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Top 3 Six Flags Parks (Your opinion)

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Parks I've been to: SFGAm, SFKK, SFMM, SFFT, SFAW, SFWofA


Of these (and I know a couple are a little outdated):


SFFT - Best


SFAW - I miss this park with what I felt was a pretty good collection of coasters and rides.



Worst - SFKK hands down.


-James Dillaman

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I've been to SFOG, SFGAm, SFKK, SFDL, SFNE and SFFT (SFFT was before I rode coasters). So my list would be...

1. SFGAm - best coaster collection of any park I've been to IMO, plus it's pretty

2. SFOG - another fantastic coaster collection in a pretty park

3. SFNE - well, it's better than SFKK and SFDL! Plus it has S:RoS.


I'm really looking forward to getting back to SFFT someday and see it from an enthusiast point of view.



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DL was a nice little park though definitley shouldnt be taken seriousley as a corporate park. They have a surprisingly good coaster collection with SROS, Predator, and Viper. Its a nice looking park however their CMs are terrible and operations are slow. And their coasters need to be painted badly.


GAdv bah, overrated (I visited in August of 05). Their awesome coaster collection is overshadowed by how bad the park is run. During downtimes they didnt even spiel to the line or host it whatsoever. There were gum walls everywhere and all the rides were stacking for extended periods of time. Golden Kingdom was nicely themed and Kingda Ka was the only fast moving line, the rest were slow operations.


I liked STL for what it was. Unlike most other SF parks they had good operations (not stacking) and very freindly CMs, although a few of them had grooming issues (not gonna get much further into that). The Boss kicks a** and they get points for that. The park is small and needs a lot of paint though, especially the coaster queues and the coasters themselves.


NE is a very nice park but goddamn their operations are SLOW. Ive never ever seen a crew slower than BTDK. SROS's line was about an hour and 15 but if they wernt stacking so long wouldve been a lot less. They dont really have a good coaster collection (SROS and Cyclone were my favorites) but they do have great guest service and I love the admissions are and entrance plaza.


GAm is the only complete package SF park. Its near the top of the industry with everything: coasters, entertainment, theming, cleanliness, operations. Unlike other SF parks they manage to run their racing coaster with 4 trains and race, and run 3 trains on Bull and Whizzer succesfully (unlike Nitro where they run 3 trains and it doesnt do a damn thing), and run 2 trains on everything else without stacking.


1. SFGAm



4. SFGAdv


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