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*TENTATIVE* Dates & Info About TPR's 2007 Group Trips

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^^ oof. i can't imagine spending the 14 hour flight in that. Well, much longer flight since that won't cover the distance quite as quickly. I imagine it will help you pack light.


For those of you on the east coast thinking about Japan, Dulles Int'l Airport (IAD) in the DC area is ANA's (All Nipon Airways) Hub and has direct flights to Narita nearly everyday i believe. They are a nice airline, and i was quite satisfied with the service.



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Ms. Elissa, can you put me down for the mailing list on the '07 trips? thankya


I recently had a couple changes in financial planning and now the mid-america trip seems verrry inviting. However I will only be 17 next year by the time the trip rolls around. So I'm guessing prior arrangements con mi madre would need to be set up. I really wanna go though.


EDIT: after realizing that putting ur e-mail on a public forum is bad...it went poof

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So you mean, you could help us find flights from a certain area. Say, Chicago to Cincinnati.

I know in my brief time in the VIP forum, there were several threads that popped up regarding major sales of airfare and such (If I remember, several people hopped on a huge Virgin deal out of NYC). Though, to be honest, with the Travelocity and Expedia's of the world, its not that hard to find a great deal - just sign up for their email.


Also, to those posting your email address, I'd be careful about that since you're basically giving every spammer out there permission to send you emails on how to increase your breast size by a full cup

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Exactly, the geniuses just keep on signing up. *edit* I clearly didn't read the last address close enough the first time around...classic.


Anyway, just wondering if you guys found the best deal for the UK trip at the last minute, or if booking in advance saved some cash.


I'm jumping way ahead of myself here, but I'm just so excited about it that I can't help it!

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The cheapest I ever found the UK flight for was 665.00 out of LAX. The only problem was I had to fly out of reno. It was about 1200 if I booked it out of reno to LHR but if I went through LAX it was a whole lot cheaper. You just have to check the flights about everyday. I got lucky when I found it on Expedia. It was 990 one day and then it would go up and down a little bit and then BAM I found it for the cheapest and grabbed it. Just keep looking, it was about 4 or 5 months out that I found it.




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^Yes, but we are able to help with that.


So you mean, you could help us find flights from a certain area. Say, Chicago to Cincinnati.


Um, rent a car and drive? It's almost certainly cheaper than flying in this case, but I guess that depends on gas prices next year now doesn't it?


Anyway since I haven't recieved a flyer I assume you need my e-mail address: ride6_rct@yahoo.com


Midwest trip, I'm willing to help plan as well, just PM or E-mail if you need any information or advice *cough*IndianaBeachMustBeAtNight!*cough* Oops, I know that's not what this thread is for... How aweful of me.




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Looks like my price keeps getting lower.


American MCI to NRT and back for 908.80 roundtrip. And this is if I flew AA on August 31st 2006! Who knows how much it will be when I can view the flight in October

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I haven't booked any of my 2007 airfare yet mainly because I've noticed prices seem to be inflated during the summer (possible correlation with higher gas prices in summers).


Once the slow season starts (ie, September/October) I'm sure fares across the board will drop...at least a little bit.


Also, southwest tends to have the cheapest fares, but they only have flights 5 months or so out at the most.



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