buttonman700 Posted August 24, 2006 Share Posted August 24, 2006 Greetings TPR, I am the safety coordinator from Thrill-Ville USA, a small family owned amusement park just outside Salem Oregon. I am seeking your input and opinions about “Zonga”, “Taz Texas Tornado”, “Thriller”. What are your thoughts and impressions of this ride? • What did you think of the ride? • What did you hear the general public say about the ride? • Those of you that may have ridden it has Thriller, did the shoulder harnesses give you any grief? • Was the ride experience okay? • Has anyone here ridden the ride in all three of its’ incarnations? I’d be curious to hear what you have to say. Thank you for your input, Ed Roberts Thrill-Ville USA http://www.thrillvilleusa.homestead.com Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Top Thrill Dragster Posted August 24, 2006 Share Posted August 24, 2006 From what I have read most people liked it when it was Thriller. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
robbalvey Posted August 24, 2006 Share Posted August 24, 2006 I rode two different versions: - Astroworld with the old Thriller trains - SFMW with even newer trains and the ride modified. I personally didn't have ANY problem with the original Astroworld version. I thought the restraints were comfortable and the ride was GREAT! The newer trains at SFMW beat the crap out of you if you sat in a "back seat" and the OTSR's made the ride very claustrophobic. Other than that, I couldn't tell the difference as to the other modifications that were made to the track. If it were possible to run this ride with the original trains or something similar that would be great! --Robb Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Homer Posted August 24, 2006 Share Posted August 24, 2006 Top Thrill Dragster said it, people prefered the ride in its original state as Thriller. Some history by rcdb. Originally purchased by German showman Oscar Bruch. It debuted as the Thriller on May 17th, 1986 at the fairground in Freiburg, Germany. For the next 11 years it mostly traveled the German fair circuit. It also operated at the stationary park of Gröna Lund in Stockholm Sweden in their carpark for July of 1996. Six Flags Astroworld later purchased the Thriller. When the Thriller was moved from Six Flags Astroworld to Six Flags Marine World, some track modifications were made by Premier Rides. The most significant was increasing the elevation of the first two loops. The affect of this change would be reducing the Thriller's top speed and lowering the g-forces during the first two loops. Another thing rcdb forgot to mention was that the trains recieved OTSR's when it was installed at Six Flags Astroworld. [EDIT: My bad, it ran the original trains at SFAW.] Another thing, if you're really a park rep and consider purchasing this ride, please put original Schwarzkopf trains on it, no OTSR's. If there is a specific reason needed for OTSR's, then its understandable. By the looks of Thriller, it looks pretty badass. Schwarzkopf's give great rides that are hard to duplicate these days. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Johnny Upsidedown Posted August 24, 2006 Share Posted August 24, 2006 I rode TAZ while it was at Astroworld. Negative to the ride was the train and the rediculous restraints. They used to have a retro fit accordian style OTSR system. As the ride went along the restraints would clamp down on you. As for the ride and track layout, I loved the round loops as they produce alot of force in the seat. The drop was also nice with a hard curving drop at a high angle. Overall the ride had a very out of control ride experience. I found that some of the transisions between elements was a bit rough because of the compact design and it being a former traveling coaster. Overall the ride was fun but I would say the main draw back was the train and restraint system which took away from the ride. I dont know what type of restraints the original ride came with but a simple train from Schwarskopf with a lap bar and seat belt would have been suffecient and safe. . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SharkTums Posted August 24, 2006 Share Posted August 24, 2006 Hmmmm....If you're interested...perhaps instead I could convince you to look into Bullet??? Seriously though, I only rode the Zonga version, and I LOVED it. I did not find it rough at all (sitting in a non-wheel seat). I never heard the general public say anything bad about it. I've heard much worse things said after Manhattan Express, and look at how much ridership that gets! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rollerholden Posted August 24, 2006 Share Posted August 24, 2006 • What did you think of the ride? It was a nice compact ride...but the best way to describe it is with • What did you hear the general public say about the ride? I don't know anyone of my friends who liked it. • Those of you that may have ridden it has Thriller, did the shoulder harnesses give you any grief? I rode it as Zonga, and yes the shoulder harness gave grief• Was the ride experience okay? No. • Has anyone here ridden the ride in all three of its’ incarnations? I’d be curious to hear what you have to say. n/a I mean it was an alright ride, but never worth any wait, and every time after we rode it we all had headaches. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
robbalvey Posted August 25, 2006 Share Posted August 25, 2006 I rode TAZ while it was at Astroworld. Negative to the ride was the train and the rediculous restraints. They used to have a retro fit accordian style OTSR system. As the ride went along the restraints would clamp down on you. Those accordian restraints were the original Schwarzkopf restraints similar to the ones on Bullet: I never had a problem with them on any Schwarzkopf coaster. Yeah, they came down a bit, but it wasn't a big deal. It's not like to smacked your head against them. --Robb Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheStig Posted August 25, 2006 Share Posted August 25, 2006 ^And if Im not mistake, Im pretty sure Olympia Looping also has those accordian style restraints, same with Mind Bender even though it is a stationary coaster. Ive never ridden a schwartzy with accordian restraints, but they do look surprisingly comfortable! I mean, there really isnt anything to bang your head into, and they just come over your shoulders (plus the obvious lap bar) and dont seem to constricting. I dont know, maybe Im completely wrong, but hey S&S is using a similar harness on its newer rides and it seems to be pretty popular. Colin C Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DerekRx Posted August 25, 2006 Share Posted August 25, 2006 The worst thing with the accordian restraints was that they would continue to come down. On a ride such as Zonga (Taz when I rode it) by the final inversion, the G Forces pushed down far enough to push the restraint down further. You'd end up either scruntched up in the car or have the restraints somewhat uncomfortably digging into your shoulders. It wasn't too bad compared to other rides, but it would really be a hinderance if they were stacking trains and you were left sitting there for a while like that. Another thing you may want to consider is the noise level. I know that when it was at AstroWorld, it was refitted with anti-rollbacks on the lift (due to the humidity in Texas causing slipping on the lift tires). They were very loud when it was there, not sure if they ever got silencers on it when it moved to Marineland or not. I think adding Thriller (with the original name back) to a park like Thrill-ville would be amazing. I know I'd be booking a flight out there to ride it again pronto! The only Schwarzkopf looper that may be better intensity-wise is Olympia, and I'll be riding that in less than a month. Look for my report on that and its restraints soon thereafter! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Carnage Posted August 25, 2006 Share Posted August 25, 2006 ^When did Marineland have Zonga/Thriller/Taz? Would have taken them a decade to build it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
redunzelizer Posted August 25, 2006 Share Posted August 25, 2006 ^When did Marineland have Zonga/Thriller/Taz? Would have taken them a decade to build it. RCDB is your friend: http://rcdb.com/id2264.htm Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Calaway Park Posted August 25, 2006 Share Posted August 25, 2006 ^When did Marineland have Zonga/Thriller/Taz? Would have taken them a decade to build it. RCDB is your friend: http://rcdb.com/id2264.htm Marine LAND is in Canada. Thats marine world... two totally different parks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mightypotato Posted August 25, 2006 Share Posted August 25, 2006 ^When did Marineland have Zonga/Thriller/Taz? Would have taken them a decade to build it. Its being built as soon as the topple tower is done. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Calaway Park Posted August 25, 2006 Share Posted August 25, 2006 ^When did Marineland have Zonga/Thriller/Taz? Would have taken them a decade to build it. Its being built as soon as the topple tower is done. well our grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand children will be able to enjoy it ANyways, I've never ridden this ride so I'm of no use Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jamesdillaman Posted August 25, 2006 Share Posted August 25, 2006 I rode this at Astroworld, and let me say I really enjoyed this ride. If you are serious about putting it up at your park, you can count on Derek booking a trip out there, as he stated, but you can also count on me dragging my friends out there to visit your park. I love this ride and you should put the origional restraints on it, if at all possible. -James "Why hasn't Joe posted on this thread yet?" Dillaman Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheStig Posted August 25, 2006 Share Posted August 25, 2006 Yeah I agree, Id fly out and ride that thing in a split second if it was put up again. It just looks too awsome to miss out on, even though its been tamed down! But yeah if its anything like the other schwartzkopf loopers, then I'd so be there to ride it. Colin C Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pvcoasterguy Posted August 25, 2006 Share Posted August 25, 2006 I haven't ridden it, but this is my GP perspective for the day. It just looks badass. In fact, it is a great looking coaster. It is one of those cool designs that doesn't look too intimidating and it doesn't have any gimmicks (like flying/floorless, etc). It just looks like a fun coaster. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CD Posted August 25, 2006 Share Posted August 25, 2006 I have only been on the Zonga version and I hated it the first time I went on it (Wheel Seat), but after I was dragged on it a second time I really liked it (non-wheel seat). I thought it was an amazing ride and my second favorite in the park (Medusa was more enjoyable because of Zonga's horrible restraints). I would also come to your park and ride it, but only with new restraints. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Calvin Posted August 25, 2006 Share Posted August 25, 2006 Thrillville!? I loved that park when I was a kid! It's still a mark of my childhood, what with the Ripper and the waterslides... If you are seriously looking into this coaster, I recommend bringing the original trains back, if at all possible. The horrible restraints on the new version are one of the main complaints of this brilliant ride. I'm fairly sure, unfortunately, that re-reprofiling the drop and loops to their original lower height would be hard to do, but if you could it would be worth it. I look forward to seeing what new rides Thrillville gets! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kitsch transporter Posted August 25, 2006 Share Posted August 25, 2006 I rode THRILLER in its maiden year 1986 when it was still in its original form. The restraints back then were just a lap bar and a simple black leather belt (the ones they use on Autoscooters). My first ride was a complete shock! After riding the wonderful "Dreier Looping" the years before I was expecting just another great coaster with one more inversion. But Thriller was a vicious beast compared to its ancestors! I remember my first ride in the front seat as if it was yesterday. Nobody would tell you what those black belts were for and how to use/wear them! After the same old lifthill and the neat pre-drop I was expecting another typical Schwarzkopf drop, but suddenly the track just disappeared and all hell broke lose! I still consider this as one of the best drops on any coaster ever. The two loops were a G-force orgy all the way until the end. While watching the ride from the ground you could see that many people just could not keep their head or torso up. At the bottom of the first drop many people just slumped forward and once in that position they had no chance to sit back in a normal position. The steep hill that would lead into the first blockbrake was great and delivered airtime in the front-seat. I remember later rides in the rain when those brakes would not slow down the train at all and the following drop was just awesome because you just slammed right into it. I never really cared for the third loop as I thought it added nothing to the ride and actually hindered the elegant flow of those Stengel/Schwarzkopf figure-eight dives and turns. Back in 1986 the last loop was the crucial, critical part where the ride earned its bad reputation. It was a ridiculously contorted mess of steel, that could not decide if it was a loop, a corksrew or something that would later be called an Immelman. It was just sick and painful! I have to admit I can´t remember if a train would consist of six or seven cars back then. Either way the train was too long, too fast and too heavy for this relatively small inversion. First it would slam you hard into your seat and then halfway down it would suddenly slam you violently to the left INTO the person sitting next to you. It was absolutely not too funny and many people were cursing and screaming in utter shock. Now everyone had an idea why those leather straps had been installed (they were not there on its maiden fair, but I rode it on its second or third fair, and those things were clearly a quick fix) Anyway, this was the first time I would stumble down the exit ramp, without that "post coasteral" smile and that "lets do it again" yell! I actually didn´t ride it until one year later when they had installed those accordion restraints. Through the years they completely rebuild that last inversion, shortened the train and sometimes closed the last car completely. In 1986 the ride was deemed as dangerous and there were many cases of whiplash. There is the wonderful story when officials wanted to close down the ride and Oscar Bruch (the owner) just flat out said: "People come to us to get thrilled and experience something out of the ordinary. Nobody wants a ride that offers you the thrill of just sitting on a chair." And he got away with it! As bad as those accordeons were, they prevented people to fall forward after the first drop. It would also provide your torso with some much needed lateral suppor in the last inversion. Even after it was rebuilt, I always prepared for the worst. If the restraints would not come down on you (that could be the most painful thing) they would have been perfect, as you would´nt get any headbanging from them. What this ride does NOT need is some headrestraint. The only thing that needs to be stabilized is your torso and after the castration of the drop, maybe it could be run without OTSR after all. Anyway, it was one heck of a ride. I always regard it as the equivalent to the infamous Riverview Cyclone. BUY IT! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
robbalvey Posted August 25, 2006 Share Posted August 25, 2006 I really didn't notice any difference at all between the rides I took at Astroworld and the ones I got at SFMW other than the trains. So I wouldn't worry too much about having to re-re-profile the loops/drop/whatever was changed back to it's original form. It really was not that tamed down at all! --Robb Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Angry_Gumball Posted August 25, 2006 Share Posted August 25, 2006 I sat up towards the front (I believe I was above the wheels) and I actually enjoyed it. Yes, it was rough but it was still an enjoyable ride. My bro liked it as well. The rest of our crew didn't care for it. Our neighbors down the street said "If I wanted to get banged up, I'd go fight someone." Personally, I enjoyed it but the trains were a bit cramped...like a sardine can. We actually have a peice of a Zonga bolt from last time we went to SFMW...this bolt was cut though. I also have one of Zonga's nuts. (get the mind out of the gutter!) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Calvin Posted August 25, 2006 Share Posted August 25, 2006 I really didn't notice any difference at all between the rides I took at Astroworld and the ones I got at SFMW other than the trains. So I wouldn't worry too much about having to re-re-profile the loops/drop/whatever was changed back to it's original form. It really was not that tamed down at all! --Robb That's good news. Maybe they added a car to up the capacity (of course, the hourly capacity with five cars instead of four is way lower than when it was with Oscar Brusch with four cars) and kept the intensity the same. I'm glad to hear that the reprofiling doesn't suck. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Satoshi Posted August 25, 2006 Share Posted August 25, 2006 well i hate too much forceful ride yeah coz just i'm startin' to be blackin' out when g forces passin' 6gz..... so 6.7gz are too rough and i'm gonna pass out yeah it real hurts my ass... i woulda banged my head a lot in zonga-like loopin' ride and gotta be whip lash..... don't wanna be like that..... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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