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El Toro Model

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Well, I recently started my most recent K'Nex coaster. It will be El Toro. A 1:29 model. I might even put it in GAdv, I wrote them a letter. I'm hoping. It willl be 6 feet 6 inches tall. I started the top turn, bottom of the lift, station, and brakes/tire drive behind station. Here are some pics:

(as you can see by the first pic, I'm making bents like the real Toro)


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Wow, everyone really seem to like model coasters. You have inspired me to start my own model coaster thread. I have one question, though. Are you going to use the railing system from Coaster Thrill Ride? It would make this ride look a lot more realistic.

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That's awesome! I love K'nex. you must have at least two of the "Screamin' Serpent" sets with that big of a train. I have one of those, and a few other large sets, that I used in attempt to make a roller coaster. It worked out good for a while, there was a station, I made the lift steeper so I could build high without taking up so much space. Mine was just over 5 ft. there was a giant corkscrew that went directly over the station. It would work, sort of. there would be little problems here and there and I kept building bigger, and with only one of the screamin serpent sets, there is now not enough track. I'd like to start from scratch and not try and build so big. For now, it's just kind of decomposing in my room. Yours looks great keep up the good work

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I got the pieces from K'Nex. Over 8,000 for free, because I built the tallest K'Nex coaster on Earth on 28 feet, modeled after Kingda Ka. Six Flags Great Adventure also gave me a $500 donation for pieces. Before that I had 2 SS, 3 Rippin' Rockets, 1 Ferris Wheel, 1 Swinging Ship, 1 Loopin' Lizard, and a few other little sets. There won't be any progress today, as I'm about to leave to go to GAdv, but I may be able to find out if I can put it there or not.

I would imagine I'd get it to GAdv in a truck or something of the sort. I don't plan on ever making it work in my house, there is no room, if GAdv says no, then I'm screwed. lol. Well, I can probably put it in m g-parents basement. But that's not as fun!

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Wow man. I'm guessing you are just using the pieces from your record breaker for this. That is gonna take so many pieces, but I guess you have them.


How are you going to get the train up that lift? Are you going to use a drill or are you just going to get one of those really good motors?

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Wow, that is actually hella-cool!!


I thought it was going to be lame as hell when I clicked on the subject.


You gotta keep posting update photos as your building continues.


You should get a little bull head to stick on the front of the coaster to make it look more authentic. Then you can get an anatomically correct bull to stand in front of the que just like in real life.

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