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Sleep Help...


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Does any one here have any sleep help or tips. The past few nights I have only had 3-4 hours of sleep and I do not feel tired. I have tried Tylenol PM, warm milk, counting sheep.....nothing has worked. I do not know what to do.


Has anyone else here had this problem???


Its late, I am am not tired at all.

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I tried playing video games, watching movies, tv, reading, it all makes me restless. Its like Im really tired, im trying to sleep....but I cant. It like you are trying to eat...but your mouth is tied shut.


I did not change my sleep schedule at all...it been

Mon-Thur (sleep from 11:00 to 7:00 am)

Fri-Sat (sleep from 1:00 to 8:30 am)

Sun (sleep from 10:00 to 7:00 am)


so now...i am only getting like 3-4 hours of sleep and I'm dragging through the day, but I cant sleep.

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-----------------------------------The Day-----------------------------

Try not to drink alot of caffeine

Exercise like after work or school

try not to eat alot of fast food and unhealthy foods

Eat a large atleast 2 hour before you go to bed.

--------------------------------Bed prep--------------------------------

Never go to bed hungry, eat something light not heavy

Make sure your bead has space no junk like bills, boxes, ect.

Make sure your bed is comfortable if not bring some more pillows

in to the room to sleep on, or just buy a new mattress

Stretch out to relax your body before getting in bed

------------------------------In Bed----------------------------------

Try listening to music with soft sounds. Jazz, blues, mozart just no words in it.

Or Just lay in bed and watch TV unti you get sleepy, and leave it on so you won't have to get out of your comfort position.

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It may or may not help, but this is a relaxation technique I learned when I was younger. You basically put your body to sleep one body part at a time.

You lay in whatever position is the most comfortable. Then you start at your toes, and think "Goodnight toes" and take two deep breaths. Then "Goodnight ankles" and two more deep breaths. Keep doing that until you've said goodnight to every body part. And once you put a body part "to sleep" you pretend like it's asleep, so you don't move it. If I'm having trouble falling asleep, I'll do this and almost never make it all the way to my head!

It sounds pretty silly, but I've never found a relaxation technique that works this well!



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^I actually learned that in High School and tried it also. usually it works, but its like, I cant...my body wont let me. I haven't had any soda or caffeine at all the past few days (i usually never do).


Ill try the "two breath" thing with each body part tonight because I only take one breath. Right now, I have been up for 19 hours and I don't feel sleepy.

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^^ That sounds so funny I'm going to try it next time I can't sleep! Whenever I can't get to sleep, I go and take a couple Tylenol PM. I know you say you've tried it..but that's what I do. I'm sure you're not one year old..so I don't know your real age..but this is probably just a phase that you'll get over soon. Maybe try going out and doing stuff during the day so you're more tired at night.

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I've had this problem off and on for years. I learned recently, however, that a Tylenol P.M. habit can harm you. If you do take them, take them as directed - too much Tylenol can mess with your liver functions. All of the relaxation, exercise, diet techniques listed above will work with a little time. If not - try Melatonin (in the vitamin section of the drug store.) It has helped me lately. Sometimes, you just need to give it a little time and it will sort itself out.


If it keeps up, you might want to speak with your doctor.


Just my experience and opinion - take it or leave it and good luck.

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Stress or having too much on your mind is a major cause of insomnia. Try to avoid stress whenever possible and resolve issues to get things off of your mind.


Avoid caffine, especially less than four hours before bed. I have found that this is a major factor in your sleep at night. More caffine=less restful sleep (for me anyway).


Don't take naps during the day. This also messes up your ability to sleep at night.


I actually just had a small bout of insomnia, due to jet lag and other things. These are the things I did. However, if you continue to have this problem, I would definately consult your doctor.

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I have the same porblem only bacuse i have messed up my sleep schedual (sp i know). Just sit in bed and wathc T.V. until you get tired or if you don't have T.V. in you room read a book. It may take a little while though i hope this helps.


I have sleeping problems too and that is exactly what I do. It works MOST of the time.

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You can always... uhm... err.... nevermind.


Hahaha....yeah I guess that works too.



This might be counter-productive for sleeping, but it works with me when I change a lot of time zones (like when I went to Hong Kong). Just stay up for an entire night, and I guarantee that you'll go to sleep nearly immediately the next night. For example, our flight to HKG was out of JFK, so it left early afternoon and arrived late afternoon in HKG. The entire flight was in daylight, which really sucked since it was 15 hours 30 minutes. I didn't sleep for the entire flight, so it felt like 4-5 am to my body when we arrived, although it was only like 4 pm. I stayed up until we ate some dinner and got to our hotel, then absolutely crashed at 10 pm.


It worked-my parents and brother took the better part of the trip to adjust (it was a 14 day trip), while I adjusted basically the first day. I was still a bit off the next morning, but by our second full day in HKG, I was fine.



So, try staying up from 7 am Tuesday until Wednesday night, it just might work....

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It may or may not help, but this is a relaxation technique I learned when I was younger. You basically put your body to sleep one body part at a time.

You lay in whatever position is the most comfortable. Then you start at your toes, and think "Goodnight toes" and take two deep breaths. Then "Goodnight ankles" and two more deep breaths. Keep doing that until you've said goodnight to every body part. And once you put a body part "to sleep" you pretend like it's asleep, so you don't move it. If I'm having trouble falling asleep, I'll do this and almost never make it all the way to my head!

It sounds pretty silly, but I've never found a relaxation technique that works this well!




I do something similar to what Julie does, except when I take deep breaths I pretend that I'm putting my entire body into a deep sleep by each breath. So what I would try to do is barely think, take a deep breath, and when I let go I feel like I'm gaining weight (i.e. sleep), and I keep on doing that till I'm relaxed and stuff.


I also watch tv in bed most nights and that helps me fall asleep.

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You can always... uhm... err.... nevermind.
This is actually a pretty good technique. Haha. It sounds ridiculous, but it releases endorphins and calms your nerves.


I've had insomnia for about three years now. Some nights it's really bad. I've actually gone about 56 hours without sleep once or twice, and I've hallucinated because of it.


I honestly don't have any techniques other than suggesting you try masturbating. My insomnia is so bad that I'm about to see if I can turn to drugs. Maybe a prescription, but I'll try over-the-counter stuff first.


Try not to stress out about things too. I've learned that school (which I'm finally done with) would keep me up at night. Lately it's a job search and my future, but I've only had two sleepless nights this month so far.


Then again, you may just have thrown off your sleep cycle. Try staying up all night and all the next day. You'll be so tired by the next night, you should fall asleep and correct the cycle.


Tell us what you try and how it went. I want to see if something else can work for me.

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Well, last night I got 5 hours of sleep for once Right now I am so tired, but i'm not tired at all (if that makes sense). But it was kinda weird. I though 5 mins went by...but it was an hour. It was really weird, it was like I was going super slow.


I will take a few Tylenol PMs and do that relaxing thing again.

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Well, last night I got 5 hours of sleep for once Right now I am so tired, but i'm not tired at all (if that makes sense). But it was kinda weird. I though 5 mins went by...but it was an hour. It was really weird, it was like I was going super slow.


I will take a few Tylenol PMs and do that relaxing thing again.


See I messed up my sleeping schedule after I graduated High School. I figure no need to go to bed early anymore since I was just working at the time...then college crept up on me quickly...and well..My sleeping habits from then to now (about 2 years and ongoing) are horrible! I go to work at 3pm to 11pm. When I get home, it's non-stop movies, music, eating, lounging, x-box, reading ect. Soon I realize it's now 7:00am because my mom leaves for work then...and yells at me to go to bed. So I usually give in and go to sleep then until 2pm (sometimes I don't sleep at all)...getting up for work and repeating the process all over again. Now thats bad lol...really thats bad for my health..so i'm trying to re-evaluate the things I need to do in my day verses what I want to do...Try that, maybe it will help. Oh...and tv never does it for me lol...but storms always do the trick...I just remebered, just yesterday, I was so tired (missed a day and a half of sleep due to doing a 16 hour shift since some dork got lost and couldn't make it to work)...I fell asleep on a box of dvd's in Wal*mart...seriously.

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I tried playing video games, watching movies, tv, reading, it all makes me restless. Its like Im really tired, im trying to sleep....but I cant. It like you are trying to eat...but your mouth is tied shut.


I did not change my sleep schedule at all...it been

Mon-Thur (sleep from 11:00 to 7:00 am)

Fri-Sat (sleep from 1:00 to 8:30 am)

Sun (sleep from 10:00 to 7:00 am)


so now...i am only getting like 3-4 hours of sleep and I'm dragging through the day, but I cant sleep.


You need more sleep, that's all.

Go to bed earlier. Try swimming or riding your bike every day. This makes me tired. If I just sit on the computer all day, I can't fall asleep.


Andrew "Hope that helps!" C.

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Ah, it's the American way, rather than dealing with the issues that are causing your sleepless nights, you instead reach for the drugs. (The pharmaceutical industry would be proud)


I believe you stated that your sleepless nights have been a recent development? Well, assuming your diet has been basically unchanged for the past few months, then the likely culprit is Stress.......


So what happened??? Did your girlfriend "Surprise" you last week with the "Happy" news? That those extra pounds she's put on over the past few months weren't caused by too many trips to the buffet, but rather that she's "Surprise" Pregnant?, and well into her 2nd trimester. (Dam that Withdrawal Method!!! The Catholic Church approves it's use, so that means it should work! Doesn't it???)


Hopefully for you, that's not the case, so I'd say the more likely reason would be that schools starting up again. Whether your attending High School/JC/College or whatever, it's always stressful. But, after you adjust to the new school year, your sleepless nights should improve.


If you insist on being a pill-popper, than head to your local health food store and pick up a bottle of 3mg Melatonin. Melatonin is something your body produces naturally, but sometimes you don't make enough, so adding a 3mg dose can often help you sleep better.


As for the Tylenol PM, you should avoid taking pain medication when you don't need it. Tylenol actually sells a product called "Simply Sleep" which includes the sleep aid without the acetaminophen.


Good Luck To You!

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Ah, it's the American way, rather than dealing with the issues that are causing your sleepless nights, you instead reach for the drugs. (The pharmaceutical industry would be proud)


I believe you stated that your sleepless nights have been a recent development? Well, assuming your diet has been basically unchanged for the past few months, then the likely culprit is Stress.......


So what happened??? Did your girlfriend "Surprise" you last week with the "Happy" news? That those extra pounds she's put on over the past few months weren't caused by too many trips to the buffet, but rather that she's "Surprise" Pregnant?, and well into her 2nd trimester. (Dam that Withdrawal Method!!! The Catholic Church approves it's use, so that means it should work! Doesn't it???)


I'm pretty sure that isn't the problem he's only a year old i'm pretty sure he cant do that yet.

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