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Do You Have A DS Or A PSP?  

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  1. 1. Do You Have A DS Or A PSP?

    • DS
    • PSP
    • Both

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DS...I can care less about PSP. In my opinion, graphics (which PSP seems to boast) don't make good gameplay. For me, it's all about creativity...and then you can throw in some decent graphics but mainly, it's all about gameplay and replayability.


And my DS/GBA can do almost everything the PSP can (except surf the internet).

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.....I finally got a chance to try out the DS lite yesterday and it is awesome. I probably upgrade my old DS in a couple of weeks.


Just to forwarn you about the DS Lite, the hinges have been known to get cracks in them.

I don't know if they're revising the design or not to make the hinges sturdier but keep the 'fatty' DS for now.

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We have both, I believe the PSP has dust on it!

Haha, funniest thing I've read all day that wasn't on SA. The PSP is dead, basically, good games are few and far between. And Sony is retarded enough just to keep advertising it saying its a good deal (and memory sticks are freakin' expensive for those things!).


Anyways, I have the old fatty DS and a crapload of games for it and I love it. Although, I seriously wish Nintendo would release the Play-Yan and a browser that isn't the Opera DS browser (No flash or GIFs!? ).

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.....I finally got a chance to try out the DS lite yesterday and it is awesome. I probably upgrade my old DS in a couple of weeks.


Just to forwarn you about the DS Lite, the hinges have been known to get cracks in them.

I don't know if they're revising the design or not to make the hinges sturdier but keep the 'fatty' DS for now.


Thats if you treat it bad. Its not crappy at all. Another one of those gaming horror stories that effects like one in a million.

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