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Worst/Longest/Slowest Line you ever waited in!

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4.5 hours in an unofficial line waiting for Dragster to open up in May '03. Robb's got a video of that line somewhere (where I can be seen for .02 seconds). It stretched all the way back the midway to the Sky Ride, I think. Once the ride actually opened, I was on in five minutes.

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At least two hours for Big Thunder Mountain at Disneyworld...And it was mid-summer...And most of the queue is outside in the sun. I couldn't do anything for the rest of the day. I didn't even have the energy to go to dinner, I just stayed in my hotel room.

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It's hard to think that far back, but I belive the answer for me would be Shockwave at Kings Dominion, opening year on a church day( Saturday). It was all the way around the helix and up the hill to the Eiffel tower. And you all know the slow dispatch of the Togo standups!!! I am grateful for the parks who have the signs that tell you how long from this point. I refuse to wait over 30 minutes for a ride regardless of what it is.Staying on point at CP gives you the early admission for TTD and MF so we did get 2 back to backs on TTD and MF before the hoards of people took the line out to over 3 hours!!

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Technically.... worst line ever shouldn't automatically mean the longest line you waited in.


Which is why I'm going with Batman The Ride at Six Flags Great Adventure in 1995. A fight broke out right in front of me and my friends with line cutters and the guards that checked the tickets to prevent such acts.


The line cutters were so totally caught red handed as their numbered tickets were about 200 higher than our groups tickets. The guards asked them to step aside and wait till numbered tickets were in sequence with the other riders. OK, fair enough... they could have been expelled from the park but the guards were being generous this day and allowing them to just wait an extra 10-15 minutes. Think the line cutters (5 of um') liked that idea? Hell no. They argued and escalated into a full fledged brawl in front of us with the unarmed park guards (2) which led to the incoming of the parks armed guards along with their profanity coupled in with the line cutters.


It was such a cluster-f*** as it was right at the bottom of the stairs leading up to the station. Luckily no one waiting in line was hurt. The line cutters were pulled out and handcuffed behind the Batman station as the emergency exit to behind the ride was right there.


That was the day I realized that my childhood and early teen "fun days" at Great Adventure were over. I think the park has progressively gotten worse each year in many aspects and better in some to be fair.


The thing that really pisses me off about this the most is that these people were in their 30s not some punk teens skipping class that you would envision doing this. On top of that, they were talking to my friends and I during the 2 hour wait for the ride and they seemed like they were very decent people. We were all so shocked that they went so F'ing ballistic over something so petty. WTF is a matter with the world these days?


So yeah... that was the worst line ever.

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2.5 hours for Top Gun at PCW on the first night it opened. Nobody would ride with me so I had to wait by myself, I think I was 10 or 11 at the time.


I don't remember how long the wait was, but Big Thunder Mountain at Disney Land Paris. Holy line jumpers. Plus the ride broke down when we were almost to the front and my dad kept complaining about having to wait so long.


2+ hours for Raven at Holiday World. Legend was down [the Voyage had also been down when the park opened] so the line for Raven was very long. There was one ride left infront of us and the ride broke down.

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Summer 2004 @ Kennywood, I was standing in the line waiting for the Phantom's Revenge, mid july and hot as ever. The queve was packed and had stretched all the way to the musical express, however I was fortunate enough to have been close to the front. A lady, maybe in her late 40's or early 50's was standing one row over, but directly next to me. Some girl (about 17 yrs old) tapped her shoulder, when she looked back the girl step infront of her. When the lady turned around, she told the girl that she was infront of her and that girly had to go back to her original spot. The girl said F**k You and started to hit the lady....a few seconds go past and then a boy (about 19 yrs old.) and a friend of the girl hops inline and starts to kick the lady because she now had the girls hair in had fulls yanking the hell out of it. By this time, I wasn't about to let these to kids jumps this lady, so I pulled the boy off of her and was while she contiued to yank the mess out of the girls hair until the cops came. Both of them kids run out of line and hop the fence (behind where the bayen curve used to be) and onto the highway. Crazy but true....what people will do to jump a line.


In 2003...waiting an hour & a 1/2 more for Millennium Force because of a melfunction after already waiting an hour and then getting barfed on mid-ride by an occupant of the seat directly behind me. Then the same day, Waited 3 hours to ride TTD...in 90+ degrees...

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Perilous Plunge at Knotts, 1 hour and 45 minutes. They were only running one train and it was traveling at about 2mph after the drop. Everything else at the park had really short lines due to timing. I went on a Sunday last year in June. Got on Ghostrider first about 30mins after the park opened. Only waited about 15 for it. Then I went to Boomerang, 10mins. After that La Revolution, 5mins. Montezooma caught my eye soI rode that. Basicly walk on. Supreme Scream 10mins. Riptide, 10mins. Silver Bullet 10mins. Xcelerator 20mins. Perious Plunge, like I said longest wait ever! Not worth it for me. Then I went home.

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When I was 16 years old back in 1996, we went to Adventureland in Altoona, IA. That was the year The Underground opened and the park made the ride sound so thrilling through their advertisments. So when we got in the line and we ended up waiting for over a hour in scorching sun reading graffitis scratched into woods saying "This ride sucks!"... "This ride isn't worth it at all!"... "Boring ride, go home!" After over a hour sweating and reading degrading graffitis, we approached several huge vomit puddles. We had to walk on the queue railing to get around it.


After all of that, we were so stunned how this ride sucked so much and how much of fools we were.


The end.

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^^^^^^WOW. Sounds like a crappy experience. I wouldn't be at all suprised if they turn around and sue the park for 'emotional distress' damages. I know of a law firm in CO. that is looking for business.

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Raptor, 4th of july weekend at Cedar Point. I must have waited at least three hours in 90-100 heat to get the credit. Paramedics were called in about an hour into the wait because at least three people were suffering from heat stroke. I think this is why Raptor is at the bottom of my list of favorite inverts. After waiting in this line I don't even think that the best ride in the world would have made me feel like it was worth it.

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In the summer the lines can exceed two hours. Add 95 to 100 degree weather and the fact the guilding is aluminum with hardly any netilation and no air conditioning (unless its been changed resently) and then add watching 3 people get evacuated from the line by paramedics all within one wait due to heat exaustion.


THAT is the worst cue line EVER!

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3 hrs for X in March, 2002 was hell. 4 hrs for X in March, 2005 was beyond hell. 2 1/2 hours for Deja Vu (at least there were no breakdowns), SFMM in March, 2002. SFMM literally does have the worst train operations in history. Not just for those 2, but for every coaster.


2 hours for El Toro this past Sunday on July 16th. 1 Train op with literally no shade. A bad sunburn. It got to the point where people would refuse to go further in the switchback so they could just stay under the sunshade. Nobody minded though. Oh yeah forgot to mention it was that recent heatwave that came through and it was 98*.


A bad line was also Medusa (East) back in Fright Fest 2001. All the switchbacks were full and the line backed out to the sign. They were running 3 trains though so it was moving REALLY fast. 1 switchback - technical difficulties, w/e.... 2nd switchback - technical difficulties, annoying.... 3rd switchback - technical difficulties, grr!... stairs - technical d-efinately gonna get outa line! we waited 45 mins.


Superman SFNE. My mom and I had already waited 1 and 1/2 hrs. It's perfectly sunny but they say "due to incliment weather" For the next hour it kept repeating it. Finally after 2 hrs and 45 mins we finally rode the airtime machine!


Last one. Wicked Twister - Aug. 2005. 45 mins into the line the train comes down the backspike and goes forward going to its top speed. It e-stops and stops just before the front spike. Ok no big deal. 30 mins later it's fixed. 2 trains go and it does the same thing. 20 mins go by and it's fixed. 1st train loaded. Literally a millisecond after the launch the train stops in the station. 45 mins later it's fixed. finally after 2 hours and 50mins getting a nice tan/burn sitting on the sandy pavement queue feeling the nice breeze from the lake, i got to ride front row.


Those are my bad experiences. I guess it's a lot considdereing most people had 1 or 2.

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2.5 for Batwing opening year (I remember seeing Stealth and thinking "I'll never get to ride one of those, it's too far. And now I've ridden all three of the Vekos, though not Stealth where it used to be).


It was hot and I had spent the night before screaming at a concert in D.C. (Janet Jackson).


Then there would be the 2.5 I waited for Milly in 2004. I'll never wait that long for it again, regardless of how much I may have liked it. I rode TTD 2 times and never waited that long.

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