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Valleyfair (VF) Discussion Thread

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Any update on what they are adding to Soak City? Like I said probably just fluffy, fluffy bunnies filled with medicine and goo, food carts, gift shops etc. but I'm just curious.


They're adding a sandbox in the grassy field next to Beach Bites, and Sand Volleyball Courts where IMAX formerly resided.

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Based on where the Tilt-a-Whirl is located, I don't know where they are going to put the new Steel Venom queue, as I don't really see any place where they will be able to squeeze it in. On the other hand, these maps are never to scale. I also noticed that the Scrambler will be closer to Northern Lights and Antique Autos. In the concept art, it looked like it was right next to SV. I guess they did that because people might have felt somewhat unsafe having Scrambler right there.


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Based on where the Tilt-a-Whirl is located, I don't know where they are going to put the new Steel Venom queue, as I don't really see any place where they will be able to squeeze it in. On the other hand, these maps are never to scale. I also noticed that the Scrambler will be closer to Northern Lights and Antique Autos. In the concept art, it looked like it was right next to SV. I guess they did that because people might have felt somewhat unsafe having Scrambler right there.


Don't use the park map for anything but finding things. I'm sure that the CF planning department planned for ample Steel Venom queue.

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Just got this picture from VF's construction webcam. A big shipping container with a crane mounted next to the Northern Lights track makes me think the train has arrived and will be loaded on the track today. Stay tuned.


A shipping container and mounted crane.

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Just got this picture from VF's construction webcam. A big shipping container with a crane mounted next to the Northern Lights track makes me think the train has arrived and will be loaded on the track today. Stay tuned.


That'd be a big 10--4 there.


We have a train!

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This is a random question, but would any of you happen to know why Xtreme Swing was only running one side last year? Everytime I went to VF last year, it would only run one side regardless of if the park was packed or if everything was a walk-on. My guesses are that it was either broken down, or Valleyfair was being cheap by only operating one side, but does anyone know exactly why?


Will we see this again soon?

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This is a random question, but would any of you happen to know why Xtreme Swing was only running one side last year? Everytime I went to VF last year, it would only run one side regardless of if the park was packed or if everything was a walk-on. My guesses are that it was either broken down, or Valleyfair was being cheap by only operating one side, but does anyone know exactly why?


I asked the ride operator that exact same question, he said it had to do with the parks electricity bill or something

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This is a random question, but would any of you happen to know why Xtreme Swing was only running one side last year? Everytime I went to VF last year, it would only run one side regardless of if the park was packed or if everything was a walk-on. My guesses are that it was either broken down, or Valleyfair was being cheap by only operating one side, but does anyone know exactly why?


I asked the ride operator that exact same question, he said it had to do with the parks electricity bill or something


I highly doubt that's the case. That would be a horrible decision from a guest service standpoint.

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This is a random question, but would any of you happen to know why Xtreme Swing was only running one side last year? Everytime I went to VF last year, it would only run one side regardless of if the park was packed or if everything was a walk-on. My guesses are that it was either broken down, or Valleyfair was being cheap by only operating one side, but does anyone know exactly why?


I asked the ride operator that exact same question, he said it had to do with the parks electricity bill or something


I highly doubt that's the case. That would be a horrible decision from a guest service standpoint.


I want to say that Valleyfair did it to be safe because CP's Skyhawk cable snapped, and because is one-side operation would be bad customer service, but then again, so is one-train coaster operation when the line is an hour long. In fact, my least favorite thing about Valleyfair is its aversion to multi-train operation (except on Wild Thing), and how they put on the second train later than they should. For example, I've seen Corkscrew have lines stretching outside the normal queue early in the day, but they put on the second train much later in the day when it has a walk-on wait. Renegade has the same problem, except I've never seen the line stretch outside the normal queue. One exception to all this was when I went there last year on a Saturday in mid-July, and every coaster was running all trains (believe it or not, including Excalibur, even though it still had it's normal walk-on wait). I wish we could see that more often.

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They used to run both sides, I didn't believe that ride operator because it just seemed irrelevant. I also have another question why don't all three towers run on power tower, I usually see one blue tower and one red running when I'm at the park, i guess its kinda like running multiple trains

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They used to run both sides, I didn't believe that ride operator because it just seemed irrelevant. I also have another question why don't all three towers run on power tower, I usually see one blue tower and one red running when I'm at the park, i guess its kinda like running multiple trains


I believe they run either one or two Turbo Drops (red towers) based on attendance like running multiple trains. On slow days, it's usually just one, but on busy days like the one I mentioned above, they'll run the two towers. The Space Shot (blue tower) has only one tower, so it is similar to Steel Venom in that it has the same capacity regardless of crowds.

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Also staffing has a lot to do with how many units can be ran. Here at CP during the week in Aug we have to cut down on units b\c our staffing levels are not at optimal levels to run every ride with max units. And unfortunately rides will get longer then we would like but it does happen.

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Saw the 2013 Mitch Hawker Steel Poll Results. For Valleyfair...

-Wild Thing was 129

-Steel Venom/Favorite Impulse Coaster was 161

-Mad Mouse/Favorite Wild Mouse was 302

-Corkscrew/Favorite Loop-Screw was 304

-Excalibur was 323


That poll reminded me of how many clones Valleyfair has. I think they are all fun, but the next new coaster should really be something unique and not a clone.


I personally think that Excalibur is underrated, but that's probably just me.


Also, here are some pictures of the new AA cars...




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Despite the snow last night and it being only 30 degrees (F) right now you can see a concrete mixer on the right side of the picture and they are pouring cement for the new Scrambler base. Good to see progress despite the weather with only 29 days until opening.


Scrambler base being poured.

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^ I have no idea but they have since re-adjusted the camera view. Looks like they are done with pouring the concrete base for Scrambler now. You can also see that temporary orange construction fences have been put up, I am guessing they are so they can pour the concrete 'roads' for the Antique Auto's and not mess anything up on Northern Lights.


Getting closer.

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You can also see that temporary orange construction fences have been put up, I am guessing they are so they can pour the concrete 'roads' for the Antique Auto's and not mess anything up on Northern Lights.


The temporary fence is most likely for testing NL... That's my guess.

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Even though most of us have been saying that a B&M invert is what Valleyfair should/likely will get for a new coaster in the future, I was feeling a little bit uneasy about a B&M since most B&M's in the past several years have been relatively forceless, but now that the reception for Banshee has been so positive, I would feel much better about a B&M invert at Valleyfair. I understand that it would likely have lower statistics so that it fits VF's budget better, but in the coaster world, taller and faster does not necessarily mean better. Wild Thing is the perfect example of this. While I really like Wild Thing, it isn't my favorite coaster at VF.

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Even though most of us have been saying that a B&M invert is what Valleyfair should/likely will get for a new coaster in the future, I was feeling a little bit uneasy about a B&M since most B&M's in the past several years have been relatively forceless, but now that the reception for Banshee has been so positive, I would feel much better about a B&M invert at Valleyfair. I understand that it would likely have lower statistics so that it fits VF's budget better, but in the coaster world, taller and faster does not necessarily mean better. Wild Thing is the perfect example of this. While I really like Wild Thing, it isn't my favorite coaster at VF.

B&M still builds force less rides. It really depends on what the customer wants. I know Kings Island wanted force, but I'm not really sure to what Valley Fair will get, if anything.

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