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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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^^^Whistle Stop Junction. Looks like the station has been painted also. I'd love to see the new trains but those will probably come when the paint job is done. Also does anyone know when we will see the changes to Terminator?


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And I will end this of a picture of my brother and the iPod nano we won at the park! Best 5 bucks ever spent!!!


First off, thanks for the photo's!


Second, congrats on your Nano! Did you win it playing the stacker game at one of the arcades?

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^The article Calicoasters posted mentions something about January, I think.



Any point in buying some of the "Terminator Salvation: The Ride" merchandise at SFMM? Last time I was there, there was a plethora of themed products.. Don't know if I should get some for the heck of it (might be cool down the road), or if it will all suffer the same fate as the DVDs and end up in bargain bins*.




*On Black Friday at Wal-Mart, TS DVDs were a few bucks. I still didn't buy one.


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ninja in the rain seems like an AWESOME experience.

Thats what I did in my latest trip back in October... It was a really crazy experience since it was my first time riding a coaster in the rain.. even though it kinda stung your face, but not too bad

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Thanks for the pics I'm loving the new colors on the Tower


You know, after 15 years of seeing the silver tower, the new red/blue scheme looks so completely natural...like it's always looked like that.


I had a similar feeling with X2. Hopefully the new Superman will be just as successful as the X2 transformation was.

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Thanks for the pics I'm loving the new colors on the Tower


You know, after 15 years of seeing the silver tower, the new red/blue scheme looks so completely natural...like it's always looked like that.


I had a similar feeling with X2. Hopefully the new Superman will be just as successful as the X2 transformation was.


I'm with matt here it took them 15 years to get it right imo the color scheme the reverse launch all of this should of been how the ride opened 1997 lol I also think it will be just a popular as the X2 trans especially if it's hitting the red it's going to be known as the scariest ride in the park with that insane drop

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^^ Speaking of the X2 transformation, I noticed on my last visit that the big "X2 - The Transformation" sign at the entry to the parking lot was finally taken down. I'm not sure why it was left up for well over a year, but for some reason it was.


I was supposed to visit SFMM this Saturday with a friend, but other plans have been made. Maybe around Christmas...


The tower looks really nice now that the yellow is making its appearance. I'm curious to see what the new cars look like.



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I'm with matt here it took them 15 years to get it right imo the color scheme the reverse launch all of this should of been how the ride opened 1997 lol I also think it will be just a popular as the X2 trans especially if it's hitting the red it's going to be known as the scariest ride in the park with that insane drop





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Rainy days are the best days to go to the park! They only close rides for lightning or very high winds. That's it.


^ Also Tidal Wave, but I never go on that anyway, and its days are probably numbered. Had so much fun today! 2 train wait for X2 at 3:00! Guess the rain scared everyone off.
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I just took a look at SFMM's calendar, and it says that on Friday, December 31, they're open from 10:30am to 6pm. Does that mean that there's no New Year's Eve event out there? I went last year and had a good time.



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I just took a look at SFMM's calendar, and it says that on Friday, December 31, they're open from 10:30am to 6pm. Does that mean that there's no New Year's Eve event out there? I went last year and had a good time.



*the following is entirely false.





No, there is. But they are simply emulating Disney's business practice of 'charging a premium for things that should be included.'


New Years at SFMM will be a ticketed event - even if you're a passholder.





*the foregoing message was entirely false.





But in all seriousness.. That does seem odd that they are not scheduled for operation that evening. If it were 2012 I'd understand.. they would just be preparing for the end of the world.. but it's only 2011..

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