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Galaxyland! To all those Galaxyland haters... [Elissa]

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And why is Elissa an "Edmonton hater?!?!"


--Robb "We've never even been there!" Alvey

She hates Galaxyland because I like it


Why hasn't Joe written back to this yet???


Atlanta, GA (ATL) to Edmonton, Canada (YEG)

Price: USD 266.20


Admission prices are very small too. For me, it was 25 dollars for unlimited rides in the park. Parking is cheap to.. its like.. five bucks or something.

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That is freaking nuts... Does anyone know what is involved in turning trains and cars around? I mean doesn't it change the whole dynamics of the way the forces are acting on the body because of the change of the way the seat supports one? I dunno it just seems strange...

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I wonder what the helix at the end is like backwards.. Its intense enough forwards! Gah.. 5.2 G backwards... This is my home park and I never knew that...


According to http://schwarzkopf.coaster.net/ , Mindbender pulls 6.78G's. It sounds extreme, but after looking at the videos I dont doubt it. The trains are really flying through those loops!!!

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^ That might be an old statistic.


It used to pull 6+ Gs. But that was back when the trains were longer.


Mindbender had an accident back in the 90s where the back car came apart and slid sideways into a support collumn killing a couple people.


After the accident they re-opened with a train with 1 less car, and it pulls closer to 5 Gs now.

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^ That might be an old statistic.


It used to pull 6+ Gs. But that was back when the trains were longer.


Mindbender had an accident back in the 90s where the back car came apart and slid sideways into a support collumn killing a couple people.


After the accident they re-opened with a train with 1 less car, and it pulls closer to 5 Gs now.


It's because the instructions were in German and they failed to translate them correctly. I personally think 5.2 g's is pretty extreme.

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What looks better? Mall Of America's Camp Snoopy or West Edmonton Mall's Galaxyland. By the way, WEM is like 2 MOA


Also, Mindbender is now one of the best maintained rides in existance. It doesn't receive wear and tear from the wind or rain, and after the accident, this ride became what it is today, one of the safest roller coasters in the world.

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It's because the instructions were in German and they failed to translate them correctly. I personally think 5.2 g's is pretty extreme.


I've heard that before. But it seems like an urban myth.


Unless I see some realy proof I still think that reason is BS.


No amusemant park is going to buy a multi-million dollar roller coaster, and run it into the ground because they can't read the instruction manual.

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It's because the instructions were in German and they failed to translate them correctly. I personally think 5.2 g's is pretty extreme.


I've heard that before. But it seems like an urban myth.


Unless I see some realy proof I still think that reason is BS.


No amusemant park is going to buy a multi-million dollar roller coaster, and run it into the ground because they can't read the instruction manual.


I found the info off of Ride Accidents and Wikipedia... They did translate it, but it wasnt done well enough for them to fully understand it.

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^^ Yes, but wikipedia is rock hard proof.


It can't be that simple of a mistake.

I wasn't saying it was, I was merily stating thats where I got the info heheh.


But answer my question: Which park is better for a summer trip: Mall Of America's Camp Snoopy or West Edmonton Mall's Galaxyland/World Waterpark?

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