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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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I agree with Chuck. Superman is a "fine" ride, but hardly worth waiting for. AND, usually, it has a 45min line when almost everything else in the park is a short wait/walk on.


Hopefully they are working on a new train design that will bring S:TE back to its' 100mph potential.


PS Magic Mountain - A 400ft drop ride off the backside would be a welcome addition to the park too.


-Mr. Bebe

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Why don't they use the LIMs to make an actual launching coaster? It could be more precise and no risk of shredded cables


A LIM launch isnt nearly as instantaneous as a cable launch. Not to say that a LIM system isn't a safer / more practical solution.

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Maybe I'm reading too much into the sign, but I find it odd that the sign says that "Superman" will be returning in 2011 instead of "Superman: The Escape".





Is it possible that the long rumor of Superman's tower being re purposed for a new coaster may actually come true?

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All of your theories, while nice, are missing the hidden conundrum. Did you all notice that the word Magic is in a different font. And if we break the word Magic up. We get something all together different.


MA- Like as in Ma Ma! The sound a baby or (kid) makes when it wants it's mother.

G- The fabled Grafenberg spot on a woman that when rubbed correctly with your index finger causes wave after wave of ecstacy.

IC- The sound a woman makes when a creepy dude tries to hit on her.


So based on the assumption that something "MAGIC" is going to happen to Superman. We will be getting a kiddy ride that is at least exciting for a woman to ride, but in the end makes you fee like you've just watched "To Catch a Predator."


In other words, Mr.Six's Dance coaster re-themed to Superman and put up at the top of Samurai Summit.


Guy "You gotta know how to read these signs." Koepp

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According to an old ride-op that used to post on a different forum Superman doesn't run both sides simultaneously due to the power house things in the middle of the two tracks used to get really really hot. According to him on a hot day at Magic Mountain (when is it not hot there during the summer?) the last power house thing actually caught on fire because it got so hot and they had to shut the ride down for an extended period of time to fix it. I have no proof to back this claim up so don't bet on it.


But I do know that the reason they don't launch it at full speed anymore is to save on power usage. Does anybody know if LIMs consume any less power than LSMs?


My thoughts on the 50th:

When Shapiro was still in he said that all of the parks were getting new stuff for the 50th. I'm pretty sure that he said Magic Mountain would be getting a new coaster but that's just based off of memory. Granted Mr. Six has been pushed back a year to 2011 and Al Weber has stated that he's not going on a spending binge for the 50th anymore. My guess is quite a few plans were canceled when he came in. The way I personally see it is that this is what Magic Mountain will be getting for the 50th; a refreshed Superman/Bizarro or whatever it turns out to be and the Mr. Six coaster. I'd be genuinely surprised if they put in a new coaster on top of all that.



But dangit I think Robb knows what's going on! Tell us Robb!!!!

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they could just turn around the cars and make it go backwards. that sounds like it would be cheap, easy, and really change the experience.

Ha! What a silly idea. They would never do anything like that.

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I would sort of like the idea of holding the trains at the top of the tower, a bit like vertical velocity, and then having a surprise free-fall section of the ride. Also, is it possible to make "less" noise with the launch, and not being able to hear it from halfway across the park?

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Actually Screamscape has been hinting it could happen that the Superman cars might go backwards. It could be done. If you think about it Superman is pretty boring nowadays. It's not the best launch there is. I'm glad they are enhancing it. Another idea: it could turn into a Kinda Ka!!! But I highly dought that since Knotts has Xcelator. Hm. Going backwards up the hill would turn it into a more intense ride. I'm sure that's what they will do.

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