edited by SharkTums
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^When I went in 2000 they had a similar system to what Disney had at the time. You would scan your single day ticket at a kiosk in front of the ride, and it would print you a paper ticket to tell you when you could ride. They would obviously only let people in with the correct time on their tickets (I do believe the tickets were either 20 or 30 minute increments), and you could only have one ticket at a time to prevent hoarding. The first time I ever rode MF was with a 20 minute wait thanks to the system they had in place that year. Also keep in mind, I could totally be confusing CP's system with Disney's, as my memory is a bit fuzzy from 10 years ago.


Please, someone who remembers, help me out!

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^When I went in 2000 they had a similar system to what Disney had at the time. You would scan your single day ticket at a kiosk in front of the ride, and it would print you a paper ticket to tell you when you could ride. They would obviously only let people in with the correct time on their tickets (I do believe the tickets were either 20 or 30 minute increments), and you could only have one ticket at a time to prevent hoarding. The first time I ever rode MF was with a 20 minute wait thanks to the system they had in place that year. Also keep in mind, I could totally be confusing CP's system with Disney's, as my memory is a bit fuzzy from 10 years ago.


Please, someone who remembers, help me out!

You are right. In 2000 we also got these printed tickets, but there wasn't a machine. There was just someone at the front of the queue handing them out. Could very well just me that the machine was broken on our visit.



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You are right. In 2000 we also got these printed tickets, but there wasn't a machine. There was just someone at the front of the queue handing them out. Could very well just me that the machine was broken on our visit.


Was that the system they brought in just for Millennium Force?


Opening year for MF the line was getting insanely long. So they closed off the line, and started handing out tickets with a time that you could start lining up.


Wasn't really a "fastpass" system as much as it was a system to prevent the line wrapping halfway around the park.

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If you look at the Cedar Point STR web cam it looks as if the part of the ride on the island has been filled with water.



I think that's just rain water. On the last blog update on Friday, they mentioned that they were going to begin filling up the ride in a week and a half.


As for Cedar Point getting some type of skip the line system in the future, it's not going to happen. I have heard from so many Cedar Point managers (not just the crazy Cedar Fair management team) that they hate the idea after the horrendous freeway system. Although I would love for it to happen.

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You are right. In 2000 we also got these printed tickets, but there wasn't a machine. There was just someone at the front of the queue handing them out. Could very well just me that the machine was broken on our visit.




Yeah, as I said, I probably got it mixed up with Disney's system. I really don't remember fully if they were handing tickets out or if they were being printed on a machine. I do know the queue railing from the fast pass lines are all still at the rides they used them for (MF, TTD, Magnum, Raptor come immediately to mind), they just obviously aren't being used for anything anymore. However, if they chose to reinstate some kind of system (Q-Bots would be amazing), they would already have a bit of a head start on the process.

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Thanks for all your replies.


Those hand stamps sure look ghetto!

Even still, it's a pity they haven't got such a system anymore, I think.

With a couple of seasons to adjust it it might just have worked?



coaster "They should have called Millenium Force MILF" 1000.

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You are right. In 2000 we also got these printed tickets, but there wasn't a machine. There was just someone at the front of the queue handing them out.


In 2000 they introduced "Ticket to Ride". This was in late June, around the 20th I believe. It was only used for Millennium Force at this time. Some say it was used because of how long of a line Millennium Force had throughout the summer, and then that is where the idea for the next system came from.


Now the next system was called "Freeway" which utilized hand stamps as Robb's picture shows. It was a pretty ghetto system but it actually worked well the first year. You simply walked up to a kiosk next to or close to a ride entrance. I believe the first year it was only Millennium Force and Wicked Twister. You got a stamp for a certain time and then you were good to go. Once word got out about the system, it was harder to get a stamp because people would then line up for the stamp before they were given out. The only good/bad thing about it was they only gave out a certain amount of stamps for the day for each ride. So once they were all gone, no more. If you were standing in the back of the line to get a stamp, there was a good chance you would be out of luck by the time you got up to the kiosk.


Here is one of the kiosks that would be located near the entrance of the ride.


Eventually Raptor, Top Thrill Dragster and Magnum were added to Freeway before the system finally ended in late 2005. Like Steve said, the queue that they added for Fastpass is still at each ride so it would not be much work to add a new system like Low-Q. Even the kiosks are still in use as Halloweekends props.

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Cedar Point is now offering a special Spring Fever ticket at a discounted price for the 2010 season.




Spring Fever Ticket - $29.99


Get a one-day ticket to Cedar Point for just $29.99! This ticket is valid for guests 48" & taller. Ticket is valid for a visit May 15 - 31, 2010 only. Visit any other operating day of the 2010 season and pay an upgrade fee (the difference between the Spring Fever ticket and a regular, one-day admission ticket at the gate). Sale ends at 11:59 p.m. on April 30, 2010.

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