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Kings Island cancels Winterfest

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Well, it obviously didn't have an impact on enough people now did it?


Well, it DID, but a $25 a ticket, there were an awful lot of people who would have gone and didn't. If they had been smart (IMHO), they would have reduced the gate price, made season passholders free or at a greatly reduced gate price, and given it one more chance.


The only way this will sit right with me will be if it's being cancelled because of all the incredible renovations and new coaster construction that will be going on...LOL



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^shari im with you on this one...this year I had brought 10 tickets because I was impressed w/ last years being the first year in a while and it was still pretty well done. For a business to be open and make more profits I think its a bad move. You cant expect to have a sold out event the first year it opens...word has to get around then the crowds will come, but as of right now the crowds wont be comming, atleast the ones I had plan on bringing.


Jarvis "off to ebay to sell his tickets" Morant!

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^^completely off topic, but is that Gary Burbank???? LOL



Yeah, I am just really bummed. It was very well done last year and the night Sammi and I went, I thought the crowd was good sized, considering it was a Sunday night and also some light snow (which made it all the more beautiful!!)


I think there will be some backlash and complaints, and hopefully CF will be open to having it once they get "settled".

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^^I took care of that quickly....don't need any more bad luck than I already have!!


To answer your question, No... the rides that operated were minimal (a few in Nick Central, Carousel, Train, etc) but the event was very "Christmas-y" with lots of lights and music and the best shows the park has had in YEARS!! They really did a great job last year, and had it not been for the insane ticket and food prices, I think it would have been even more successful.

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I think Ohio is going to hell.

Last year, the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo stopped the Holiday lights,they didn't make enough money. (it was later found out that was sheer BS, after all expenses were paid, the Zoo made 1.5 million in less than 40 hours of time.) no more donations for them from me.


Now PKI has theirs cancelled. What does that leave us with?

Dollywood and Holiday World?

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I plead ignorance on this one. Were all the rides operating during these dates?


Carowinds only ran Top Gun, the flyers, the scrambler, the Scooby Doo ride and most of the other flats in Nick Central... I mean c'mon, at least run the Jr SLC and Jr Woodie if you're going after the families. The Christmas decor was a joke, I felt like it was almost a waste of time going up there if not for Top Gun and the fact I only paid $10 to get in.


To me, it was the first year and all, but jeez... I thought Winterfest sucked.

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What does that leave us with?

Dollywood and Holiday World?


Somebody needs to suggest to the Kochs that they consider a Christmas festival at HW. I can guarantee you I would make a weekend trip to SC, Indiana if they did.


You know, I guess for us here in Cincy, especially those of us older than some of you, it really held a special place for us. People were thrilled when they brought it back, and the news that they have taken it away was making lots of water cooler talk today.


I am sure they lost $$ last year, but that was largely because after all those years, they had to reinvest in all the decorations, etc and then they charged too much at the gate and scared people away.


Oh well, what's done is done.....


Shari "Think I am going to email Paula at HW with my suggestions....." Shoufler

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