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Wonder Point Update! Worlds Tallest And Fastest Dive Coaster

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Here is my newest park, seeings as my last one was a complete and utter failure. Please check this park out and tell me what you think!


Here is the park overview. Expect much more in the coming weeks, and expect to be amazed.


Heres Thunderforce in all it's amazing glory.


Here is the entrance to our first coaster, Thunderforce. Its an S-Amusements (My little fancy company :D) Launcher.


Here is the back area of the park entrance.


A second look at the entrance including part of the ticket booths.


Here is a first look at the park entrance at our park. Its supposed to keep a peaceful feel and distract people from the thrilling rides ahead.


Here are the pretty fountains, one of the first things you'll encounter when entering the park.

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Uh, didnt know you were on here too.. DanishDude from Ataricommunity. Well, as i wrote on there i realy like the park! Is it a launched B&M?

Oh hey! Yeah.. well.. kindof. It's not really a B&M looking ride, so I just made it my own manufacturer.

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I made the fountains with mixmaster...

It goes 67 MPH because I had to use blockbreaks.. Heres the kicker htough.. its not an instant lauch. It starts out slower and gradually gets to top speed. its not jerky at all.


My bad about the trains haha I never modified them.



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ive been doing that with my roller coasters too.

I alway thought that jerky thing was annoying.

does anyone know how to make the the block brakes go faster than 67 mph?


thanks for the fountain


im gonna use that


If you use a launch coaster, make blockbreaks up to 67 MPH then use the launch track the rest of the way.

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That is quite a nice park. But the coaster is unrealistic with the hyper coaster trains. Oh, and is that scenery pack in the game you used for the buildings? Or is it a downloadable one?

Yes, I know lol, I already said that was on accident. The scenery packs are Shuguys mainstreet sets, and circus center sets.. and there are more too.

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Here at the park, it's time for another update. We've been working quite hard with all the scenery placement and it came out great. We've added a new ride, and eatery, plus a river, and a small pond. Our coaster has been updated with new trains, and some more theming to add to the already dazzling thrill. We hope you enjoy this update!


And here, finally, is the park map. Hope you enjoyed this update! Have a great night from S. Amusements.


Very good food here. Nothing but the best for our customers.


Later meaning now :)


Even MORE eatery, later we'll show the inside.


Isn't it pretty?


More eatery. It is actually a nice looking little place.


What a beautiful skyline!


Ooooh... Ahhh...


You can see the updates on the coaster in this picture. They make it look great!


Another shot. Look how lush the surrounding area is!


Here is a shot of our new eatery.


Another shot of this beautifully themed ride.


Lookie! A new ride here at the park! Manic Whirl!

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  • 2 weeks later...
I wanna See the new update thats what i've been waiting for. i think the more you post updates the more it will become popular.


just a thought though


but i do want to see a new update

I cant really post updates quickly though, because I'm working really hard and it takes me a while to complete.

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I know how that is. but you could also do smaller updates as kind of a teaser to people.


and later you can do a big update that shows things you didn't show in the smaller updates, like take a closer look at things show them the little tiny details that they couldn't see before.


can't wait for an update

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Mountain Lion



John Amar, was walking on a morning stroll in the forest, when he lost the sense of where he was, and started to continue, in trance from the beauties around him. Through the most desolate parts of the forest, John became lost, but fear did not persue it's evil actions. The veiws of the trees, natural habitats of animals and the rushing water sent an electric thrill up his spine. The thought of being alone didn't frighten John at all, as the sounds and looks of the areas around him were so peaceful, the unease was left behind. When night fell, John set up a camp to stay the night, feeling safe and consoled in the confinements of his tent. Not worried about what would happen in the future, or in the latter.


But this, would not be a good idea.....


Grabbing the sleeping bag and covering his body in the blanket, John fell in a deep sleep, still feeling as if he was totally safe.


It was very late now, or very early, depending on how you veiw it, and John felt a tug at is leg. This small tug turned into a searing pain. John look behind him, and saw what could be, his demise. A mountain lion had grabbed him by the ankles. Suddenly that shearing pain became much worse as the lion started to drag John through the forest. His leg, which was shearing open even further caused John to scream in the fear and pain, terrified of what could happen next.


The lion running, eventually reached his cave where he planned to make John a delicious meaty dinner. Terrified and in aweful pain John started making impulse decisions, screaming and shouting for help, the lion bathed in the fear, enjoying every minute of it, as if it was entertaining. John still screaming and almost in loss of conciousness because of blood loss, finally gave up and tried to make a run from the lion. In terrible pain feeling as if his insides were being ripped apart, John ran, as fast as he could.


John, knowing he could not outrun the lion ran into an abandoned rock cave. Hidden and scared.. He stayed there, praying and hoping someone could come to his rescue. Hidden in that cave, John got food from a nearby berry bush and drink from a brooke behind the cave. Staying there as long as possble, rescue finally came, taking him to the closest hospital and fixing his leg. John was sent home about a week later, but the experience is run over and over in his mind again. And now you can experience it too. Will you have the same fate as John?


Will you survive, or will you be scared for life like John?

You'll never know....

Unless you try.

Could that morning stroll....

Be your ultimate demise?

Those happy times...

Can turn against you...

And ruin you,...

All in the blink of an eye.

What will happen to you?


InSaNiTy Amusements

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