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Most Anticipated Coaster - New for 2005

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I will most likely be riding SheiKra in June. I may make a trip towards the Dells in Late July. In August I am hitting Dorney for Hydra. Out of the three of them I would probably want to do SheiKra the most, since I haven't been over the pond to ride Oblivion yet. Hades comes in second and Hydra in third (since I have ridden a floorless before.)

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I'm excited about pretty much all the new coasters this year. Even Mr. Six looks fun (reguardless of the fact that I've already ridden it in two places already)


Dons Top 5 Picks for 05, in no particular order:




Kingda Ka


and Rita


Though I'm easily most excited about Sheikra, perhaps because that's the one I'm hitting first, perhaps because I'm duck-stomp insane.


-J "who knows" J


Kannonen looks awesome though, have fun guys!

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New for 2005 coasters I will get to ride will be

Hades, Hydra, Kingda Ka, IJST PKI, Chinese Express , Gold Rush Express, Little Dipper (WI moved from IL), Powder Keg, and Road Runner Express TGE..... And I went on Mr Six at SFNE last night...


I would have to say Hades looks like its going to be the best coaster of 2005...

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Homer's Top Five of Oh-Five (w00t, alliteration!)


5. RITA- Another knotch in Alton Towers' belt for providing unique rides under tough ordinances. Though short, it actually looks like a kick ass ride.


4. Kanonen- Can we say those geniuses down at Intamin design some kick ass rides? It oddly reminds me of old Schwarzkopf's, and of course, its small phallus .


3. Hydra- You know a coaster rocks when it has an inversion named after a pop star. Also, its twisted layout looks awesome as well.


2. Kingda Ka- Lets just say Intamin does it again, hopefully. This time, a phallus taller (not bigger) than Cedar Point's.


1. SheiKra- Another example of how coasters would rock for being named after pop stars. Of course, the great theming and how it would bring a much needed facelift to the Stanleyville area. Also, it is well designed and looks kick ass!

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1. SheiKra -- No plans to ride

2. Kanonen -- No plans to ride

3. Hydra -- Plan to ride in May

3. Kingda Ka -- Plan to ride in May (tied)

5. Powder Keg -- No plans to ride

6. Rita -- No plans to ride

7. Hades -- No plans to ride

8. Mr Six's Pandemonium -- Been there, done that.

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1. SheiKra -- Won't be riding it

2. Kanonen -- Won't be riding it

3. Hydra -- Hopefully in July/October

3. Kingda Ka -- Planning for June

5. Powder Keg -- Won't be riding it

6. Rita -- Slightly far away for me to ride it

7. Hades -- Hopefully in August

8. Mr Six's Pandemonium -- SFNE is my homepark so most definently.

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I'd have to say that the most anticipated roller Coaster of 2005 will be Hydra: The Revenge debuting at Dorney Park.....I must say the ride looks rather impressive...but this is B&M were talking about....their coasters are nothing short of GREAT!! Looking forward to riding the coaster in mid-July.


Still awaiting for my home park Kennywood to get a new Roller coaster.

When that will happened.....who knows?

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Im going to Liseberg in a month, so Im very excited about Kanonen. Im also going to Gardaland, but Im not really excited to ride the S&S Screamin Scquirrel. Im mostly annoyed actually because it destroys the great look of the vekomalooper.

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Well, right now I can only confirm that I will be riding Italian Job (PKI) and Hydra. I have prospects, but the only ones that are for sure are those two. So, Hydra easily takes it for me. I really hope it turns out to be an awesome ride. The prospects are Hades (quite likely), Skeikra (not so much), and Wild Mouse at Beech Bend (not so much likely). If those ended up happening, then I don't know. Hades looks awesome, Sheikra looks like it could be a pretty sweet ride, and I'm still really excited about Hydra.

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