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It's Hot!

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Right now I'm watching people walk out of buildings and spontaneously explode when the sun hits them. I'll have video of it up later.


On a more serious note... I saw a dog trying to cross the street when halfway across he realized the pavement was too hot and ran back to the grass in a manner that I have never seen a dog move in before. It was kinda funny actually since the dog was okay.


Anyone ever see that EBaumsWorld video of the guy that ran across the street on that HOT day and burned the skin completely off his feet? Something tells me that some idiot is trying to duplicate that video this week.

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It's not dreadfully hot anymore, now it's pouring raining with lightning. The power flickered once and my pool is about to overflow...I don't know what I would rather have, it being so hot I can't walk outside without breaking a sweat or raining everyday, which forces bugs to crawl into my house.

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Its currently 91 but the heat index is at 99. Luckily there's a nice thunderstorm hopefully a coming my way within the next hour!


Yesterday's hi was only 93, but the heat index had it at 103. If this keeps up, next year I'm taking all my grass out and putting a giant pool all the way around my house!

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I think some of you are over-exaggerating a bit! For instance, Montreal hasn't topped 90 all month, and there is no way in hell it was 96 degrees at 7:00 in NJ!


- Joe, who experienced a modest 97 today, but it wasn't muggy so its ok



Global Warming my friend, Global Warming.




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Dahlonega, GA (At band camp, let the jokes fly), Wednesday the high reported by NGCSU was 103.


This morning during morning practice it only read a, cold, 96. I THOUGHT THE NORTH GEORGIA MOUNTAINS WERE SUPPOSED TO BE COOLER THAN ATLANTA?



This heat around here is obviously George Bush's fault.

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