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Many entusiast choose S:ROS @ SFA over SFDL. It is also regularly voted higher in the internet polls.

I beg the question why?

I have ridden them both and find SFDL's S:ROS as a much more enjoyable/sweet ride. The one reason I feel this way....the pond/lake under it adds a ton to the experience. Also the mist at the bottom of the first drop is a sweet effect.

The one at SFA was mostly over land and a tiny bit of nasty sewage looking ponds. No effects. Bad staff running it.

I am just asking why many prefer the SFA one over the SFDL one.

No replys on how much better the SFNE one is the best. That is already known.

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SFA is typically rated as a better park than SFDL(though not by much), so maybe that helps to pull up SFA's S:ROS.


Plus the SFA would have more riders I'd imagine.


Personally I'd put it at about a draw. I thought SFDL was better for the first 2/3 of the ride, while I thought the final 3 hills on SFA had more airtime.

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I haven't ridden SFA's since 2002, and SFDL's since 2004...


SFA's always delivered a MUCH better ride in my opinion than SFDL's. Yes SFDL's is 'prettier' but the ride just seemed to really lack something. I believe that Elissa, Dave, and Max all agree with me on this one.

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Well, they are basically the same exact ride. I really didn't find much of a difference with all the right turns becoming left turns and so on.


SFDL's is really picturesque over the lakes. It's the better one to ride during the day, IMO. The thing rattles....and the restraints make it worse and worse though.


SFA's is over an ugly field. But, unlike SFDL's, this one is pitch black at night. That makes it way more exciting to ride at night. SFDL's has lights on the major hills, which may look cool, but it's much more fun to not have any IMO. I found this one to rattle just as much as SFDL's, but the red isn't as faded so it looks sharper.

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I rode in 2004 and thought it was good but not great... not even better than Millennium. Last year I rode again and it was kickin' ass - it was moving quicker and had MUCH better air... still not as good as it's NE cousin, but better than MF, Raging Bull, and any of the Arrow or Morgan or Gio hypers. I'd kinda like to ride SFA's to see what the fuss is about.


- Joe, who would say Darien Lake's ROS is somewhere in the #11-15 range on my steel list.

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I rode SFA's last June. While it was a good ride, the overall reliability was poor. It ended up being our last credit of the day after numerous attempts to ride it (I think 3 attempts until we got it). The surrounding area was not very nice and the theming was quite poor.

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^ Surounding area isn't as bad as people think or say it is. As long as you stay between SFA and 495. You should be fine.


But I know how you feel about SFA's RoS. It's always breaking down numerous times throuhout the day. Oh, wait, my mistake, thats most of SFA anyways.

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SFA is typically rated as a better park than SFDL(though not by much),



SFDL must really blow then. SFA is like the most amazingly craptastic big/corporate park (to be fair, i haven't been in a couple years) We always thought it had this really weird dynamic going on, it's got some really good rides, but no one there is ever having any fun. Populated by gigantic women in wife beaters surronded by 8-12 kids all pulling on her shirt yelling "he hit me, she pinched me, i'm telling, i pooed in the fountain..."


I do really enjoy Superman-hurts like a mofo in the rain though.


-Fa "my eyes, Ze Goggles! Zey Do NOTHING!" lafel

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^ It's gotten *A little* better. The employees have gotten up to par and are starting realize, If you move dispatch trains faster, you get a longer break! Atleast thats what the lead superman op was yelling at the employee's when they were going incredibly slow. That op was my hero, I wanted to give her a big hug.


600th Post!

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^ Surounding area isn't as bad as people think or say it is. As long as you stay between SFA and 495. You should be fine.


But I know how you feel about SFA's RoS. It's always breaking down numerous times throuhout the day. Oh, wait, my mistake, thats most of SFA anyways.


I meant the surrounding area around the coaster (basically a scrubby-field), and yeah you will be fine if you stay within those boundries around SFA.

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SFA is typically rated as a better park than SFDL(though not by much),



SFDL must really blow then. SFA is like the most amazingly craptastic big/corporate park (to be fair, i haven't been in a couple years) We always thought it had this really weird dynamic going on, it's got some really good rides, but no one there is ever having any fun. Populated by gigantic women in wife beaters surronded by 8-12 kids all pulling on her shirt yelling "he hit me, she pinched me, i'm telling, i pooed in the fountain..."


I do really enjoy Superman-hurts like a mofo in the rain though.


-Fa "my eyes, Ze Goggles! Zey Do NOTHING!" lafel


That's why I said not by much.


And yes SFDL does blow. At least SFA has a better ride lineup.

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While SFA leaves me with a sour taste in my mouth they definately do have the better selection of rides. I have ridden both of the superclones and I like SFDL's better due to better visuals, couldn't notice all that much of a difference in ride quality. They're both really great Intamins.

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