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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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^Yeah, we did them same thing when we went in December, too!


We were cheering whenever people would come up, so we could continue our back seat marathon!


I didn't think it was bad, to tell you the truth. Then again, it was a freezing day...ride ops weren't too friendly there, either.



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Those are all good points... and I see why the park will be better without the coaster.


I think it is great that the company is making the parks nicer because kid or adult, a nicer park leaves a better feeling.


However, while SFMM does need this treatment, some parks (SFOT off the top of my head) do not as they already are plent family friendly. Oh well.


Sorry to get off topic... I also agree with who said that Deja Vu looks really good standing alone.



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I saw some photos a while ago of SFMM when it first opened and I must say, if they could get back to it being ANYTHING like that, it would be amazing...


Hmm, I wonder what'll go in now? That part of the park always reminded me of when I would accidentally build myself into a corner in RCT.

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Deja Vu does really look great without that piece of firewood behind it.

But I really am sad about it that I did not ride it last September when I was visiting SFMM for the first time ever.

Yes that ride was crap, but now I don't have that thing as a credit on my list.


Is Deja Vu allready back in operation after it was closed for the removing of Psyclone?


And do you have some news about Flashback??

I think it will be removed before Huricane Harber will be open for this year.

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*does the happy dance*


So Kristen was born on Saturday. Psyclone is officially gone as of Sunday. I wonder what wonderful even will happen today, Monday. Maybe Flashback will spontaneously implode.




Although since Eric brought it up, maybe that plot of land is cursed. I mean, three coasters, none of which really lasted that long (Psyclone lasted nearly two decades, but 3/4 of that was as a torture device). Makes you wonder...

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Since both of the rides that you are referring to happened to end up i Texas (Sarajavo Bobsleds became La Vibora at SFOT / Shockwave eventually became Batman the Escape at the former SFAW), I have been on both.


Scarajavo Bobsleds (La Vibora) is a great ride for children, a bit painful when the cars would enter the blocks spread throughout the track and the cars would shake. However, it has HORRIBLE capacity.



Shockwave (Batman the Escape) is a simple but fun ride. It is not great by todays standards, but it was stiall plenty fun.




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A good chunck of the parkinglot is already done, but it looks as if they only painted a layer of "black paint" over it! It's still as bumpy and cracky as ever. And yes, they lines have already been repainted, so it is the final coat of that black paint.





Sorry to dissapoint, but there wont be a SFMM update for this past weekend. We even got a mini Psyclone grave-tour and I forgot my memory card at home!






p.s. 100 pages....I feel dirty.

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I can certainly see why they got rid of it, but I was actually one of the psychos who liked that ride... I figured out how to ride it without getting in pain, and it was pretty fun. But judging from the moans and groans I would hear coming off of that one (and the VERY short lines), I was one of the few.


I noticed they got rid of the station, too. I could be mistaken, but I think they used that same station for the Sarajevo Bobsleds and Shockwave.


The big question is what are they going to put there in its place?

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I actually believe that the shed which housed the transfer track was the station house for the Bobsleds, and I'm unclear exactly where Shockwave was stationed. I recall Shockwave being at the park when I was a little (say 3ish) however beyond it simply existing, I can't really remember much about the specifics of it.

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I'm curious if the theme around the whole "Cyclone Bay" (was it Pysclone or Cyclone bay?) has changed at all. It'll be interesting to see how that area changes now, without having a trademark (yeah I'm ignoring Deja Vu) ride back there, that they can really theme around. Even if a Wiggles/Thomas the Tank area is placed where Psyclone was, it seems as the park is going to have a patch of the park with little to no theme.

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Deja Vu does really look great without that piece of firewood behind it.

But I really am sad about it that I did not ride it last September when I was visiting SFMM for the first time ever.

Yes that ride was crap, but now I don't have that thing as a credit on my list.


Is Deja Vu allready back in operation after it was closed for the removing of Psyclone?


And do you have some news about Flashback??

I think it will be removed before Huricane Harber will be open for this year.


No, Deja Vu is still closed, and will remain closed until March 24th. It is currently in its annual rehab.


I also believe that Flashback will be gone before Hurricane Harbor re-opens for the season because lt'll probably be noisy taking it down, and possibly a hazard to people in the nearby pool closest to flashback.

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The big question is what are they going to put there in its place?


I think we can all safely assume a Wiggles World or Thomas & Friends area (or both).


Anybody that hopes a new roller coaster will go in Psyclone's place is gravely mistaken.


about the kid themed area going where psyclone was:


wouldn't the noise level from Deja be too loud?


5 words for you:


Camp Snoopy and Montezooma's Revenge.

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A good chunck of the parkinglot is already done, but it looks as if they only painted a layer of "black paint" over it! It's still as bumpy and cracky as ever. And yes, they lines have already been repainted, so it is the final coat of that black paint.


I will be so disappointed if the lot underneath Scream isn't "taken care" considering the park is redoing the parking area. Even if they don't rip out the asphalt beneath it, I hope to God at least they resurface it like they're doing with the parking area to hide the parking lines.


I'm curious if the theme around the whole "Cyclone Bay" (was it Pysclone or Cyclone bay?) has changed at all. It'll be interesting to see how that area changes now, without having a trademark (yeah I'm ignoring Deja Vu) ride back there, that they can really theme around. Even if a Wiggles/Thomas the Tank area is placed where Psyclone was, it seems as the park is going to have a patch of the park with little to no theme.


It's Cyclone Bay. I'm sure the park has intentions on renaming the area in the near future seeing has how many new radical changes are occuring in that one section of the park and the "boardwalk" theme is pretty much disappearing.

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