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Acronym Assistance?


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Hey all! I'm new to the site and had questions about the acronyms you all use so I searched for a list of them and came up unsuccessful. Then I emailed Elissa, and she told me to go ahead and post the question to all of you....


Alright... after such great response from you all, I've put all the acronyms here in the first post so that any newbie to the world of coasters can come here for acronym assistance, as well as other help! Here goes:





Rcdb has a glossary = Link


And found this one via google = Link


If you look at the lefthand sidebars on http://www.coasterforce.com they have Technical Info, Manufacturers, and other useful stuff on separate pages there that might help you out.




ERT = Exclusive Ride Time. It's time that typically is during off park hours when a park opens a ride for a certain group.

ERS = Exclusive Ride Session. Same as above.

MCBR = Mid-Course Break Run

SLC = Suspended Looping Coaster




BGA formerly BGT = Busch Gardens Africa (Tampa)

BGE formerly BGW = Busch Gardens Europe (Williamsburg)

CP = Cedar Point

DLR = Disneyland Resort

DP = Dorney Park

DW = Dollywood

GL = Geauga Lake

HP = Hersheypark

HW = Holiday World

IB = Indiana Beach

KBF = Knotts Berry Farm

KW = Kennywood

LC = Lake Compounce

MtO = Mount Olympus

PCW = Paramount Canada's Wonderland or Paramount's Carowinds

PKD = Paramount Kings Dominion

PKI = Paramount Kings Island

SDC = Silver Dollar City

SFFT = Six Flags Fiesta Texas

SFGAm = Six Flags Great America, near Chicago

SFGAdv = Six Flags Great Adventure, in New Jersey

SFMM = Six Flags Magic Mountain

SFOG = Six Flags over Georgia

SFOT = Six Flags over Texas

SFStL = Six Flags St. Louis

TGE = The Great Escape

VF = Valleyfair

WoF = Worlds of Fun




AC = Apollo's Chariot

B: DK = Batman: The Dark Knight

B:TR = Batman: The Ride

B&R:TC = Batman & Robin: The Chiller

BBW = Big Bad Wolf

BD = Boulder Dash

CCMR = Cedar Creek Mine Ride

CE = Cornball Express

DBH = Dania Beach Hurricane

DD = Dueling Dragons

EE = Expedition Everest

EGF = Expedition GeForce

ET = El Toro

FoF = Flight of Fear

GASM = Great Amercan Scream Machine (SFGAdv)

G.A.S.M. =Great American Scream Macgine (SFOG)

KK = Kingda Ka

KR = Kentucky Rumbler

LNM = Loch Ness Monster

LoCoSuMo = Lost Coaster of Superstition Mountain

LR = Lightning Racer

ME = Manhattan Express

MF = Millennium Force (which could also be called "Millie", Magnum XL 200 has been called "Maggie")

PR = Phantom's Revenge

RnR = Rock'n'Rollercoaster

RotM = Revenge of the Mummy

RR = Riddler's Revenge

S:KC = Superman: Krypton Coaster

S:ROS = Superman: Ride of Steel

S:TE = Superman: The Escape

S:TR = Speed The Ride

S:UF = Superman: Ultimate Flight

SDL = SuperDooperLooper

SoB = Son of Beast

ST = Shivering Timbers

TG:TJC = Top Gun: The Jet Coaster

ToT = Tower Of Terror

TTD = Top Thrill Dragster

V:BC = Volcana: The Blast Coaster

WT = Wicked Twister or Wild Thing

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ERT is Exlusive Ride Time. It's time that typically is during off park hours when a park opens a ride for a certain group.


For instance on the UK trip a park would bring us in to the park an hour early and have 1 or 2 roller coasters open for us. That's ERT.

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Wow...I always thought ERT was "Elissa Ride Time!" That's what it meant to me.....


I guess for the fanboys maybe it could also mean "Elissa & Robb Time?"


If that's the case, we won't be having any of that on our TPR trips!



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Wow, I thought ERT meant Extended Ride Time. But Exclusive makes more sense.


Well, I've seen both used. Extended Ride Time is more used to describe ERT with a large turnout. kind of like some of the past coastermanias, where there's so many people there that it's not really exclusive at all.

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What about some of the theme park names that you all shrink down to acronyms... I know what SFGA is... Six Flags Great America and such, but could we maybe get a list going for other newbs to the site, so they don't feel a lost as I do sometimes?


The list of terms is great though, I'm reading through it right now...

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Well there is a long list of parks and rides that can get confusing. I'll post some of the most used ones that I've seen...



SFGA = either Great Adventure or Great America

SFOG = Six Flags over Georgia

SFOT = Six Flags over Texas

SFMM = Six Flags Magic Mountain

I think you get the idea for Six Flags parks

CP = Cedar Point

DLR = Disneyland Resort

HP = Hersheypark

TGE = The Great Escape

SDC = Silver Dollar City

DP = Dorney Park


And the list goes on...



TTD = Top Thrill Dragster

MF = Millennium Force (which could also be called "Millie" while Magnum XL 200 has been called "Maggie")

EE = Expedition Everest

KK = Kingda Ka

EGF = Expedition GeForce


Those are just a few. It's getting late. I need to get to bed. Hopefully that helps a little.

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and for some of the other US parks

IB = Indiana Beach

HW = Holiday World

MtO = Mount Olympus

LC = Lake Compounce

KBF = Knotts Berry Farm

KW = Kennywood

DW = Dollywood

GL = Geauga Lake

PKI = Kings Island

PKD = Kings Dominion

PCW = could be confusing as somee mean Paramount Canada's Wonderland and other mean Paramount's Carowinds

BGA fomrerly BGT = refers to Busch Gardens Africa (Tampa)

BGE formerly BGW = refers to Busch Gardens Europe (Williamsburg)

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SFGadv = Great Adventure

KK= KingDa Ka

ET= El Toro or Elissa Time

GASM= Great Amercan Scream Machine (SFGAdv)

G.A.S.M.=Great American Scream Macgine (SFOG)

SOAD= System of a Down (sorry i'm listening to them and I couldn't resist)

B&R:TC= Batman & Robin: The Chiller

B:TR= Batman the Ride or Boring Trip Report

ToT= Tower Of Terror

RnR= Rock'n'Rollercoaster, Rest and Relaxation, or Robb n Rodents.

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Usually the SFGAs have other letters on to tell the difference between the two.


SFGAm = Six Flags Great America, near Chicago

SFGAdv = Six Flags Great Adventure, in New Jersey


VF = Valleyfair

SFStL = Six Flags St. Louis

SFFT = Six Flags Fiesta Texas

WoF = Worlds of Fun

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^ mmm. candy. and i LOVE your banner. i liked it when i thought it didn't say anything beside "I am anti "txt tlk"" now i Adore it.


Two parks that i kept getting stuck on were SFDL (Six Flags Darien Lake) and SFA (Six Flags America) which, even though it is my closest park, i was constantly confusing with Six Flags Great America which is in Chicago.


Good idea getting everyone to write this down, because it is real confusing at first.




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EGF reminds me of Expedition Everest for some reason

How!?!? Expedition Everest doesn't have a "G" or an "F" in it!!!!


EE = Expedition Everest

EGF = Expedition GeForce.


--Robb "Not sure how anyone could get them confused!" Alvey

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The most common US coaster name acronyms I have heard are:

S:ROS = Superman: Ride of Steel

S:KC = Superman: Krypton Coaster

S:TE = Superman: The Escape

S:UF = Superman: Ultimate Flight

B:TR = Batman: The Ride

B: DK = Batman: The Dark Knight

DD = Dueling Dragons

ST = Shivering Timbers

BD = Boulder Dash

TG:TJC = Top Gun: The Jet Coaster

SoB = Son of Beast

GASM = Great American Scream Machine

BandR:TC = Batman and Robin: The Chiller

DBH = Dania Beach Hurricane

LoCoSuMo = Lost Coaster of Superstition Mountain

AC = Apollo's Chariot

MF = Milennium Force

CCMR = Cedar Creek Mine Ride

FoF = Flight of Fear

LNM = Loch Ness Monster

BBW = Big Bad Wolf

RotM = Revenge of the Mummy

EE = Expedition Everest

RR = Riddler's Revenge

TTD = Top Thrill Dragster

KK = Kingda Ka

V:BC = Volcana: The Blast Coaster

WT = Wicked Twister or Wild Thing


these ones I've seen used but less frequently

CE = Cornball Express

LR = Lightning Racer

SDL = SuperDooperLooper

PR = Phantom's Revenge

ME = Manhattan Express

S:TR = Speed The Ride

KR = Kentucky Rumbler


sorry if I repeated any from earlier posts or missed any. Of course it is the coasters with longer names that usually get initialized

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^ mmm. candy. and i LOVE your banner. i liked it when i thought it didn't say anything beside "I am anti "txt tlk"" now i Adore it.


Two parks that i kept getting stuck on were SFDL (Six Flags Darien Lake) and SFA (Six Flags America) which, even though it is my closest park, i was constantly confusing with Six Flags Great America which is in Chicago.


Good idea getting everyone to write this down, because it is real confusing at first.





Thanks for the compliment on the signature. I proudly post it wherever I go... unless the board doesn't allow the word 'damn'...

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Alright, after all the input I've received, I added all the acronyms that have been listed here to my first post so they're easy to find for me, and anyone else that needs help! (And yes, I even took the time to alphabetize!) If after reading the list, you find any more that need to be added, feel free to post and I'll edit the first post as required!


Thanks again for all your help!

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