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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Wow, sunset really makes Valravn pop! I'm excited to see testing! I wonder if they will turn the webcam once testing starts?


Tony Clark said on his periscope that he will turn the Webcam to the parking lot because that's what everyone wants to see.

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Ok...if we are done with all the boat talk , I again will post this picture. Looks like a new building may be being built to the right of the beer and bratwurst stand on the bottom of the screen capture.


It looks like a building to me...thoughts?


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Here is the so-called boat, for those who were late to the party. I spent an hour searching for the thing.


Edit: Quote didn't get image.


Thank you! I've felt so left out not knowing what everyone was talking about however I also felt like it was not important enough to really ask what everyone is talking about. Given all this talk about a boat when it seems like when we already know the theme for the next triotech dark ride.

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I don't know, maybe it's just me, but this whole boat thing is getting pretty old. It was funny at first but after weeks and weeks I can't possibly be the only one who is getting a little tired of it...


That being said, Valravn looks fantastic, and I imagine the first test run will be very soon. GateKeeper's first test run was on April 4, so it's likely that Valravn's will be somewhere in that ballpark.

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