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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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I always assumed it was to prevent as much sagging of the track between vertical supports as possible. The sagging is what creates a lot of the roughness in a wooden coaster, and when there is less space between supports, there's less space for the track to sag.

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To be fair, just about every regional park has a damn near impossible time staffing the park on Haunt Fridays. The crowd levels last night seemed higher than anticipated too. There's no excuse for the Haunt mazes but I don't blame them for the ride crews. I would assume that a lot of people are relatively new or the rides are understaffed.


I kind of agree with you but I kind of don't because it is columbus day weekend and everybody knows it is always absolutely packed this weekend.


Is it packed because of Columbus Day? I know that we don't Columbus Day off here in NW Iowa, but do people in the CP area?

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Aren't most of the haunt activities staffed by young adults, just as the rest of the park? In my limited 31 years of life experience, I can never remember a time when the teenage and/or college work force has ever been praised for being dedicated hard workers, as a majority. It's safer to go into a park with low expectations while not relying on the staff to dictate your experience. Plan for the worst and hope for the best.


Does Cedar Point still bring in a lot of Europeans to run the rides & live on-site during the year? Are they still around in October? Some of the European crews could fly, and they were often really friendly. I'd imagine there's more of a local hiring drive for Halloweekends, but surely it can't be total turnover from the usually-good regular staff.


If CP internationals are anything like Valleyfair's, most leave by the end of daily operation due to work visas or schooling in their home country. There are a few that stay through til the end, but it's a small number. Why stay when they want hours but have nothing to do for most of the week? And I don't know the housing situation at Cedar Point, so I can't comment/speculate when it closes for the season--but that could be another factor.

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Aren't most of the haunt activities staffed by young adults, just as the rest of the park? In my limited 31 years of life experience, I can never remember a time when the teenage and/or college work force has ever been praised for being dedicated hard workers, as a majority. It's safer to go into a park with low expectations while not relying on the staff to dictate your experience. Plan for the worst and hope for the best.


Does Cedar Point still bring in a lot of Europeans to run the rides & live on-site during the year? Are they still around in October? Some of the European crews could fly, and they were often really friendly. I'd imagine there's more of a local hiring drive for Halloweekends, but surely it can't be total turnover from the usually-good regular staff.


If CP internationals are anything like Valleyfair's, most leave by the end of daily operation due to work visas or schooling in their home country. There are a few that stay through til the end, but it's a small number. Why stay when they want hours but have nothing to do for most of the week? And I don't know the housing situation at Cedar Point, so I can't comment/speculate when it closes for the season--but that could be another factor.


Cedar point actually gets a lot of college students for the summer. With bowling green being so close, and Michigan right there, they get a lot of those students for the summer. I'm not sure how many internationals they get.

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First drop deconstruction. Photo courtesy the Cedar Point Rundown Facebook page.




What a glorious sight!! I can't wait to see what RMC does with this coaster. . . Now we just have to figure out what color the new track will be!! . . . I bet orange or red.

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We have seen what Cedar Fair does to wooden roller coasters they are done with them... looks to Carowinds



I am excited about what they are doing at the Point. They be smarter than we think. It is clear they are building a RMC at this point. Even if it does not happen in 2017 people will still make the pilgrimage to the Mecca of roller coaters just to see the progress. At least I will.

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^I thought that RMC's track mounting brackets were free to swivel and not locked, which would mean we won't know the angle until the ledgers are on the structure, but who am I to know how RMC does things? I'm just glad RMC Mean Streak is finally happening.

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^I thought that RMC's track mounting brackets were free to swivel and not locked

This is correct, they aren't locked and are free to move, so you're right, we won't be able to tell the angle until track is installed. It's likely those ledgers are for track exiting the station.

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I hope at least the color is not red, orange would not be the best cause red/orange are the generic RMC colors but having red maverick + red RMC right next to each other wouldn't look good. A brown/black like outlaw run would be pretty cool as Cedar Point doesn't really have that color yet.

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I am in my 12th year of high school and am considering working at Cedar Point for the summer of 2017. I already emailed Cedar Point themselves about employment but I would also like to ask here. I will be 17 by that period of time, turning 18 in December 2017, so I was wondering what kind of things my age would close me off from.

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^^First of all do you live in the area? I do not believe you can dorm if you are under 18. Also, they do not hire under 18 for rides. (unless that has changed recently) So if you do work in the park expect to work in park services (sweeps), games, foods, retail, etc.

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Very exciting seeing those ledgers! It is true that the brackets are not fixed at a certain angle. When they first started putting those on Cyclone, they started putting track up within a week or two. Maybe they will announce it at the end of the month when track is likely to be in place.

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I am in my 12th year of high school and am considering working at Cedar Point for the summer of 2017. I already emailed Cedar Point themselves about employment but I would also like to ask here. I will be 17 by that period of time, turning 18 in December 2017, so I was wondering what kind of things my age would close me off from.


Made an account to try and answer this. If you plan on dorming you must be 18, so I assume you live close enough to the park to commute. In which case you will be able to do mostly anything except ride op and bartend. My suggestion is to aim for games or food. While some will swear by it, sweeps is one of the toughest jobs in the park and if given the option it would probably be my last choice along with maintenance. If your able to be a waiter in one of the restaurants, you can probably make a killing in tips. Im not sure if that is an 18+ thing or not though.


As far as actually working there goes, it is what you make of it. Yeah, its going to be hot, your going to be tired, and guests will be crazy rude to you but if you remind yourself that you get to spend every day at Cedar Point, it will all be worth it. Its a strange social environment, but an open and accepting one. You'll have no probably making friends you'll never forget.


Hopefully Josh sees this message since I dont know anybody who loves working there more than he does. Im sure he could give you the best advice.


P.S: Have fun with the bugs!

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