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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Random question, I've already tried calling the park customer service and they closed for the day.


I'm waiting on my flight in Texas to come to Coastermania tomorrow. It's likely going to be canceled and I had pre-purchased fast lane plus for use at the park tomorrow. If I'm not able to make it, does anyone know if Cedar Point will reimburse it for not getting to make it to the park? I'm sure it might be on the fast lane ticket itself, but I'm scrambling at an airport. Thanks for any help!

If you do not redeem your Fast Lane passes they allow you to redeem them at another time in the season (if the price for the day is higher than you originally paid, you'll have to pay the difference), however I do not know if they will offer an outright refund.

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The lines were really short today. Most rides were a total walk-on, and Valravn took about 20 minutes in the mid afternoon.


I re-rode Gatekeeper in row 7 left, inside seat, and it was very smooth. Then I rode it in row 8 right, outside seat, and had a pretty rough ride again


I also rode Mean Streak in the back for comparison to the front. I noticed no difference in roughness. The experience was mostly the same, except for a slight, almost airtime moment down one of the drops in the back seat. Still not a "horrible" ride by any means.


Lots of Mean Streak's footers had orange spots spray painted on them. This can only mean one thing... CP must be getting a bunch of new RV campsites next year!


RMC is coming to Cedar Point. Start planning a pilgrimage in 2017.

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Sometimes I just don't understand enthusiasts.



Truer words have never been spoken! I think understanding the mind of women is actually easier, and we all know how impossible that is!

So True, Enthusiasts be like did you see the dirt its not even real dirty, that dirt is to light to be dirty. I'm never going back to that park.

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Random CP question... We usually park in the main lot. If we park there, can we walk to the Marina gate and get in there with out Platinum passes? I ask, because I never walked up that road, so i wasn't sure if pedestrians were allowed there. (we go there a lot but I never thought to do this... and since Valravn is so close, we might have a better shot at getting closer to the queue)


Bummer about the antique car... that's the second time I've seen a wheel shear off that.

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Random CP question... We usually park in the main lot. If we park there, can we walk to the Marina gate and get in there with out Platinum passes? I ask, because I never walked up that road, so i wasn't sure if pedestrians were allowed there. (we go there a lot but I never thought to do this... and since Valravn is so close, we might have a better shot at getting closer to the queue)


Bummer about the antique car... that's the second time I've seen a wheel shear off that.


I noticed a repaved sidewalk next to the repaved road, when exiting Valravn. So it shouldn't be an issue.

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For those that don't want to get a sore neck from reading.


Also surprised that it doesn't mention keeping your mouth closed on coasters during certain times of the day/evening.


Despite the fact that they taste terrible, I would still rather deal with them versus deer flies, horse flies or mosquitoes.

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Just got our hotel reservations booked for next Friday, Saturday and Sunday in Sandusky.


We had thought about staying at the Breakers until we saw that it was sold out until Sunday (not surprising given we waited to long to reserve). We have instead opted to stay further away from the park at the Comfort Inn on Rt. 250 (just south of Rt. 2).


Anyone ever stayed there before?

Is the place right next to railroad tracks like just about every other area hotel seemingly is?

Any other good nearby restaurants to recommend (that are not a chain)?


It looks like our plan will be:


Arrive at hotel Friday late afternoon

Head to CP Friday evening to enjoy the Beer and BBQ fest + hit up a few coasters (Valravn, MF & Maverick) before close

Saturday morning breakfast at Inventions in Milan, OH

Drive over and check out Johnson's Island - if time permits

Skip CP on Saturday and golf 18 holes at an area golf course (Thunderbird Hills South = awesome course!)

Dinner Saturday night at a local restaurant

Spend all day Sunday in the park (may spring for Fast Lane+ if park looks crowded in the morning)

Head home Monday and stop at the Hofbrauhaus in Cleveland for lunch


Getting psyched already!

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Anyone ever stayed there before?

Is the place right next to railroad tracks like just about every other area hotel seemingly is?

Any other good nearby restaurants to recommend (that are not a chain)?


Chet and Matt's pizza is pretty good. Plus this is going to sound really stupid and it most definitely is a chain but right under route 2 there's an Applebees with a really weird outdoor, tiki bar thing going on. Obviously it's just an Applebees so I wouldn't eat there, but if you want a place right near the hotel to have a few drinks at the end of the night it's a pretty good option just because it's literally right there and pretty weird.

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Odd technical question: Let's "imagine" that I was on the last train of TTD during an after hours event. A bunch of ride ops hopped onto the train with me and the op from the control booth came out and said to an op behind me that it was "set to 1.8" and the guy behind me seemed surprised and excited. After launch I experienced strong sustained ejector during the entire top hat. I've never run into that before. Any idea what that phrase meant? Is the launch variable?

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Somebody's been spinning the rain policy wheel again. There's a torrential downpour at the park right now that's been going on for awhile. It's raining so hard that all coasters that are visible on webcam are closed except for...



...Iron Dragon. A coaster which last year closed due to a light drizzle even before Dragster did.


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If you are going to J. Island you should take the route around Marblehead Peninsula and stop for a picnic lunch at the Marblehead Lighthouse. The setting is beautiful. Reminds me of Maine in a way, very rocky and did I say beautiful ? I have spent many a day there from the time I was a kid and never tire of the peace , serenity and sometimes violent nature of the lake from there. It is truly a magical spot. Also , If you are in Port Clinton, just a little west,on the beach, you have to try Jolly Rogers for the best damn fresh perch sandwich you will ever eat ! To the east in Vermillion is Old Prague which has great duck and Czeck food.


not my pic


soo good

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Odd technical question: Let's "imagine" that I was on the last train of TTD during an after hours event. A bunch of ride ops hopped onto the train with me and the op from the control booth came out and said to an op behind me that it was "set to 1.8" and the guy behind me seemed surprised and excited. After launch I experienced strong sustained ejector during the entire top hat. I've never run into that before. Any idea what that phrase meant? Is the launch variable?


I don't know if it's truly variable but on my second ride of the day Friday morning I experienced the same thing. I've ridden TTD probably 50 times over the years and that's the fastest I've even gone over the top hat. Oddly it was a weird run all around. We rolled out into the "parked for launch position" and then the sound effects, etc. shut off and they rolled us back into the station, announced to the crew to re check the train/restraints and then we rolled back out into launch position and had that crazy ride. It was about about a 3/4 full train.

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