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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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When I went to Carowind for intimidator they asked front or back then assigned, as for Fury, I'm still bitter as well. I had several rides on it and got 3 in the back and the rest in the middle. Even the one time there was a huge family of around 12 right behind us who asked to sit in the front right after my dad and I and they let them, defiantly bitter

Row 3 left side on Fury was my favorite seat, front was almost too much wind lol

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We experimented with assigning rows on one coaster for about half an hour. We estimate we may send about 4 extra trains if we do it continuously all day. 4 extra trains over the course of a 10 hour day.


Well you also need to take into account that you could have been filling seats better and getting more riders per train. At Rougarou, Id assign groups of 6 with 2 in one row, 4 in another, instead of 3 in one and 3 in another, because then you're left with two, single seats. 9 out of 10 times, we could not find single riders, but we'd always be able to find a group of 2.

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Well you also need to take into account that you could have been filling seats better and getting more riders per train. At Rougarou, Id assign groups of 6 with 2 in one row, 4 in another, instead of 3 in one and 3 in another, because then you're left with two, single seats. 9 out of 10 times, we could not find single riders, but we'd always be able to find a group of 2.


We did. That's where the extra trains came from. The number of seats we could fill extra with someone specifically grouping compared to briefly asking people to group up between cycles (1 train, so more time between cycles.) Grouping saved a negligible amount of time per cycle, it only did better at getting full trains (there were no empty seats in that time period).

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1) I have no problem with people bragging about going on VIP Tours. I actually never even noticed it, maybe that's why I'm not butthurt about it? I did it 2 times, both at USH for HHN and it was 1000X worth it! Yes, I get "waiting in line" can be a fun part of enjoying the park, but not waiting in line and going on everything can be fun too!


2) TPR posts updates day in day out about ERT Time and special ride times and trips around the world constantly, which I assure you, cost more than any "VIP Day" at a park...and yet nobody complains to Robb or other members that they're "bragging" about their trips, or that "not everyone can afford" to do something like that. So whats the problem with 1 guy that enjoys the VIP tours? Pot. This is kettle.


3)) Not being able to pick where you'd like to sit anytime during a tripe to a park (except the last couple trains of the night because at some point the ride ops need to go home) is absolutely absurd. YOU'VE PAID FOR ADMISSION! You should be able to sit WHEREVER YOU WANT! Not to mention, how many people actually ask if they can sit in a certain row? 2 every 100-200 guests? I've been a ride operator for almost a dozen roller coasters and rides, and not ONCE, NOT ONCE!, was it ever an issue to let folks sit where they wanted on the ride. They paid for admission, they waited an hour in line, let them sit where they want!


Last but not least, Valvelineonemonemonein looks forceless and should have had better elements after the MCBR LOL!!!


Thanks for the photo updates fellas!

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You should be able to sit WHEREVER YOU WANT! Not to mention, how many people actually ask if they can sit in a certain row? 2 every 100-200 guests? I've been a ride operator for almost a dozen roller coasters and rides, and not ONCE, NOT ONCE!, was it ever an issue to let folks sit where they wanted on the ride. They paid for admission, they waited an hour in line, let them sit where they want!


As an op myself I fully agree. Assigned seating is poop, when it comes to coasters. However, it is VERY necessary on flat rides.

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Shoot the Rapids is dunzo. Couldn't be happier.





Cedar Point’s Shoot the Rapids is coming down.


Sources have told the Register the amusement park operator started to tear down the water ride Tuesday. Cedar Point is not confirming the removal or what will come next.


“Our focus is on the construction of Valravn, our record-breaking dive coaster. We have not announced any changes regarding our current ride lineup,” wrote Tony Clark, director of communications, in a statement.


The ride was designed by Intamin, which also designed Top Thrill Dragster and Millennium Force. The ride, which debuted in June 2010 on Frontier Trail, suffered its share of problems.


On July 19, 2013, seven guests were on a Shoot the Rapids boat that malfunctioned while ascending a lift hill. Inspectors determined the boat went down the hill backward about 187 feet, then traveled another 41 feet until it struck the edge of a concrete flume. The force of the collision damaged about 7 feet of concrete. The boat then continued in the flume an additional 58 feet, striking the flume wall several more times and hitting another boat before overturning, the guests still inside. The inspection revealed two safety features never engaged: one designed to prevent boats from coming off the track, the other to prevent boats from rolling backward.

Edited by larrygator
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Interesting thought about the silver/grey on the back of the spine... Perhaps there's some functional thought behind the color choice beyond pure aesthetics? If CP decides to have a lighting package to illuminate the majority of the track at night, the grey will reflect the light much better than the orange/rust color, giving it a glowing effect of illuminated ribbon in the sky, especially if they use multi-color RGB LEDs similar to Power Tower and MF.

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