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Valleyfair (VF) Discussion Thread

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I don't know how a park like Valleyfair could add a Mack rides coaster when it has something so similar like Steel Venom. A typical coaster would be better.


Mack makes a wide array of rides and coasters. Look up blue fire

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With how other Cedar Fair parks are getting "Gate Coasters," and many are expecting ours to take the place of Dinos. Here's a thought (though I'm not entirely sure how much of this land the park can build on): the entrance/queue could take the place of Ripcord with the lift rising over the parking lot entrance towards the dorms. Alternatively, the Ripcord could be replaced by a tunnel/skyway over said entrance to create a whole new section of the parking lot between the park entrance and the dorms. This could also create some great curb appeal for the park/help expand it. See attached picture.


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With how other Cedar Fair parks are getting "Gate Coasters," and many are expecting ours to take the place of Dinos. Here's a thought (though I'm not entirely sure how much of this land the park can build on): the entrance/queue could take the place of Ripcord with the lift rising over the parking lot entrance towards the dorms. Alternatively, the Ripcord could be replaced by a tunnel/skyway over said entrance to create a whole new section of the parking lot between the park entrance and the dorms. This could also create some great curb appeal for the park/help expand it. See attached picture.


I think they would connect it using the pathway/smoking area, instead of taking out Ripcord. I haven't heard anything against Ripcord being there or how well it does, so it probs isn't going anywhere.


I wonder, if they ever were to use the field of dreams and the park floods like two years ago, if they would just go straight to Canterbury parking.

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Six Flags Over Texas has a tunnel under their parking entrance that leads to their old wooden roller coaster. I would have to say that not many people would want to take the walk across. Why have a new roller coaster it it wouldn't be ridden? I think that the parking lot and dinosaurs would be a better area. Also? the front entrance could use a little upgrade

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Not that I think this would happen, but what about instead of a "gate coaster," it's a "parking lot entrance coaster"? The new coaster could have a station near Steel Venom, then run east and cross the road, going over the main parking lot entrance. That'd be a cool effect, I think.

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Unfortunately, I think there was a map posted here a while back that showed who owned the land in the area and it showed that the park didn't own all the land in that area. So, I don't think they could build a ride there, though it would be an interesting idea to have the ride station in the park and have it go over the parking lot into that area.

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Unfortunately, I think there was a map posted here a while back that showed who owned the land in the area and it showed that the park didn't own all the land in that area. So, I don't think they could build a ride there, though it would be an interesting idea to have the ride station in the park and have it go over the parking lot into that area.


No, VF does own all of the land in the field of dreams, all the way to the dorms. Here's the GIS info.


The area directly to the right/in the orange is the wildlife reserve.

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  • 2 weeks later...

While it looks more like it'll be a "theming-over-thrills" kind of park (I prefer thrills over theming), it is nice that we might be having a new theme park in Minnesota.


In other news, the 2016 operating schedule has been released. It's pretty much the same as last year, except the park will be closed for two Sundays in June instead of one.


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Not Valleyfair related but I thought this would be a great place to break this news, there is a report saying a Sony indoor theme park is coming to Albertville, MN!


heres the story:





Could one you start a thread for the Sony/Albertville park? I would but the forum won't let me post links under 100 posts.

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^I think it would be wise to wait before starting a thread devoted to a new park project. We've seen quite a few come and go over the years. I imagine that we'll have a thread for it if the project actually "breaks ground."

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^I think it would be wise to wait before starting a thread devoted to a new park project. We've seen quite a few come and go over the years. I imagine that we'll have a thread for it if the project actually "breaks ground."



Fair enough, I'm just very curious as to if this park will include actual theme park rides such as coasters/dark rides or if it will go for more theater simulator/4D stuff.

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^I think it would be wise to wait before starting a thread devoted to a new park project. We've seen quite a few come and go over the years. I imagine that we'll have a thread for it if the project actually "breaks ground."



Fair enough, I'm just very curious as to if this park will include actual theme park rides such as coasters/dark rides or if it will go for more theater simulator/4D stuff.


That's what I'm wondering too. Can't wait to see where this goes!

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From the looks of the project, and the initial contact that I have had with the company, it looks like this will be more museum like and have a 4D cinema at the exit. Does anyone know if 500,00 sq ft would be bigger than water park of America? I would hope for a ProSlide tornado!

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Just talked to Ben Blochl from iP2 who will be heading the project. When I asked for further details about rides, he just responded "immersive, high tech, interactive activities". What it looks like is that there will not be rides. Ip2 made parks like these in the other parts of the world without rides but with 4D cinema. I asked him for further information about the water park. He said that he is not working on that and will forward me on. I talked to a rep from ProSlides today. He told me that MOEMN had asked for a quote for some of their larger raft water slides but have not bought or met with the company yet. For this park to have something unique to MN, it would have to be either a mat racer, funnel, or tornado slide.

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In other news, the 2016 operating schedule has been released. It's pretty much the same as last year, except the park will be closed for two Sundays in June instead of one.

I wonder when Coasting for Kids will be held if they're closed the first two Sundays of June.

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Coaster boys beware, Coaster Studios has started its second season of 5 year plans, and Valleyfair is the first park! Yes people have been on this kid to put Valleyfair up. I haven't watched the video yet but he normally isn't very accurate with his long term predictions and he doesn't know very much about coasters and he hasn't ridden 95% of them.

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Wow, This thread has really dried up lately. Anyway I watched coaster studios 5 year prediction and I'm not sure he is too far off with one exception. I believe 2017 will be our next coaster but will be the highlight of a completely redone back of the park. Dino's is a great spot for a new "Gatekeeper" type of coaster but I don't see that for a few years down the road yet. The back of the park right now has got to be the priority for improvement. Moving the service road alone will be a huge improvement. Assuming they get the permits to expand the berm, there will be a ton of new space in the back of the park and I don't think they will spend the money to do that just to let it sit there for several years before they do anything with it.

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