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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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well then. this looks absolutely amaze-balls.


I had mentioned to TBpony that I didn't think I'd be able to swing Coastermania! next year, as I'm using the vacation time for Dollywood. but with this announced now? . . yeah, gonna maybe work thru Thanksgiving to see if that will give me enough that i can make the trip to CP again! damn. . this thing is stunning.

That's what I like to hear!! I fully support this plan and hope you're able to get enough extra time to swing another trip to CP for CM! 2018

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This ride has an amazing balance of insane elements, airtime hills, and inversions. I love the placement of the last two inversions! They break up the 27 second onslaught of airtime quite well and will be super disorienting inside the structure. As someone formerly from Team 2017, this will be worth the wait.

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IMHO steel vengeance is growing on me because in a way it's almost like the vengeance of mean streak. I would like some nostalgic throwbacks around the place though about mean streak.


On a side note I saw corkscrew had a collision this week I believe (per instagram) does anyone know about it?

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Some years ago, I read of a woman in her eighties who would ride coasters at Cedar Point a few days a week to "work the arthritic kinks out of her body." She gave me hope for my 'aging baby boomer years.' Can't help but wonder if she'll be queuing up for Steel Vengeance??


This elite new coaster has captured my attention in a huge way. Would it take the "kinks" OUT, or create NEW kinks in nerves and muscles I didn't even know I had?!?

I think I'd have to take the challenge! Devour my fears. Nom nom nom!


P.S. The "Twisted Snake Dive" caught my eye, pronto. Can't wait to hear people's responses to this new 'twist and shout' maneuver.



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A full 90° drop on a long train 200ft coaster... This could be the best drop ever conceived. I'm so glad RMC is finally pushing to the completely vertical drops



This might be the most exciting element on this thing for me. The rest looks absolutely great - but none of it is anything we haven't really seen from them before, except maybe the first inversion since its going up a hill. Don't get me wrong, the rest looks amazing - it's kinda like a nice long version of RMC's greatest hits.


But as far as personal taste, for me there is nothing like the airtime down a big straight down drop in the back of the train. And 200ft @ 90 degrees???


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I absolutely love what I saw today, but I'm not jumping on the "best in the world" train just yet. The second half has GOT to maintain that speed in order for me to be comfortable considering it the best in the world, and it can be easy for animated POV's to make a coaster look faster than it really is (*ahem* Wicked Cyclone).

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I am the only one who seems to think that the ride is a bit... overkill?


Like it looks fantastic but I am concerned about its re-ridability.


(Please don't hate me).


I look at it like this: if Steel Vengeance is so long and insane that I'm satisfied after only a couple of rides per visit, that's fine. If you're served a really high-proof drink, there's no rule that says you must chug it. Raptor is an intense coaster that makes me a bit queasy after a few laps, but I still love it; I just wouldn't ERT marathon it all day. I feel the same way regarding Dragster's craziness and Magnum's wacky fun/painful airtime. A few rides and I'm satisfied.


Cedar Point is leaving nothing on the table here, and I think that's the best thing for which we could have hoped. It wouldn't have been totally unacceptable if the plans simply nixed the MCBR and the course headed for the brakes after the second lap or an abbreviated third; NTAG and Rattler both lopped off decent-sized lengths of track, and it's reasonable to say that those two are still both beloved. However, Cedar Point is trying to go for best-in-class, and that's laudable.

Edited by Samuel
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Steel Vengeance is my personal favourite of the Cedar Fair announcements today, now having seen them all. It's still crazy thinking about RMC in general, like when Outlaw Run was announced about 5 years ago I was wondering how barrel rolls on a wooden coaster were even possible. And now seeing Steel Vengeance coming into fruition...it is amazing how RMC and Alan Schilke have progressed. And I can't wait and see what else they can do.

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I'm sleeping to this every night:


Once a sleepy whistle-stop. Founded when the iron horse made its way Westward. FrontierTown, with its natural resources and raw beauty captivated many a traveler. Soon, a boarding house, saloon, and restaurant established the beginnings of the town, followed by grist mills, blacksmiths, and assorted craftsmen. Then, along came a silver-tongued stranger named Maverick, who settled in, purchased land, and established a mining company that brought prosperity to the town, and a fortune for himself. With power came influence, and a disregard for anyone or anything unsuitable, unstable, or outspoken. It took a trio of outcasts to forge together. Once sent away from the place they called home to right the wrong that had befallen the beloved FrontierTown under Maverick's reign. Wyatt "Digger" Dempsey: a reclusive inventor ready to reclaim his mining company. Chess "Wild One" Watkins: a fierce and fiery cowgirl, never to be wrangled and always resisting the status quo. And their leader, Jackson "Black Jack" Chamberlain: Tall, demanding, and the master of the old deck of cards. They've returned with a menacing and twisted machine so big and brazen, the likes of it had never been seen. The TALLEST of its kind. The FASTEST speeds. The WILDEST maneuvers ever attempted. Upside down. Inside out. Sideways. Slantways. Over and over and over. They're back, and they're here with a STEEL VENGEANCE! FrontierTown. Cedar Point. 2018.
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I am the only one who seems to think that the ride is a bit... overkill?


Like it looks fantastic but I am concerned about its re-ridability.


(Please don't hate me).


IMHO it probably wont be too bad, and even if it is it'll still be more re-ride-able than Mean Streak was.

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In the Planet Coaster update, it seems as if the three trains are named after the already revealed characters, Blackjack, Digger, Wild One.



Something we already knew would happen, but this is the first time I've seen it "announced" through an "official source".

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