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Photo TR: Theme Park Review goes to COMIC CON!!!!

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Woo Hoo, Fat Tire!!!!

And that's what I had at dinner...I figured all the TPR "beer nuts" would approve!




That brings a tear to my eye! Thanks for making my day by drinking a Fat Tire.


With Fat Tire, Sam Adams, and Pyramid Hefe on tap, I may have to look into this place, though since it IS San Diego, I think I'll be good with Stone, Alesmith, Pizza Port, etc.


Looks like you made the most out of it, thanks for sharing the fun with us!


(next time, more Transformers stuff!)

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^ No, My time there was actually kind of limited because I actually did have "work" to do! Those photos were all pretty much taken during about a 90 minute quick walk around the show floor in between meetings. And I was only there the one day too.


But I saw enough!



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While flipping channels I ran across G4 and what would they be showing....COMIC CON! Attack of the show visited Comic Con...hmmm.. I didnt' see Robb there though.


They are going to show it again sometime this week.


It looked really awesome. I couldn't believe how many people own their own costumes and such. At the Charlotte one no one dresses up. lol

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... I know a couple people from the show were there and were revealing stuff about season 3


LOST cast members?!?! NO EFFIN" WAY!!!! Now I'm super-jealous...Too bad you didn't have enough time, Robb. But luckily...you got to see Brian!

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^ Don't get too excited, it was just Hurley and Jin...But Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse were there (my heros! )....But, when Rachel Blake showed up..possibly the coolest thing ever. Hansoexposed.com is so awesome, so act 3 has started and we are this closer to season 3!

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OMG I was at Comic-Con too!!


I was there today, but arrived yesterday to meet a friend in San Diego... and I had this weird feeling that you might've been there... Well, it looks like I was right!


Among other things, I purchased a Snakes on a Plane T-Shirt (which is awesome) and a V for Vendetta mask (just for kicks... you should've seen the looks I got wearing that thing in the parking garage elevator!)


So yeah, it was awesome.


P.S.: I saw that restaurant you ate at, I walked by and was thinking how weird it was for "A Steak Place" to have that name. Instead, we ate at Rockin' Baja Lobster... that wasn't too bad at all.

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No, I didn't have time to go to the Adult Swim or Lost booth. My time there was actually kind of limited because I actually did have "work" to do! Those photos were all pretty much taken during about a 90 minute quick walk around the show floor in between meetings. And I was only there the one day too.


But I saw enough!




I went to the adult swin booth, it's nothing really special, it's just a TV with shows on it, and a postcard book. Didnt miss much

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Fat Tire is a great beer, I love it. But out of those beers on tap Karl Strauss Red Trolley is definitely my favorite. Gotta love that home brewed beer from San Diego. Although I wouldn't mind having that bottle of Belvedere to go along with some red bull, heh. Hope you had fun at Comic Con Robb, I still have yet to go.


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