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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Okay, this just in:


Cedar Point to debut HELLO KITTY™: FELINE FURY for the 2008 season. The slogan/tagline for the new coaster is "Meow at the Speed of Fear."


I'll keep you all posted.



I love that tag line, may i steal it?

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Kittens out of the bag?


Cats out of the bag.


Kittens = kids of cats.


Kiddy rides.


"On track" = coaster.


Beaver Land Mine ride is available.



New kiddy rides with a new kiddy coaster, themed to the new Nick stuff they have all placed at.... wait for it... the Stadium/Peanuts Playground area.

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Okay, this just in:


Cedar Point to debut HELLO KITTY™: FELINE FURY for the 2008 season. The slogan/tagline for the new coaster is "Meow at the Speed of Fear."


I'll keep you all posted.



No. freakin. way!

I'm making a special trip to ride this wild kitty!


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  • 5 weeks later...

Well just 5 minutes ago I noticed a possible clue in Cedar Points blog.

Quote-"Also, many have asked us when we plan to announce what’s new for 2008. Sit tight…we’re finalizing our plans and we’ll let you know when we can release the hounds, so to speak." - The main thing I noticed was "release the hounds, so to speak."

I do realize that it is just a term but maybe they're new attraction has something to do with hounds or dogs, wolfs, etc.

What do you think and do you think It could be a possible clue?

Heres the link -


CP's Blog


EDIT- I didn't want to double post but I just got another theory that the to terms "cats out of the bag" and "release the hounds" might have in common.

Maybe the coaster has something to do with Cats and Dogs possibly, and a racing coaster representing this or just a Flat to Im hoping for a coaster. Just something I just thought of, again what do you think. Remember its just a theory and something I noticed and is NOT fact.


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  • 1 month later...

Well for those of you who read CP's Blog at the very end of todays edition, there are some really neat photos of the park coved with snow. The last 2 pictures are of a construction barrel and the caption says:


The former PEANUTS Playground is getting a make-over. As you’ve probably guessed by now, it’s part of the new offerings for the 2008 season.


We’re gearing up to make that announcement soon!


CP Blog



Well there you have it...

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Perhaps Snoopy and the gang are going to be "released" from the park and some new characters are coming.


I'm personally a fan of Snoopy and the gang, and while I can't really stand the Nick crap that's out these days, it's not really going to affect me, as I spend more time pooing at the park than I do in the kids areas or with the costumed characters.

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