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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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^ Ninja has a drop? . Also I was thinking a little about Superman. I remember at WCB hearing that it was one of the park's main goals to paint Superman, so I think a re-theme is definitely possible. I can't imagine how fun it would be being launched backwards and then dropping straight back down!

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Imo something Big coming to Superman has nothing to do with the the ride it's self, I believe something big is a hint referring to Superman's new neighbor posibly Bizzaro. They have stated they want to pull crowds from X, They have stated they are working with Intamin what better way to pull crowds then with something big and fast. Also installing something new on top of the mountain would be a nice distraction while they dismantle S:TE in the future, it's a money hog, low capcity, and a maintence nightmare it's doom is inevitable IMO.


They also reported to the LA Times that there would be a new coaster and they were taking back the most coasters crown I know things change but I would like to believe that those plans are still active, They are saving alot of money with all the cutbacks, ride rebirths and relocations, I would hope it's because they want to keep the company afloat and give atleast one of it's star parks a big shiny new ride for the chains 50th anniversary. Most everyone is going to think Chang or what ever they call it is a brand new coaster and maybe even the Giant, I doubt anyone is going to believe S:TE is a brand new ride even with a repaint and cars turned around it's pointless IMO.

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Superman is cool and all for what it is, but just a retheme and launching a car (or even both cars) backwards doesn't really do much to pique my interest. Sure, I'd check it it out and ride it just to experience any changes they made to it, but I doubt that those types of changes would suddenly change my opinion of it very drastically. Honestly, I've only ridden S:TE a handful of times and the majority of those were during WCB events when it literally had no line at all. The very first time I rode it required a wait of about 45 minutes or so and after riding I didn't really feel the need to ride it anytime again soon. I hope for either one of 2 things: That launching backwards and retheming will make more of a positive difference than I currently think it will, or that they actually have bigger and more exciting plans than that.

Edited by Mechanic
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^I agree. If it turns out to be a retheme with one side going backwards, I wouldn't be in any hurry to go on it. All it seems to me is just a back tower on a shuttle loop, just steeper and taller. I'm personally hoping for a rocket coaster replacement, because there is more to it and would have a larger rider capacity. Also a rocket coaster I think would do better at attracting more of the local general public to ride. Because it is obviously different and looks more intimidating to the general public's eye so they would come flocking to see in busloads. Which would be great for the park.

Edited by gforce532
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^I'm personally hoping for a rocket coaster replacement. Or any ideas that are cooler that I haven't heard mentioned yet.


I wouldn't hold your breath on that. Six Flags is still in a huge amount of debt. It's like when you ask your parents for an advance on your allowance, they give it to you, you spend it all, and then you want to buy something else but you can't because you owe your parents first.

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^I'm personally hoping for a rocket coaster replacement. Or any ideas that are cooler that I haven't heard mentioned yet.


I wouldn't hold your breath on that. Six Flags is still in a huge amount of debt. It's like when you ask your parents for an advance on your allowance, they give it to you, you spend it all, and then you want to buy something else but you can't because you owe your parents first.


That doesn't mean they're going to stop investing in their parks. While I wouldn't expect a huge, expensive coaster next year either, I suspect something "marketable" is going to happen next year. Especially going up against what Universal, Disney and Knotts have planned.

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Prediction: The retrofit of Superman is the big coaster plan for 2011, similar to how X2 was the big project in it's debut year. Also, because of the 50th, would not be surprised to see Dance Coaster with a new theme other than Mr. Six. Would also not be surprised to see something from American Adventures showing up at SFMM. Would not be suprised to see Riddler's Revenge being themed into Green Lantern, as tie-in to the movie.


Side note: Glad to see SF finally using the term "magic" somewhere in the park. evn if it's on of their ride closure signs. For one of the SF parks that has an actual theme in it's name, they haven't done much with the concept of "magic" despite the rise in popularity of fantasy in pop culture over the last decade.

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^Green Lantern sounds like a great theme for a coaster, but it would totally rub me the wrong way if they did that to Riddler's Revenge. I hope they either apply the theme to a brand new coaster in the chain, or one with a less iconic name. (Chang?)

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^I agree I would hate to see Riddler's get rethemed. It is iconic in a way and the music playing in the station is just awesome... I hope I'll be able to go back to MM soon to hear that music again
They need to keep that music in the station. It's one of my favorite station songs!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PCV-7gxJI0E I wouldn't like a retheme, either. I do think a nice, fresh coat of paint would be nice, though.

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Riddler Would never be retrofitted. Why would they try and retheme an Arch enemy of Batman? The fact that they are adjacent, the name fits nicley. YES! They must keep that music there, too! I always play that song while I'm driving.


I still think it will be a light makeover if they did anything to Superman.

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