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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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On a slightly more serious note, while I *could* see parking there, that land looks like it has "haunt building space" written all over it to me.


How dare you. I take my strippers very seriously. They are doing the Lords work. And they should be compensated with executive parking. No one I know wants to have to hoof it out to a parking lot miles away after a long shift. My Gawd! Their thighs are already burning from working the pole all day long, not to mention the chafe. Nobody likes the chafe. Do you like the chafe? I don't. The last thing you want is to have the chafe turn to gig butt. And gig butt ain't fun. Granted, it's a small step down from swamp a$$, but swamp a$$ is right around the corner if you already have gig butt. It's a slippery slope if you don't take care of the talent. Cause the talent is what generates the revenue. And without the revenue, the park goes belly up, and you get no more new rides. So tip them well.


Guy "Proudly supporting unwed mothers since 87." Koepp

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On a slightly more serious note, while I *could* see parking there, that land looks like it has "haunt building space" written all over it to me.


How dare you. I take my strippers very seriously. They are doing the Lords work. And they should be compensated with executive parking. No one I know wants to have to hoof it out to a parking lot miles away after a long shift. My Gawd! Their thighs are already burning from working the pole all day long, not to mention the chafe. Nobody likes the chafe. Do you like the chafe? I don't. The last thing you want is to have the chafe turn to gig butt. And gig butt ain't fun. Granted, it's a small step down from swamp a$$, but swamp a$$ is right around the corner if you already have gig butt. It's a slippery slope if you don't take care of the talent. Cause the talent is what generates the revenue. And without the revenue, the park goes belly up, and you get no more new rides. So tip them well.


Guy "Proudly supporting unwed mothers since 87." Koepp


On the floor laughing...I may be dead! Calling someone to check on me just to make sure. (But I also wholeheartedly agree with your statement).

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On a slightly more serious note, while I *could* see parking there, that land looks like it has "haunt building space" written all over it to me.


How dare you. I take my strippers very seriously. They are doing the Lords work. And they should be compensated with executive parking. No one I know wants to have to hoof it out to a parking lot miles away after a long shift. My Gawd! Their thighs are already burning from working the pole all day long, not to mention the chafe. Nobody likes the chafe. Do you like the chafe? I don't. The last thing you want is to have the chafe turn to gig butt. And gig butt ain't fun. Granted, it's a small step down from swamp a$$, but swamp a$$ is right around the corner if you already have gig butt. It's a slippery slope if you don't take care of the talent. Cause the talent is what generates the revenue. And without the revenue, the park goes belly up, and you get no more new rides. So tip them well.


Guy "Proudly supporting unwed mothers since 87." Koepp



Will there be boat strippers?

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First off, I couldn't agree more with Guy. The world would be a happier place if there were more strippers.


Secondly, it looks at though there is a path leading up to that wall after the dive loop. There also appears to be windows on that wall. I'm wondering if spectators will get to watch the train fly by as it goes through that tunnel, valley, wall section area?

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First off, I couldn't agree more with Guy. The world would be a happier place if there were more strippers.


Secondly, it looks at though there is a path leading up to that wall after the dive loop. There also appears to be windows on that wall. I'm wondering if spectators will get to watch the train fly by as it goes through that tunnel, valley, wall section area?


Dude! Peep show windows for the spectators. You can watch the train fly through the main stage and the riders throwing their bills makin' it rain for tha talent!

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First off, I couldn't agree more with Guy. The world would be a happier place if there were more strippers.


Secondly, it looks at though there is a path leading up to that wall after the dive loop. There also appears to be windows on that wall. I'm wondering if spectators will get to watch the train fly by as it goes through that tunnel, valley, wall section area?


Dude! Peep show windows for the spectators. You can watch the train fly through the main stage and the riders throwing their bills makin' it rain for tha talent!


I thought the goal was to make it rain from 223 feet up on the holding brake? The person with the closest currency gets the dance.


To better your chances, you better make it hail! Change falls quicker and is more precise.

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^Dude, you ever had a stripper twerk with change in her g-string? A good one can fire a quarter at your head with lethal accuracy. And since the customer is usually at point blank range, they better be wearing protective eyewear.


Paper currency all the way just to be safe.

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^Dude, you ever had a stripper twerk with change in her g-string? A good one can fire a quarter at your head with lethal accuracy. And since the customer is usually at point blank range, they better be wearing protective eyewear.


Paper currency all the way just to be safe.


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^Dude, you ever had a stripper twerk with change in her g-string? A good one can fire a quarter at your head with lethal accuracy. And since the customer is usually at point blank range, they better be wearing protective eyewear.


Paper currency all the way just to be safe.


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^Dude, you ever had a stripper twerk with change in her g-string? A good one can fire a quarter at your head with lethal accuracy. And since the customer is usually at point blank range, they better be wearing protective eyewear.


Paper currency all the way just to be safe.

I don't check this thread for one day and I come back to this!

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^Dude, you ever had a stripper twerk with change in her g-string? A good one can fire a quarter at your head with lethal accuracy. And since the customer is usually at point blank range, they better be wearing protective eyewear.


Paper currency all the way just to be safe.

I don't check this thread for one day and I come back to this!


Welcome back.

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Talking about engineering a full stripper experience into Valravn is far better conversation than the crying and chick fighting going on in the Dollywood thread.

I just can't deal with the stress on that thread they argue about one thing and one thing only for weeks dammit Like we get it the ride isn't ready and they messed up on a commercial what more is there to talk about?!

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Talking about engineering a full stripper experience into Valravn is far better conversation than the crying and chick fighting going on in the Dollywood thread.

I just can't deal with the stress on that thread they argue about one thing and one thing only for weeks dammit Like we get it the ride isn't ready and they messed up on a commercial what more is there to talk about?!


Wait how do you mess up a commercial?


Oh wait let me ask Dorney.

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