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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Looks like Chick-fil-A is no longer a resident of cedarpoint. It was just brought to light that the chicken eatery will be leaving for a new food option to yet be announced.




Also, Johnny rockets, chicky and petes, and chuck wagon have been added to the dinning plan for 2016.


Interesting. This reminds me of two women who asked me if there was a Diary Queen in Cedar Point while waiting in line for Maverick. They seemed unconvinced when I told them I didn't think there was.


There's one outside the park across from a hotel though, I remember when I went out to visit some friends I'd made in Korea, they insisted I had to visit one before I left from my only ever USA trip. I also learned on the road trip from Pennsylvania to Cedar Point that Sheetz has more candy and snack selection than most other countrie's biggest supermarkets and Amish people like to go there (and make sandwiches on the touch-screen) for birthday trips.... Although telling them when they say you speak funny that you are from England means New England apparently.

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Well, I didn't win the $900 million lottery. . . So it looks like I won't be getting my very own Top Thrill Dragster in my backyard. #SadDay


Speaking of lottery winnings. I'd take a rmc coaster with an Intamin hydraulic launch for my backyard coaster

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Do we really need a picture every time somebody moves on the construction site? It's not like anyone can't go on the webcams themselves and look if they want to see the progress. Just trying to save people some trouble.

I believe everyone answered this complaint with a resounding YES, we do like the constant updates.

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^ It looks like that is what is headed our way...yikes!


1-3 inches scares you?

There's a terrible joke in here, I just know it...


Yeah, I won't comment on that...but they are predicting that our area could get measurable snow in the feet (versus inches) throughout this week. Yes, that is scary considering what South Buffalo went through last year (6-7 feet in less than 24 hours).

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...I mean we can go back to talking about the moral beliefs of a fast food restaurant if you'd prefer.


Oh god no... Please... no!


Do we really need a picture every time somebody moves on the construction site? It's not like anyone can't go on the webcams themselves and look if they want to see the progress. Just trying to save people some trouble.


For the 5,145,987,456 time...




Yes we do need a picture every time somebody moves on the construction site. And we MUST have a photo when the boat moves (or comes back.)


Personally I'm glad that they posted the snowy photo of Valravn. Mainly because I had not checked the cameras yet today, and it is awesome to see it in the snow. Awesome enough I made the photo the background on my computer.


With that being said... I like the way Valravn stands out with the snow all around it.


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^ It looks like that is what is headed our way...yikes!


1-3 inches scares you?

There's a terrible joke in here, I just know it...


Yeah, I won't comment on that...but they are predicting that our area could get measurable snow in the feet (versus inches) throughout this week. Yes, that is scary considering what South Buffalo went through last year (6-7 feet in less than 24 hours).


Though it was a lot of snow, the ones who were faced with it were able to manage, and in my area alone it really brought out the best of people, who were all helping one another to get through Snowvember together! They don't call us the city of good neighbors for nothin'! But with that, it makes 1-3" look like nothing compared to the 9'+ snowdrifts that you could find out in Depew (just east of the city). I'm glad Mother Nature gave us a break after that winter though!

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