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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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If these new cars are lighter, then it's possible they won't have to do much, if anything, to the launch system to get the cars to go higher than they used to. Has anyone seen the new cars testing on it yet, and if so, how high did they go? I think if they are lighter they will go higher, maybe not as high as some would like, but higher than before.

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If these new cars are lighter, then it's possible they won't have to do much, if anything, to the launch system to get the cars to go higher than they used to. Has anyone seen the new cars testing on it yet, and if so, how high did they go? I think if they are lighter they will go higher, maybe not as high as some would like, but higher than before.

In theory yes, the launch system wouldn't have to do as much because it takes less momentum to get a lighter object to a certain speed then a heavier object. At least I think it's momentum, somebody correct me if I'm wrong, I think I'm mixing up my physics terms.


However if the new trains still have the same friction force as the old ones, launching it at whatever speed the old ones went at would not make the new trains go any higher. So if the new trains have decreased friction, in theory the launch system wouldn't have to do as much work AND the trains could go higher relative to the old ones. That would be a total win win for Magic Mountain because they wouldn't have to spend as much money to launch the trains and the trains would also reach a higher height.


But then again, I'm just hypothesizing, I have absolutely zero idea as to how much the new trains weigh vs. the old ones or what the friction coefficients are. I might be dead wrong, I just think that physics is kind of cool to think about! I'm definitely looking forward to seeing what happens with Superman.

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Thats a good point, maybe the new cars will have less friction, I didn't think of that. Lighter cars & less friction = higher travel. But then again lighter cars might also mean less momentum, because of less mass, to carry the cars farther up.


Cool, this is fascinating!

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Wouldn't there be some level of concern and a decent amount of testing involved with the cars changing weight? I'm no expert on the matter, but I'd imagine that the tuning of the magnets would be somewhat precise to get it down the track at 100mph. Just look at all the testing and the delays that went into it the first time around.



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^http://www.intaminworldwide.com/iag/docu/ZacSpin_Web.pdf Insane looks like the 50/210 model, but I guess they made it smaller...


But they're nothing alike...Even looking at both for a few seconds shows a ton of differences.

-Insanes support structure looks like a a giant "W", the 50/120 model is more of an "A" shape.

-Insane has a curved lift, the 50/210 is straight.

-Insane has a big long straight bit on the top level, 50/120 doesn't.

-Insane has a little airtime hill on the next level down, 50/120 doesn't.

-Insane has an MCBR on the next level down, 50/120 doesn't.

-The curves on insane are more stretched out horizontally and are irregularly shaped, 50/120 the curves are all pretty proportional/ the same shape.



....featuring three, 360-degree head-over-heel spins. The GREEN LANTERN coaster will be located in the newly themed section of the park.

This bit has me interested. Notice how in the vid it shows the car doing a full somersault right on the first drop. Anyone reckon it's possible this version will somehow regulate the spin so it can do this reliably? Normally the cars don't really flip properly until they are forced over the sharp hump at the end (And even then, on a number of the POVs of insane i've seen it doesn't even make the full flip)

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Looking at the end of the video, it looks like Kids coaster will open first, then Superman, and finally Green Lantern. Perhaps KC will open in Feb. Superman April. And GL May.


Who knows. Maybe they'll build KC in 1 day.


I'm guessing they were put in that order for excitement levels.

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Looking at the end of the video, it looks like Kids coaster will open first, then Superman, and finally Green Lantern. Perhaps KC will open in Feb. Superman April. And GL May.


Who knows. Maybe they'll build KC in 1 day.


What part of the video told you that? I must have missed it.

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^ If WCB is held in March (as is tradition), I doubt if any of these rides will be open yet.



So? Need I keep having to educate you guys that once the rides are OPEN, you can ride them ANYTIME. But what has actually made WCB special these past few years is the "once in a lifetime opprotunity" to get those backstage construction tours and some behind the scenes insight as the rides are going up.


Sure, as cool as it would have been to ride Terminator during 2009's WCB, wasn't it also REALLY COOL to be able to get all the photos from the backstage area of the ride under construction?


You can ride Terminator as much as you want today, but you can't get those photos or have that experience we had at WCB ever again.



Edited by robbalvey
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I'm sorry that I mentioned that "idea" - I've deleted all those posts because people were responding as though something was actually happening. And I don't want anyone to be disappointed if it doesn't happen. So it's better to just remove them. Sorry about that.

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"But what has actually made WCB special these past few years is the 'once in a lifetime opprotunity' to get those backstage construction tours and some behind the scenes insight as the rides are going up." (Robb)


Sorry about that---my bad. I wasn't even thinking about ride construction photo opportunities.



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Anyone else think SFMM might surprise us and make Green Lantern into a whole new themed area, with some new landscaping, viewing area and a couple of family flat rides ala Gotham? One can only hope, but I think this would be a great way to add a new coaster, plus silence a few complains that there's nothing for non coaster riders to do.

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I would expect the area around the Slaughterhouse to be spruced up with landscaping, but as far as a whole new themed area, I would be completely suprised. As it is, that area by Batman is one of the most unused parts of the park, and for the majority of people it will feel like a "new" themed area.

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Looking at the end of the video, it looks like Kids coaster will open first, then Superman, and finally Green Lantern. Perhaps KC will open in Feb. Superman April. And GL May.


Who knows. Maybe they'll build KC in 1 day.


What part of the video told you that? I must have missed it.

Look at the end where it shows them in bold print.

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After going on the Road to Cedar Point TPR trip next August and knocking out some of the big East Coast and Midwest Parks...My next trip has to be to get out to the West Coast and get to SFMM! The park looks AMAZING

Well, if you can hold off a year, it looks like we may do another West Coast Trip in 2012....and with what looks like might be going on at knotts for 2012...you might want to wait a year!





Doesn't take much to sell me on this trip! Ha

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Looking at the end of the video, it looks like Kids coaster will open first, then Superman, and finally Green Lantern. Perhaps KC will open in Feb. Superman April. And GL May.


Who knows. Maybe they'll build KC in 1 day.


What part of the video told you that? I must have missed it.

Look at the end where it shows them in bold print.

I don't think that was written to mean what order the rides were going to open!



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