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Son of Beast rider files suit

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He has every right to sue. That doesn't make him sue happy. The ride malfuntioned in some way or another and people were hurt. Plus it will be a great benefit to future ride opperations if it was proven that the ride wasn't properly maintained.


Maybe something very simple was overlooked in daily ride inspections that will be now discovered and implemented in future inspections because of the findings of the court case review/investigation.


It's if he sues for $100 million in mental damages or something like that which would prove this guy is "sue happy".

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I agree. If someone sues Mcdonald's because they are too stupid not to keep from spilling their hot coffee then that is "sue happy".


But when the park makes a mistake and it injures someone, then that person has every right to sue the park.

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No doubt. It seems like most lawsuits against parks are frivilous. However, there are signs that this ride wasn't properly maintained/built, and it directly led to injuries. It's a legit lawsuit and I feel bad for the woman who fractured her sternum. That has to be awful.

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*Cheers* Finally someone is taking a stand against that abomination! TEAR IT DOWN! I could think of 29 things that would better occupy it's space right now...


Jared"Seriously, SoB blows"Becker


PS: If anyone ever needs one, my cousin Ari Becker is a certified lawyer...

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Paramount Parks AND Cedar Fair??? Hell, while their at it, why not sue Taft Broadcasting, Carl Linder and anyone else who's ever been associated with the park???


Someone with a little legal knowledge please explain...... How does Cedar Fair factor in??


Obviously, this is why we have to cancel Winterfest now...



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Paramount Parks AND Cedar Fair??? Hell, while their at it, why not sue Taft Broadcasting, Carl Linder and anyone else who's ever been associated with the park???


Someone with a little legal knowledge please explain...... How does Cedar Fair factor in??


Obviously, this is why we have to cancel Winterfest now...




Because Cedar Fair was in full legal possession of the property at the time of the accident and because Paramount Parks had been maintaining the ride this year up until the sale.


-Bryan "an educated guess" Wood

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^ That's about it. When a suit is filed you want to include as many parties that might be involved as soon as possible, as it makes the initial proceedings easier. That's why you'll see plaintiff v. Companies A, B and C is some suits. Defense counsel can then work with plaintiff's counsel to excuse the parties that were not involved.

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I agree. If someone sues Mcdonald's because they are too stupid not to keep from spilling their hot coffee then that is "sue happy".


That lawsuit was legit. Do some research before you talk out of your ass.

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Yeah. McDonalds had received numerous complaints before that incident, complaining that their coffee was too hot. Turns out they were serving it about 20-30 degrees hotter than what they needed to (I think that was the count). So instead of 120* it was more like 150*


Micky D's had refused to change the temperature of their coffee, but when that woman spilled it on her... crotch region... that was the last straw. It took that lawsuit to get them to lower their coffee temperature back down to normal.



Anyway, this SoB incident is legit too. The riders didn't cause the accident or ignore signs. The ride itsel had a flaw and caused the injuries. Every rider has the utmost reason to file a lawsuit again Paramount and Cedar Fair (new owners of the park, hence that's why they're included, as others have mentioned).


So in this case, I agree with the riders. Even if one of them is convinced the train "jumped the track... that's a fact."

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"Passengers say they felt like they hit a wall at more than 70 mph when it happened."



"We started going up the hill and everything was fine, we're all happy and screaming and put our hands up," said Schrenker.


But as they went down a slope, things aboard the "Son of Beast" went "south."


"And then we went down the hill, and we went for the turn, and then that's when we hit the bump," said Schrenker.


"And everyone went like, went forward and back and we were all jerking," said Schrenker, "and everyone -- it was silent -- and everyone was just crying and screaming to stop the ride."


"I felt like we went up in the air and then like we went back down and that's what was jerking us all back," said Schrenker"


I thought every ride on SoB was like that

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I agree. If someone sues Mcdonald's because they are too stupid not to keep from spilling their hot coffee then that is "sue happy".


That lawsuit was legit. Do some research before you talk out of your ass.


If you would have quoted his whole post you would have saw that he wasnt talking out of his ass.

I agree. If someone sues Mcdonald's because they are too stupid not to keep from spilling their hot coffee then that is "sue happy".


But when the park makes a mistake and it injures someone, then that person has every right to sue the park.

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All who have posted "SOB SUX" or "tear er down" will be called as an expert witness for the defense.


Sorry, dennis is on vacation in New York.



ANyway, i think, if this person was legitimatly injured, he or she has every right to sue. Heck, it might even make them consider fixing the ride's roughness.

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All who have posted "SOB SUX" or "tear er down" will be called as an expert witness for the defense.


Sorry, dennis is on vacation in New York.



ANyway, i think, if this person was legitimatly injured, he or she has every right to sue. Heck, it might even make them consider fixing the ride's roughness.


Didn't PKI just fix SOB so it would not be so rough?

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On the side topic of McD's, I repeatedly said back-when that i hated their coffee because it was too hot.


Ted: When i go to Starbucks, I usually ask them for a small cup of ice. It's amazing what 2-3 ice cubes will do. cuts that wait time to about 10-15 minutes. yeah, it dilutes the flavor a little.

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I agree. If someone sues Mcdonald's because they are too stupid not to keep from spilling their hot coffee then that is "sue happy".


But when the park makes a mistake and it injures someone, then that person has every right to sue the park.


Not this urban legend again...


The reason for the suit is because McDonald's kept their coffee's temperature about 40°F hotter than normal and that at 185°F, a liquid will cause full-thickness burns in a matter of seconds.


She originally only sought medical expenses from McDonald's but they refused to settle so it turned into the ginormous case that has been passed throughout the misinformation chains of public culture ever since.


EDIT: I see that the McD's case was already covered. Alas, I believe this is the beginning of the end for SOB. I hate to see a coaster destroyed, but somehow I'll manage not to shed a tear.



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