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1980's Coaster Specials were Cheez-whiz...

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SPECIAL THANKS to Milo of Westcoaster for uploading these videos.


Anyways, were all familiar with cheesy coaster specials. The endless TOP 10 XTREME! shows on the Discovery channel with the ditzy girls that are all "OMG DIS RIDE! AHHA AHH AHH!" Well, cheesyness was in this 1980's special too.


Hosted by Matt Dillon, its just funny to listen to this actor think he's a know it all when hes like "Uhh" every few seconds. Also, for those of you looking for some unique coaster music videos, you'll love these links. Including classic footage, a Zombie ACEr, and more!


Wild Rides 1/6 Colossus



Wild Rides 2/6 Great American Scream Machine



Wild Rides 3/6 Ringling Circus World



Wild Rides 4/6 Roller Coaster History



Wild Rides 5/6 Mindbender



Wild Rides 6/6 Texas Cyclone



Enjoy the videos!

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I have a few copies of the 1982 Wild Rides special with Matt Dillon... but for real cheezyness overload you need to check out the 1988 programme "ROLLERCOASTER THRILLS/GO FOR A RIDE." Yup! It's the one at SFMM with the ice-cream man! Pure brilliance! (See VHS1 & VHS4 at rollercoastermedialibrary.com)


Don't you agree Mr Alvey?


Simon Baynham (UK)

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I think all of their budget went into the music video part, so they only had enough film for one take of Matt' i really dig coasters' Dillon's intro.

"Okay Matt, get up there and introduce the coaster, and try not to look like TOO much of a prat." Sadly, Matt Dillon's trapper keeper said it was Opposite Day.



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OMFG ! All of those clips were awesome, thanks for sharing them all with us. Even the slightly incorrect 'History of rollercoasters' was very enjoyable.


I can see next years TPR video contest having a parody or two of these clips.


Couple of questions


What happened to the pink 'Care Bear' cuddly toy in clip one ?, the dude had the bear at start, he seems to drop it & at the end it's back in his hands


Is Mr Zombie, Meatloaf ?


Again awesome clips !

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wow, i just saw this thread. i couldn't dream my youtube post would

get so much mileage!


glad everyone is enjoying these clips. i may have to upload

my copy of American Screams from 1978, hosted by Vincent Price.


no kidding.

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I have a few copies of the 1982 Wild Rides special with Matt Dillon... but for real cheezyness overload you need to check out the 1988 programme "ROLLERCOASTER THRILLS/GO FOR A RIDE." Yup! It's the one at SFMM with the ice-cream man! Pure brilliance! (See VHS1 & VHS4 at rollercoastermedialibrary.com)


Don't you agree Mr Alvey?


Simon Baynham (UK)


I actually have Roller Coaster Thrills! My grandparents had it, I borrowed it a long time ago, and never ended up giving it back. It's hilarious how he doesn't ride the roller coasters, he "Thinks them"

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Oh my god, that was quite possibley the cheesiest thing I have ever seen.

I just finished Colossus and GASM. Matt Dillion can act about as well as a fourth grader.


More importantly, OMGZ! LIEK I DIDN'T KNO COLOSSUS WENT UPSIDE-DOWN!!!!!!!!!11111!!!23324!!!!SiXeleventyfive2!@!#1!

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