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More stolen videos?


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Robb or Elissa, I've got a question for either of you. If any of these morons had just come to you previous to using your videos, and simply asked you guys for permission to use them in a non-profitable manner, would you have granted permission and given them your blessing? I'm gonna assume you wouldn't mind as long as credit was given to Theme Park Review, right?

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Well I don't condone them taking/using the footage without asking but they atleast did comment to visit this site for more coaster footage.


It was a very good montage of this sites POV footage and honestly that video serves as a good ad for the site more than anything else. I look at that as free advertising. No harm in that but regardless; they should have asked and shown you guys what they wanted to do with your footage first.


Rob and Elissa: Do you atleast feel it was a good and well put together video of your sites videos? I understand you guys being peeved but I'm just wondering if you think the persons work was flattering to you guys at all in their attempt to make a montage of this sites coaster footage? Also; like BeemerBoy said, would you guys have wholeheartedly approved this YouTube video if shown and asked about this before it was published on the web?

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Ok, so to be fair I chatted with synaesthetique yesterday. While I don't remember giving him permission to post it on You Tube, I do remember talking to him at the Tatsu campout about how he'd used some of our footage for school projects, etc. I didn't really have an issue with that.


Since we know him, and honestly, the video was pretty decent, I've asked him to at least put a footage credit link on the video, which he did.


While I would have prefered credit in the video itself, that link will suffice in this case.


So before jumping all over someone, please at least give them some benefit of the doubt. Not everyone in this world is evil....most everyone....just not EVERYONE!



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I think the best way to resolve some of these things is simply e-mailing or sending a PM to Robb or Elissa. We all saw what happened with "Elissa's son", which made the site look terrible (by the comments posted on YouTube).


By private messaging or e-mailing, it stops the flame wars. Simply insulting a person will not resolve the problem. This gives the people the benefit of the doubt, as Robb was talking about.

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I kinda see where you are coming from when you dont want people putting your videos on You Tube, but I don't see why your so upset about it. I wouldn't mind if people took my videos, but I guess I'm not trying to make money off them.


I think you should only be upset if people were posting stuff thats only on the DVD's, which I don't think has happened.


One way to get around people taking yout videos is just to put them up on youtube yourself, that way if someone else were to take them and do it yours would show as a similar video and people might realise that the other people are stupid.

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Depends on who steals the video is who I would hate/rat out.


The little british kid that stole the SheiKra video is still an ass about it, just ignore it though. Besides, in the comments place on that kids vid, we have two bannz0r'd TPR members that don't understand money (and arrogant too), and a few YouTube users that don't understand what an upstop wheel is on the kids side, while just about everybody on TPR wants the kid to just take it down.


If it was somebody who decided to post one as a preview on YouTube. I'd report them, only the authors can post preview videos.


But if it was somebody that had permission from R&E, and did an awesome job mixing footage with some good techno, then damn, that video kicked ass. I wouldn't mind, I'd honor them myself, personally.


Now, on to security?


On your online videos, can you just put a little watermark on the bottom right side that says © 20XX ThemeParkReview.com or something?

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