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Valleyfair (VF) Discussion Thread

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I just has to tell you guys that I went on the Rock Bottom Plunge at MOA today for the first time. Well, I must have been so excited to go on it because I forgot to zip the pocket on my coat and my phone fell out while on the loop!! The maintenance guy retrieved it for me. Just one small crack in the corner of my screen that you can barely see. The survivor case for iPhone is worth the money. Lol

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I think that CW is getting a launched wing, and that either Kings Dominion or Valleyfair will get an invert. Yes, it's unrealistic, but dreaming is fun. Cedar Fair really looks dependent on putting the new Skyhawk thrill rides at every park. The contract states: deals should be made in the future for single year purchases over 3.

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Rumors are rumors. I take a wait-and-see approach, without expectations. Frankly, I am more interested to get down to Adventureland to try out The Monster. Is it sad that Adventureland will have a new looping coaster before Valleyfair (said with appropriate snark)? I renewed my CF pass (added season-long dining this year) and am continuing my SF membership, regardless of VF's 2017 and beyond plans because there are more parks than just this one. Statistically, VF will get a new coaster eventually. Weather its 2017 or 2018 or 2045 - it will happen.

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If Valleyfair didn't get a coaster, what do you think would work the best?


Not sure exactly what you mean by "what do you think would work the best," but I'm assuming you're asking either what type of coaster I would like to see or what other additions I'd like to see.


For coasters, personally, I'd like to see a custom RMC coaster - along the lines of Outlaw Run at SDC or the upcoming Wildfire at Kolmården. I'm not as married to the idea of a B&M Invert as the majority of VF fans seem to be. If it is to be a B&M - I'd prefer a good floorless coaster over an invert. I fear that if it is a B&M invert, we'll get something along the lines of Talon at DP or Patriot at WoF. They're decent rides, but pretty low on the excitement spectrum. For the same price as a Patriot or a Talon today, we could get a Scream!-sized B&M floorless, or a large custom RMC. Unless CF is willing to invest in a MAJOR B&M for VF - along the lines of Banshee at KI or GateKeeper at CP, I'd rather have a high quality cheap roller coaster than a boring expensive one.


As far as other additions, I agree with the masses that VF needs a giant frisbee. Either from Huss, a Zamperla Giant Discovery, or the Mondial Revolution would be fine. We need a new water ride of some kind, since we've lost the Hydroblaster and The Flume. The Wave is kinda dull. RipTide is fun, but I hate always getting water up my nose. Thunder Canyon needs a makeover - with more waterfall elements and rapids. I'm not sure what a good fit would be (Shoot The Rapids at CP is fun, but loooong). I'd also like to see some more basic carnival-style rides, like a Huss Booster. VF also needs a 2nd kiddie/family coaster. One could count Mad Mouse, but since the minimum height is still 48" unaccompanied, a 2nd option for the younger set would be nice. I'd like to see a Vekoma suspended family coaster for this.

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From a mechanical and $ POV, Suspended Family Coasters are WAY too much money for what they realistically are. It seems that if Valleyfair made the poor desicion to get a family coaster, some sort of indoor mine train like contraption would be nice.

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At this point, I'm more optimistic about that Premier Launcher at WOF in 2018. Or maybe that Morey's Piers GCI. Possibly Speed returns in Vegas?


I loved that coaster!


I'd also prefer a custom RMC to an invert. Not that inverts aren't great, but they are darn near everywhere. Hopefully whatever Valleyfair gets, it's a coaster.

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I would also prefer an RMC over an invert, however, I've heard that RMC will be raising their prices substantially after this year. I'm not sure what most of the RMCs cost, but a price increase might unfortunately price out Valleyfair.

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You're not getting an RMC. I'm not even sure you'll get a B&M at this point.


You don't know what the park is or isn't getting anymore than the rest of us.


Not saying you're wrong, you're probably not wrong... I hope you are, but if not, it's not that difficult to make a trip to a better park or two.

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Yes, it would be wonderful if VF got a new coaster next year, but they're not. Maybe the year after? Maybe the year after that? But whining about 'when & what' shouldn't keep us from getting out there and experiencing other parks. Nor should bashing anyone who has hopes and dreams for VF. In 1995, only 4 roller coasters IN THE WORLD exceeded 200 feet in height. I never dreamed that the 5th one would come to VF - before any of the Six Flags parks, the Busch Gardens parks, Disney, Universal, etc. Stranger things have happened.


In the meantime, I suggest VF fans look elsewhere for new coaster thrills. New coasters are opening next year at Adventureland, Cedar Point, Kentucky Kingdom, and Dollywood - all within a day's drive.

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