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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Cedar Point's 150th Anniversary


Cedar Point has announced a ton of new offerings and upgrades for their 150th anniversary!



Snake River Expedition


Trapper Dan needs your help! Embark on one of his riverboats and be a part of the adventure. Help the crew complete a secret mission, smuggling valuable bounty to safer waters. What is it? We don’t know – and it’s best you don’t ask! Beware of a few surprises, twists and turns around every bend – it’s not always smooth sailing. Snake River Expedition is scheduled to open May 9.




Food & Beverage


A heaping cup of new and a dash of nostalgia combine for the perfect food & beverage recipe! We’re rolling out the new French Quarter Confections, The Mac Shack mac & cheese bar, an all-new Corral and The C.P. Juice Co., featuring the park’s well-known fruit juice bottles of orange, grape, lemon and apple. But there’s so much more we’re serving, so get your napkins ready – it’s time to dine!



Town Hall


Learn more about Cedar Point’s unbelievable history and see how the park transformed from simple bathing beach to massive multi-day resort destination inside the reimagined Town Hall. You’ll also get a glimpse of previously unseen artifacts that include ride blueprints, logo development sketches, concept renderings, scale models, recreated displays of icons like Jungle Larry’s African Safari, Fascination, breathtaking photography and more.



Celebrate 150 Spectacular


It’s a party fit for a sesquicentennial! See the park’s iconic turning points, innovations and moments in this new multi-sensory nighttime parade with over 100 performers and illuminated floats moving to an original score along the Main Midway each night. The Celebrate 150 Spectacular culminates with an epic street party in Celebration Plaza with performances, dancing, pyrotechnics and music throughout the night! The Celebrate 150 Spectacular runs June 12 – August 16.



Ticket of a Lifetime


An exclusive ticket that can't be found anywhere on Earth! Beginning in February, guests can enter for a chance to win a Ticket of a Lifetime - a ticket that affords them free admission to Cedar Point for the rest of their lives! 150 winners will be chosen throughout 2020 and each winner can enjoy the ride with three select family or friends for a total of four Tickets of a Lifetime per winner. Guests will have the chance to win both online, outside the park and at Cedar Point. Complete details coming soon. Ticket of a Lifetime promotion not open to residents of NY and FL.


They've also announced new merchandise, anniversary guest experiences, bands in residence and more!


Cedar Point

Edited by coasterbill
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I am happy to see Snake River Expedition. Western Cruise/Paddle Wheel Excursions was a nice memory from my childhood, I'm glad to see it returning in some form.


I don't know why so many people were expecting a Winterfest announcement. I like how when asked, Jason McClure basically laughed it off and said go to Kings Island.


It is a balmy 27 degrees here in Northern Ohio, with winds blowing about 25 mph, making the windchill about 6 degrees. I could go on why I think Winterfest would be a tough go at CP, but you all already know.


Now excuse me I'm going to go drop $100 on a brick.

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I love all of this. This is exactly how any park should celebrate a big anniversary like this. That lifetime ticket is totally f*ckin awesome. They should just give me one. Hi Tony!

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I'm a sucker.. I bought a $100 brick for my family! lol


Everything looks really cool. Snake River Expedition looks like a great expansion of what they built with Forbidden Frontier and a great way to call back to the previous boat rides. Awesome that it's family friendly for all ages.


Also, the remodeled food stands look great! I'm very happy to see the continued focus on improving the food service as well as the dated look of most of these places. Some stands look like they may now offer indoor seating? Hope thats true!

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Ticket of a Lifetime promotion not open to residents of NY and FL.



I mean, I'm sure there's SOME legal reason why, but as a resident of NY... yeah, boo.


But otherwise, for everything they announced, cool upgrades and I'm sure it's definitely going to make a QOL impact around the park. It's not really driving me to get back out there, but tbh, I'd be getting back out there anyway so I'm not exactly the target for this.

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In 2019 even commemorative bricks are offensive!


I'm trying to sell the concept to my wife of buying a brick. She hasn't responded to my texts... I'm sure if we do buy one something will happen to it and it will have to be removed. Our brick would likely be the first brick to crack from someone dropping a corn dog on it, or something.


Maybe I can put something political on bricks to spark controversy. I can hit both ends of the spectrum by buying one brick inscribed "Make America Great Again" and another brick inscribed "#notmypresident." I can only dream of them being placed side by side.

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A few thoughts:


- I'm actually kind of surprised that this ride that's going to require a ton of staff is supposed to open on opening day and won't be limited to Memorial Day through Labor Day operation like Forbidden Frontier. I wonder how long that will last. I don't think this will bring a single person through the gates but I'll also probably take a ride on it and I'm glad they're adding it.


- The parade and updated museum look cool.


- It's nice to see them slowly improving the main midway and bringing it up to date. It wasn't that long ago that it felt like you stepped into a time portal to the 70's as soon as you stepped through the gate. The Sweet treats and Corral renovations look great. I guess that explains the random disappearance of the webcam that was on the corral .


- I don't care about these bricks at all but apparently a lot of people are buying them so good cool by the park on those things...

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Very nice additions. I wish the parade went at least until labour day as I usually visit late summer or halloweekends. Love the idea of nightly bands. Not sure why all parks wouldn't offer that regularly as more guests would stick around to eat and drink.

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I agree with Bill here about the staffing on the boat ride but I'm also really excited that it's returning. I like having a slow-paced boat ride to relax between the giant coasters.


After my last trip to the Point their main point of focus should be staffing the park appropriately, regardless of what that takes. If that means more students from overseas (good luck doing that right now) or higher pay, just do it. My group couldn't believe that major rides (including coasters like Wicked Twister) had staggered opening times and I have to agree that it's not a good look for the park.

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I like what I'm seeing so far. The boat ride sounds great since outside of the regular train and ferris wheel, the sit down leisurely rides are short and don't give you much of an opportunity to catch your breath (buckets, antiques).


I think there's still more work to be done, though. My visits the past 2 years just didn't feel as special or as fun as others in the past. It's kind of a chore to have the most fun at CP: between trying to visit during the right time of year/weekday/weekend, extra wait times for FL, rides/coasters not operating (either scheduled or unscheduled), lack of shade, below CP standard ops, dated restrooms, and food & bev still working through struggles. Tack on the potential for a record attendance next year with the gold pass sales, I'm hoping the staff and management have a plan in place. Hopefully my visits were just unlucky/lackluster, but there's more to a stellar theme park than just coasters.

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I absolutely love everything about this announcement. Cedar Point has been trying to call itself a destination resort for years, but it’s been missing that little something “extra” to make it more than just a giant amusement park. The themed family boat ride, nighttime parade, and Forbidden Frontier are definitely steps in the right direction toward making it a complete multi-day experience.


But we still need a dark ride.

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The announcements were cool and all. What's not to like? Looks good.


But, I would have preferred something like "all rides will be open at all times this year" or "Steel Vengeance will actually be open for early entry this year" etc. Seems they just added a new ride and parade that will take a crew of people and placed it in a park that seems to have staffing issues all season.


They did figure out a great way to have customers pay for the midway work. The bricks are a good idea. I want to get one with "Quit reading and go ride" on it or something similarly stupid.

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^ where is that tho?


i've been to CP twice, but both times in the last 3 years, so Paddle Wheel was way gone when I visited.


guess I could google, but seems like this would be the thread to ask in

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The announcements were cool and all. What's not to like? Looks good.


But, I would have preferred something like "all rides will be open at all times this year" or "Steel Vengeance will actually be open for early entry this year" etc.

By doing that they're acknowledging past failures. "Hey, we sucked last year, but New for 2020; you will get what you pay for."

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^ where is that tho?


i've been to CP twice, but both times in the last 3 years, so Paddle Wheel was way gone when I visited.


guess I could google, but seems like this would be the thread to ask in


The station is behind Dragster, next to Camp Snoopy.

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