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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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See I just don't understand that. Even if they do turn a car around to run forward again, Why!?! It was a lackluster experience hence the million dollar upgrade. Why go back to something you know wasn't successful and not well received? Besides aren't the new trains lighter to reduce stress on the launch system and tower? Wouldn't they have to re-program the system back to launch the old trains? Just doesn't make sense to me...


See, you shoulda been at West Coast Bash and the Q&A session...

It was there that we found out all about the new superman. The new cars are designed so that they CAN be turned around with very minor if any changes to the programming. And we knew all along that one side would be eventually turned around so you could pick forward or backward.


Did you GO ON Superman the escape in its first season or 2 when it was realistically running near 100mph? If not, I dare say you can't really compare what the NEW ride will be like with the revamped launch system, even running forward.

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If they were going to run one side of Superman backwards and the other forwards they have just done that instead of spending all that $$$ on the second backwards train only to get rid of it. I say that Superman will stay both sides running backwards, though it would be cool if they launched the forward side while the backwards side was falling down from the top (dueling ). A drop tower at the top of the mountain or where Sling Shot currently is sounds reasonably possible for 2012 and for 2013 we may get that Dive Coaster in DeJaVu's spot . We'll see


Edit: I wasn't aware that the new Superman trains could be easily turned around to launch either way. If that is true, then within a couple of years it would be cool to have the right side launch forward when the backwards side (left side) is at the top so they duel halfway in between on the track, but only if they program the rides so they duel.

Edited by 805Andrew
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The problem that they have with marketing to families is that families in southern California don't look at it is as a park with family rides so they won't go there, even if there is BBW and three small coasters. Instead they would rather pay more money to go to that other park that is an hour south on I-5.


SFMM figured it out years ago that being in the southern California market, they need to offer a product to the other parks in the area like Disney, Universal, and Knott's (back before Cedar Fair) didn't offer which was big nasty thrill rides. Granted the thrill seeking crowd isn't as profitable or as large as a more family base crowd or a tourist base crowd that you get at Universal or Disney. But it was a way for them to distinguish themselves from their competition with a different product and experience.


I think SFMM was doing well before the whole coaster war thing took over(after all it's only been going on for about a decade now) otherwise the park wouldn't have lasted as long as it has....the park has develpoed the reputation of no longer being a family oriented park because of this rather stupid & pointless coaster war & as a result strayed from the formula of providing something for everyone that once worked so well in it's early history.


Remember how adding scream in 03 did nothing to help boost SFMM's attendance?

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I would be very surprised if they built a drop tower on the side of Superman. In its current state, that tower doesn't look like it could support one, and I'm guessing it is cheaper to build a new tower than modifying/replacing the Superman one. As for where it might go, I'm thinking one of three locations: on top of the hill (possibly where Laughing Dragon Pizza is since that place has been closed for years), down at the bottom where Spin Out used to be, or replacing Thrill Shot. It probably won't replace Deja Vu since that will likely be the site of a 2013 coaster. I don't have a height guess, but I'm thinking tallest in the US (or possibly the world), though not necessarily 400 ft.



The tallest in the world right now is at 390 feet so if they plan on having the tallest they might as well make it 400 or more. Out of the 3 locations I'm thinking they'll leave Laughing Dragon Pizza alone because they used it as a lunch room during the media day for S:EFK. If they don't open it to the public again they might just use it for that purpose from now on.

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If this Drop Tower rumor comes through I really hope they decide to build it somewhere on top of the mountain. Putting it anywhere else would not utilize all the potential of having an amazing drop tower. Being put on the top of the mountain would add the size of the mountain to the actually tower which would really increase the ride experience and overall thrill of the ride.

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If this Drop Tower rumor comes through I really hope they decide to build it somewhere on top of the mountain. Putting it anywhere else would not utilize all the potential of having an amazing drop tower. Being put on the top of the mountain would add the size of the mountain to the actually tower which would really increase the ride experience and overall thrill of the ride.


True and it would be amazing and the tallest in the world but if it can go somewhere else then why not?

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I think a great spot to utilize would be the former site of the Eagle's Flight station. If they demo-ed then leveled this site, it could be built in this area. I think this would be perfect aesthetically, because it would be right in between SFMM's first 2 towers, and it would also be more thrilling at the top of the mountain.


I'd guess that there's enough space here.

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^And make that empty plaza between Laughing Dragon and Ninja have a purpose.


The only reason why I could see them not doing this is because they would be too lazy to floor the building and be forced to relocate the bathrooms on the lower floor.


[Edit]: If they built it on the summit, I would hope they would reopen LD Pizza as well.

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Going along with the rumors of a possible new massive drop tower project coming to SFMM in 2012, the latest video blog from the park also seems to tease about this same thing at the very end. Check it out here… a cryptic shot of the Superman tower. This does fit in with another rumor I’ve heard… that the tower ride could possibly be themed to Superman’s nemesis… Lex Luthor. I was kind of hoping that rumor was not true myself as there is nothing about Lex that screams ‘Drop Tower’ to me. Plus he’s just not as menacing as some of the other DC comic villains in my opinion. I guess we’ll have to wait and see.



I'm gonna have to agree that the Lex Luther theme doesn't sound so "menacing" but could work.

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I know the drop tower is probably more likely, but could it be possible that it's actually a launched coaster? Maybe the clue in the video wasn't the S:EFK tower itself but the launch. Maybe they just showed the clip from that angle b/c they knew people would be focused on the tower and automatically assume drop tower, I don't know imo the clue just seams to obvious.

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I'd LOVE a launch coaster, but I'm not sure Six Flags is ready to spend that kind of money yet, and the LAST thing the park needs is another one trick pony. So it would have to be a lengthy version which can be pretty expensive. In a year where they're recycling coasters around the chain, I think a drop tower is more realistic. I could be wrong...


I agree with whoever said a drop tower and maybe a a relocated family coaster for 2012, and the big Colossus remake in 2013.


Fingers crossed...

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I know the drop tower is probably more likely, but could it be possible that it's actually a launched coaster? Maybe the clue in the video wasn't the S:EFK tower itself but the launch. Maybe they just showed the clip from that angle b/c they knew people would be focused on the tower and automatically assume drop tower, I don't know imo the clue just seams to obvious.



Honestly, it's not to obvious at ALL. Those videos are for the general public, not the >1% of us that make up "coaster enthusiasts". We can all hope for a full circuit launch coaster [the only one in the west is California Screamin' right? Or do we count Xcelerator?], but in all likely hood its a drop tower.


P.S. Gigalyte, your avatar picture always makes me frustrated and sad. The one day I made it out to SFGAdv, I got to ride the mighty Kingda Ka, but EVERY TIME I went over to El Toro it broke down, throughout the day. I was so bummed.

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This is where they should build the drop tower ... it'd have to be an Intamin drop tower, but no worries there.


While that would be a good spot I don't think the area is big enough (unless they have construction planned) for the tower, its cue and exit, and a clear path to Superman. But, there is room around it to make that work so I don't know.....could be.

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I'll start the speculations now: The Powers that Be have granted me the best single wish I could ever have: Intamin is building a new single- loop coaster with a giant 92x144 vertical loop element... and uses the terrain behind Termocalypse etc. for...


(wait for it)




(Alternate name: Schwarzkopf's Revenge.)

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