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"Big ol' bag o' crap"


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Hello everyone,


I was wondering, what is in a "big bag of TPR crap"? Is there things like TPR shirts, DVDs, pins, or something? Also, does anyone know if Robb or Elissa sell them? I was thinking of buying one... Please post back!

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I love a nice bag of crap.


How can the words "nice" and "bag of crap" go in the same sentence?


Thats like saying; "I got caught in the middle of a hillarious gun fight this morning."


Now a bag of Poptarts... that's nice!


A hillarious morning Poptart fight... that's even nicer!

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The contents in the TPR "bag of crap" is a secret, typically shared among those who have been fortunate enough to receive it.


Similar to the mysterious "White Box" the Alveys received from Disney, when they became husband and wife at WDW. (Only the Alveys know the actual contents, and their not telling)

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Fine...$98 but that's my FINAL OFFER. Remember, Robb and Elissa both *personally touched* the bag, the glitter, and the chopsticks. I could sell this for $300 easily.


Throw in a strand of Robb's chest hair and it's a done deal.

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Items you might find in such a bag:

Pocket Lint

A used TPR wristband

A strand of Elissa's hair (but only for those who win the big contests)

An expired ticket to Knott's Berry Farm

A lifetime membership to the video store on the corner of Lincoln and Olympic

An empty cigarette box found in the parking lot at Six Flags Over Georgia

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