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Alot I would imagine, just due to how expensive the country is.


I'm not even going to be able to consider the trip because I'd estimate that my flight alone over there would cost me more then the UK trip, or at least close to.


Some other time maybe.

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And Carnage, you can fly from the west coast to Japan for about $600-$800 round trip (sometimes even less). You just have to know where to look .


Good for them. However I'm on the east coast.


So it'd cost me roughly $500ish Canadian to get to the west coast. So I'd still be looking at $1K-$2K range for a flight to Japan.

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Alot I would imagine, just due to how expensive the country is.

Keep in mind...at the moment it's more expensive because of the exchange rate to go to the UK than it is Japan.


--Robb "We'll have more information in August." Alvey

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I second Robb's opinion. I found the UK and Europe to be more expensive then Japan.

As for air fare, the cost was the same for me flying to tokyo or London from the West coast.


Darn you Alvey's for planning 2 great trips overseas next year!

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