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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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Um..I'm pretty sure you see the actual catch car in the photos SFMM released. Yes they are indeed doing a pull through like most Intamin attractions, and it does have extra catwalks attatched, but you can clearly see the catch car.


Um..False. There are 2 cars needed to operate this ride. The catch car, and the rider car. The catch car is what is going to connect to the rider car to bring it all the way up to the top of the tower (this is circled green below). This is going to release the rider car and let it fall towards the ground. Right now you can clearly see this is NOT installed on the ride.


What you are looking at in the newest released photos is the rider car and the rider car only. For a comparison, check out the photo below of the rider car when the park received them. It's the SAME car that's on the track now. Notice the same piece circled in yellow in the second photo below. Also, check out the blue circle in the first photo. You can see the welded supports connecting the upper part of the car to the seats. So this means the rider car that is currently on the tracks is ONE BIG piece. That entire part (including riders) is going to be freefalling from the top of the ride.



Once the catch car (circled in green in the first photo) is connected to the rider car, it will pull it all the way to the top of the tower, and upon reaching maximum height, is going to release the rider car (as well as that big purple portion of the car) and let it fall some 400 feet. Meanwhile the catch car will stay at the top of the tower, waiting until it is dispatched to slowly come back down the tower to connect to the rider car and start the process all over again.


I know its not a normal operations test but why not do this clearance/slow pull through with the actual lift cables and catch car? They are going to have to do this with the catch car anyway why not have all this stuff in here and do it now? The catch car has to be run along the same track so don't they have to check for smooth operation and clearance of it anyway?


This is so interesting and im trying to learn about this as much as possible.


It is interesting, but lets keep in mind, these are literally the first initial tests to make sure the rider car runs smoothly along the track. Maybe the park hasn't received the catch car yet, so they're doing what they can at this point. They will probably do the same thing with the catch car (manually winch it up and down the tower while observing the way it rides the track) before they attach it to the permanent cables, and before they do any normal operating tests (like actually let the rider car freefall from the top of the tower).

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This drop tower just looks crazy!! Imagine being on that outer seat, and with only a lapbar?? Not gonna lie, I'd probably wet myself!


I do love drop towers, but they are also still a ride that actually makes me nervous. There's just something about being at the top and staring out at the view just knowing that the inevitable is coming! Quickens my heart rate every single time.


Can't wait to see it testing for real soon.....

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I just noticed that the drop has been shortened compared to the promo photo. In the promo, the cabling for the drop goes above the Superman Tower, in the construction photo, it's one level down. I wonder if the height will be a little bit shorter than first announced.




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^ Yep.


Remember the station for LL:DOD is lower than the Superman track, so you have to factor that into the equation.


Some pics from yesterday.


Walls are down and queue building is painted.


Ride Sign. Feel free to use it for the Park Index. :)


Necessity Center (new exit shop?)


Paint Ball Alley ... looks like it still may be a game location.


Door was open to the inside queue. Lex Luthor statue?


Gate near the Colossus Restrooms was totally gone.



Ride Vehicle


As pointed out above, the "track" doesn't go all the way to the top as shown in the concept art/video but it still goes above S:EFK.

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^^Station looks great, thanks for the update photos Sir Clinksalot. I haven't had a chance to make it out to the park recently, so its nice to get a set of quality photos to see what's actually going on!


Also, whoever was talking about the catch car, at least one of them is now installed as can be seen in the photos above. Progress!



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Yeah, I'm going to go ahead and join the "track is 400 feet tall on a 415 foot structure" crowd.


I know it's -just- a drop tower, but it looks freaking terrifying.

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^ We knew that the video was wrong all along because the stats that were released stated that it would be a 400 foot tall drop tower and it looks like that comes nicely up to 15 feet from the top of Superman's 415 foot tall structure.


It's more than 15 feet, looks more like maybe 20-25 feet.

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Drop of Doom's drop looks insane. Definetely on my bucket list.


Yeah, I know.... 200ft. tall drop rides are really the only rides that scare me a little so this thing is going to scare the crap out of me.... but I like it!

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I'm already impressed with the theming going into the queue for LL:DoD. The only problem is that it won't look that impressive about a month after it's open with "Oscar loves Debby" or "Max got high here" carved all over Luthor's iron suit. Let's not forget the trash that will probably be all over Lex's office that will smell like someone took a dump in there.

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I know tagging was being discussed over in the SWSD thread, so I don't know if that's why you brought it up here.

I was being half serious and half sarcastic. The Batman queue smelled like crap last time I went and there was stuff carved all over the walls. It's good to know GL, after almost a year of being open, hasn't looked like that...yet.


On a serious note, I love the theming for the ride. It looks like something you would see at Islands of Adventure, though not quite as festive.

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