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Hey Joe! How's it going?!?!

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Well hello everybody!


So today me and my two friends decided that we should check out the "Summer Nights" at Busch Gardens today, so at about 4:30 we headed up to Tampa. We stopped at the international mall first to get some cheese steaks, and we got to the park at around 6:00. First thing we ride is Gwazi, and I must be real lucky because in my seat I found a cell phone! In the seat next to me I found a pair of aviator sunglasses! I gave both of them to a ride op, he took the phone and said "Do you want these glasses?" so I said "Umm sure I guess" and I walked away with a pair of sunglasses!


Next we walk over to SheiKra. We get in line, and some guy in a white shirt walks in behind us. I though I saw "Konebels (sp?)" on his shirt so I did a double take, and guess who it was! Why none other then Erik Johnson! So we ride SheiKra, back row, IN THE RAIN! It was kinda painful, but hey it wasnt that bad. Next up was PYTHON!!!!! Empty station so we decided back row would be a good choice. There is a decent pop of airtime on the first drop, and if you can support yourself, the corckscrews are quite enjoyable!


As we are leaving Python, we realize that there is this new picnic area just as you are leaving the exit que. It just so happens that the area that used to contain an old flat ride (I think Erik said it was a spyder) has been converted to, well, a picnic area! The rest of the night we pretty much just rode Gwazi and Scorpion. There is an attached video that I think you'd enjoy. The first part you'll have to download and see for yourself, the second part is me and Erik on Gwazi at night. The Gwazi part turned out bad, but you will see why! And now for the pictures!


Colin C

Hey Joe!.zip

Last but not least, the video to end all other videos!


From the producer of "Erik Johnson UPSIDE DOWN" comes "Erik Johnson IN NIGHT VISION ON GWAZI!"


I bring you, Erik Johnson UPSIDE DOWN!!!!


Hey Joe!


Haha, signage...


Fancy spider/picnic area!


Erik gives Python two thumbs up!


Woah the mist is back on!


SheiKra time!


So yeah I got these aviators from Gwazi, yeah I so cannot pull off aviators...

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Best title for a TR ever!!!


That stupid picnic area has been there for at least 6 years now, and they took the Spider out even longer ago. Such a bummer!


Really? I've never eaten there, and I think maybe that the only reason I discovered it was because it was a new entrance or something. Kinda odd, you could see where concrete was poured into the ride area to make is smooth. Maybe I should pay more attention next time!


Colin C

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