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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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WOW. Thanks for sharing this!


Does anyone think that the "they" and "dueling" rumors could have something to do with those two sections of close track going in opposite directions?


I know we're in the sue happy U.S., but do you think that there is a chance that they could have trains flying past one another without the Dueling Dragons/Dragon Challenge rule in effect...and without nets?

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WOW. Thanks for sharing this!


Does anyone think that the "they" and "dueling" rumors could have something to do with those two sections of close track going in opposite directions? ?


Don't know if you caught the extra set of ledgers, but it's soon to be three sets of close track.

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Travis and I went to the construction area today and got to see what they are doing to Mean Streak and it looks AMAZING!


Some video we shot...


Here's a bunch of pictures from today:















looks so GOOD





won't see this much longer...


exit to the train station




Lots of tools are needed for this construction!




Travis loves it already!




SO Many parts everywhere!!













beautiful view <3



lots of wood to add as well!




where the old entrance was, you can see the railing



still a lot of track to add!!




Edited by robbalvey
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Does the flat section scream 'LAUNCH' to anyone else? Can't make heads or tails of the layout other than it being massively long.


Not really, unless the trains would benefit from a little push-off boost (seen on Twisted Colossus) if they were to e-stop in the MCBR. There's now also a fairly gentle quarter-turn before the drop out of the MCBR, so I can't see trains launching straight into that. The layout has so far followed the path of the original Mean Streak faithfully, except it's much more action-packed and exaggerated.

Edited by Samuel
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Does the flat section scream 'LAUNCH' to anyone else? Can't make heads or tails of the layout other than it being massively long.


Not really, unless the trains would benefit from a a little push-off boost (seen on Twisted Colossus), if they were to e-stop in the MCBR. The layout has so far followed the path of the original Mean Streak pretty faithfully, except it's much more action-packed and exaggerated.


Ok awesome. I couldn't tell which direction some of the track is going haha

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Holy shit that looks amazing. Some very interesting and intense looking elements on that, which is par for the course for RMC, but with the added height, MCBR, and twisted insanity, there's no way this won't be the best RMC to date, and probably the new best coaster in the park! I bet the line will only be 4-6 hours opening year too!

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I love it, when the sunlight just touches a piece of the track,

and you get that 'flash' on the track there, in the photo.


Awesome shot!


I got that glint on it, on CoasterMANIA! Day back on June 2.

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I'm surprised this hasn't been mentioned yet (even as a joke), but what if it was being designed to be a VR coaster? All the talk of "They're coming" combined with the silhouette wanted posters with some intriguing looking characters.


Though those characters could also just be incorporated into the battle for CP mobile game and the "they" could refer to any number of things.

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Holy shit that looks amazing. Some very interesting and intense looking elements on that, which is par for the course for RMC, but with the added height, MCBR, and twisted insanity, there's no way this won't be the best RMC to date, and probably the new best coaster in the park! I bet the line will only be 4-6 hours opening year too!



... probably the new best coaster on the planet ...


4-6 hours sounds about right.

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I'm surprised this hasn't been mentioned yet (even as a joke), but what if it was being designed to be a VR coaster?

Don't give them any ideas — VR on coasters is the worst!


I'm still not sure about that massive outward-banked turn. I'm looking forward to seeing the ride in operation (and riding someday), but I'm probably one of very few people here who isn't a fan of RMC's outward-bank airtime moments. If the train takes that element at speed (which it will, given the height of that drop) it's going to slam you into the restraints and pin you there pretty hard. If it's more sustained than the smaller outward-banks RMC has done so far, I think it might produce a different effect, but I'm still side-eyeing it a bit. Also, the outward bank on the return lap that dips back into the main structure (the one that runs next to the first drop) looks like it's going to be very intense. It's a crazy-looking ride overall, and I am really looking forward to seeing some official stats here soon.

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I'm surprised this hasn't been mentioned yet (even as a joke), but what if it was being designed to be a VR coaster?

Don't give them any ideas — VR on coasters is the worst!


I'm still not sure about that massive outward-banked turn. I'm looking forward to seeing the ride in operation (and riding someday), but I'm probably one of very few people here who isn't a fan of RMC's outward-bank airtime moments. If the train takes that element at speed (which it will, given the height of that drop) it's going to slam you into the restraints and pin you there pretty hard. If it's more sustained than the smaller outward-banks RMC has done so far, I think it might produce a different effect, but I'm still side-eyeing it a bit. Also, the outward bank on the return lap that dips back into the main structure (the one that runs next to the first drop) looks like it's going to be very intense. It's a crazy-looking ride overall, and I am really looking forward to seeing some official stats here soon.



Please keep VR on not-good coasters (like Dragging Iron).



My guess about the outward bank hill is the ejector airtime it probably will have will counteract some of the outwardness of the turn. It could be ejector enough to balance the train banking the wrong way. Or not. I trust that RMC did their math correctly, but it seems wrong from my layperson perspective.


Awesome photos today!

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Great photos of the ride. I'm really pumped to see the how the final leg of the course stretches out. I've always been a fan of the "magic carpet" endings to a few of the older woodies (specifically the old and new end stretches of Texas Giant). Hoping that New Mean Streak has something similar with a few surprises.


I'm also excited to see the "new trains" that RMC has been talking about for all of the 2018 rides. I've never been on an RMC, but I have never been a fan of the aesthetics of the RMC trains. Other than the Iron Rattler's open-air style seats, I feel like most of the trains have had a very boxy almost Morgan-esque look to them.


I would love to see a much more sleek train, almost Intamin style train open air trains. Sleek trains to match the sleek track layout.


Curious to see everything once it's announced. With track work this far along into the season and the ride not opening until 2018, I would have to feel there are other surprises planned for the ride. Maybe with what appears to be a large amount of time between ride completion and opening we'll actually see immersive theming? Wait, just kidding, this is Cedar Fair.

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Thanks for the photos and video. I think a Cedar Point visit is definitely on my radar for 2018 (it's been a few years for me). This is looking like a New Texas Giant level of insanity!

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Total guess here, but I bet RMC will want to take their time to place the track sections that are inside the structure since those pieces will have to be guided in and around all the lumber. I'm guessing this is one of the reasons why RMC wanted a jump start on the project. That and the fact that this ride is just really f**king huge.

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The more track that is put in place, the more it looks like The new Texas giant.


Man, looking at that picture of New Texas Giant kind of puts into perspective just how massive New mean Streak is, I mean those turnarounds on Mean Streak might be twice as tall as the ones on the Giant. I know I'm stating the obvious at this point but this thing is going to be an incredible ride.

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Just wow. I mean, if they made the last Dinn-Summers woodie into something as amazing as New Texas Giant, I can only imagine how this will turn out with all the experience RMC has now. The frontier area of the park is my favorite, even more so now.


Great pics! Some of those elements are looking absolutely insane in the best way possible.

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